Saturday, March 29, 2008

Go Now My Son: Beyond the Church Realm and Back

(a prophetic word of direction) Apostolic Prophet Garry Vermilion

Isa 43:18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, [and] rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, [and] rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

Beyond the mundane realm of church truisms there is a living body of knowledge that really does set captives free. Beyond the endless proclamations of a “new thing” come, there is a new reality so fresh, and vital, it beggars description, and yet it has no place in the church, as it is sadly unrecognizable within the activities of the religious. Thus the question will you perceive (know) it? If so, if you do perceive the new, you will probably not be long-found in the mass of religious activity, which as flurries of snow, blow, swirl, through, in and out the church ad-nausium. Snow is water frozen, droplets disconnected from other frozen droplets, but in the same storm. The river that flowed through church is now frozen over from cold. The cold wind that blows is one which eminates from hearts that left first love, for the excitement of whoredom, and now sleep there. The flurry of activities just blow the same snow around in a whirlwind, it is an ever more dirty wind which brings no change.

The Christian sub-culture has grown cold exponentially. Performance-based religion is so enfused in church, that it shall not quickly wane. It is a lover. Yet the bound cannot set free anyone. The present source of freeing-flowing-cool water is in the wilderness.

Psa 119:130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

We must have a mind cleansing to walk freely in the next dimension of God’s glory. To be cleansed from past blinding church thinking is the start. To see the new is essential. In a sense to be animalistic as a beast, is to have a way made in the wilderness, and is a better way of honoring God then proper churchanity. For the anmial can drink from the rivers in the desert. God is recreating a people in His image and after His likeness. God is love, but God is also terrible. To be in His image and after His likeness is to carry both realities. You carry the cool waters of spirit to drink. Water with no lack and no one saying: “No more, its not time, not here, we don’t do that.” Not so in the wilderness where the beast lives. You alone say, when you are full, and can drink no more. You can stroke your deepest passion for Him. No problem can now arise, of going beyond the set church time. There is no time but eternity. The time is now to drink. You are chosen. He has formed you for himself. You have become worship. Where you are, His praise is. You have found the hub in the middle of the wheel. You are spinning attached to Him- His presence. Your soul is a witness, your life a testimony, your hope a resurrected Lord. Your reality, is joy. Your hope is higher, farther, more of Father.

Gone are the days of altar crying over backslidings of the heart, while hoping for His wink. You sleep with the master now. Yet you often cry, for it is the language of a broken heart. Broken for the church. It is no temple. Selah

You are accepted, pure, holy, and true. You behold Him and now you have become like Him. The vessel has been remade. He in you arises to the truth of the ages. You are the temple of the Lord. The waters flow from your threshold. Living waters bubble up from within you like an artisan well slowly spreading on to the land, becoming greater as they go. You have His mind, heart and love. Your memories become vague of the old things, the times of church betrayal. The desert thirsts for you. You respond with water. Only clear pure water do you have. Water does not take sides. It only has life to give. You are a refreshing drink. Pure water is all that bubbles from you. You are not come to take over. You are already over. You are a covering of liquid life. You are not a troubled stream. You are a priest of peaceful strength, a bulwark protecting others from the evil confusion, that attacks the minds of they who inhabit the enslaved city. You are sweet wine. Will they taste and see?

The best wine is for last. The glorious joy of this day will far outshine the fading glories of the past. You have suffered outside the camp with Jesus. He is Lord.

Yet you are terrible, terrible, my friend, terrible. You are the outcast, with a new home. The perplexed with answers, the downtrodden with a new high plateau. You are the despised, yet you are the anointed, the blessed of the King. You are both loved and feared. You are hopeful, and the answer to the hopelessness of this day. You have traversed the Labyrinth of religious confusion, and you know the way through.

Your eyes are fires of truth. Your hands are cleansed from blood. Your mind is His. In a day of judgment, you were given in judgment.

You can tear down and build up, uproot and plant, dismantle and establish.

Go now my son. Show forth My praise! Offer them my way out. You too stand at the door of the church and knock. If any man hear His voice in you and obey then salvation has come in such a time as this.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Overcoming the Political Spirit in the Church

This is a great political year in the natural realm. The battle of words will be fierce at times.

But be aware this same spirit can also spread into your Church or fellowship. Guard against alignment with those with any agenda that does not have peace resonating from it. This is the way to avoid shipwreck from a political spirit, which would seek to work a man agenda, and put together a coalition other then that of the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace.

Be at peace and rest. Do not worry. Trust God. Refuse to speak unfounded accusations in any way.

Purpose, Destiny, Opportunity, Courage

Mark Hanby: "Purpose is defined as pleasure desire--what really matters in life. Destiny is having what you desire find its opportunity. If time and chance converge with your desire, you experience a moment that is encapsulated with destiny. "

Most of us who are healthy have a voice and a platform. In fact all life speaks or witnesses of God. There is a time that you have come to... a time in Christ. This is The Time of His deliverance of you, from the old into the new. Your desire is a key to your future. You will only be joyful when the thing you desire is the thing you were meant to do. And that joy manifests only when the thing you desire finds its opportunity. And then as success is given joy increases.

Down through the ages men who have made a difference for the world, by finding the God thing they were to do, have had one thing in common. They were backed into a corner where their choice was to either, go on in mundane Churchism, or to arise to do something that affected their world. They invariably chose to do the unusual, the fearful, the thing that would touch their world. However just to choose that dangerous coming out of the mundane does not mean you will be a success for God. You must over- come that which you came out to change, or you will end up forgotten by man and plagued by feelings of failure.

