Monday, January 12, 2009

Bill and Marsha Burns Share

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- January 12, 2009:
"You have come in this season to a time of elevation. The struggles that you have endured in the past will be quickly overcome. You have a tremendous desire to be found in God's purposes even though you have not seen the manifestation of His purposes in your life. But, now you will begin to see this manifestation in your circumstances. Watch, however, for the devil is going to try to bounce you out of what God is doing. So, it may be like taking three steps forward and one step back, but don't let the one step back stop you. You will still be gaining ground. Come into this new day, forgetting the torments of the past. The Spirit of God will rest upon you and fill you with His presence and give you the determination to go forward, and you will become known as an overcomer, for you will overcome what life's circumstances have thrown at you. You will also need to break the power of generational curses so that you can go forward in divine purpose. As you continue to move ahead your faith will increase. "

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns --January 12, 2009:
"Beloved, don't stay where you are. I will impart revelation that is beyond what you could think or believe. This is a time of alignment, when I will align you with kingdom purpose and destiny. But, you have to want it. Reach! Stretch! Come up! Stir up your desire, and put forth the effort to focus on Me and all that I have to give you. Ask and you will receive, says the Lord.
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

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