We hear His call, We answer, but We must persevere to His success.

Our prayers then in this hour are for three things. The understanding and realization of the God opportunity, the courage to step into it, and the blessing of God upon you to fulfill it in His power and anointing.

Ours is to be faithful. His is to be God. Our full destiny is only possible in the convergence of the two.

Remember this in these things. David wanted to build God a temple. The prophet said: "Do all that is in your heart." But God had already through David's process built the temple that was after His own heart.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Just Want to Matter

"I just want to matter." June Carter Cash

Deu 10:12 And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,

Father Mark Hanby says: "Passion makes life worth living." Some men want to live a good life and go to heaven. They rarely make a difference in other's lives. Beyond that self-focused existence is a better way of living, living a life that matters. It is a simple thing to matter in this life. All you need to do is to find what God has ordained in your life and fulfill it.

There is purpose for your life. To find it is to find joy. Joy is the third dimension of the manifestation of the kingdom. You cannot have joy without righteousness and peace. The first dimension righteousness, leads to peace. When a man has peace, joy is a possibility. When the Father tells us He desires to give us the kingdom, we can know that He desires that we live in a state called joy.

To find out what really matters to God for our life is the key to completing His will in the earth. The glory that fills the earth is not just the Holy Spirit, it is the Christ living in us.

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Glory is the fullest expression of a thing. The word "kabod", translated glory in our English Bibles has the connotation of carrying the fullest mature expression of God. For the whole earth to be filled with God's glory is a wonder to me. (Selah)You and me, are the one who produce this glory in the earth. You are the one who releases the glory of God into the atmosphere around you. You create the glory of God where you are.

The Glory is, "Christ in us". The glory is only fully released through us when we arrive in kingdom joy. God has imparted His glory of His Son in His church. Glory is released when we find our place and live His life in it. Your place may be big or small, but glory is to be in it all!

Are you sad? The sadness in your life is the hunger for glory. Life becomes hopeless when we do not find our purpose. Do you know a sad person? They are a person who did not find their purpose. The problem you now face is, "Will your life matter?" To matter, you need to be working out your salvation, that is to say doing the work Yeshua has given you. This is where a problem arises. We must be carried in our work by Spirit alone. We will be the one doing the work, but if it is not done in Spirit strength, we will become religious. Our God in us, is what makes our life matter. But our works for Him are what makes our life full of hope. Hope is in purpose. Him working through you is glorious.

Faith leads to hope, which produces the love in our life. Love is glorious. It is the full expression of God.

Why do Christians over the world struggle with reoccurring spiritual depressions? They have not found their purpose. They work for God, but they do not fulfill His purpose. Love is lacking. Love is to obey. Sacrifice is not enough. Worship is heart and deed.

The "How" of worship is so important. His purpose is lived in a called place and time. It is also tied to a specific people. The greatest worship you can bring to God will be expressed with the people He has given you to. (and to you) In this place depressed feelings flee. In this place, sickness wanes, and revelation flows. The external form of a Sunday Morning meeting is secondary to the internal spirit of a people. The heart of a people in koninia is one of love, and peace. A sound mind will result in that place. Rejoice, He will build His church. It will manifest kingdom. It will as it goes into the world preach, teach, and prophesy.

When you see the truth, when you know Him, He sets you free in mind. You then know that spirit work is mostly not done from raised platforms of wood and steel. God had Solomon build that type of thing,in honor of His son David's request. David worshipped in a tent, or on a rock. The temple God raises now, is you. The Spirit will raise you to a new plateau where you can look on the congregation of the world and speak truth into it. The place is anywhere of God's chosing. When He is done with that word, that time, that message, He will move you on, up. We are always pressing on toward the high call, but sometimes that press leads us to places where we spend years speaking to a same people just one message. Love will make the long call blessed. His purpose may contain many plateaus. Each one is to be the base for what is above, up, higher. You are the temple holding the glory. Obedeince brings its release.

I am a multi-faceted person. That gift, brings both the blessed ability to fit in most places, and the problem of being able to fit in the wrong place as well. The way to avoid shipwreck is to listen to God. The way to get on the path and keep on the path is to hear and obey. Your mind can think of many things. Your spirit will only be at peace when you are in, His Thing, in His time, in His place.

Dr. Hanby when teaching on Solomon noted he was "project oriented". He did the temple "thing" with his whole heart. Then after it was finished, he turned to strange God's trying to fill his life with a thrill that matched what he had done at God's call. His life had no purpose after he went home from work. Your call is not a project for a time, but part of the whole call of what God is doing in the earth. Thankfully Solomon had a revelation that would bring meaning to the end of his life and wisdom to us.

When Solomon closed the writing of the book of Ecclesiastes, he concluded with this:

Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. (14) For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether [it be] evil.

In this we know, Solomon had found what gives life meaning. It was not enough just to fear God. It was not enough to do for God in honor of his Father David. He also had to keep His commands to keep His purpose. Your life's' purpose is lived out by staying in commitment to the ministry He called you to. Joy and purpose are not in that actual work, but in the commitment to God. Your joy is realized because of obedience to the call not because of the work. But if you are not involved in the work of it, you will not have joy, for you will not be in His place, and time.

If you are not already set, He is about to set you in a house. The lack of ease you feel is a prophesy that change is coming. When He sets you, the new place, will be your platform of operation. Yet, it is not the final goal. Glory released is. Christ is the Prize!

Obedience is now. You will only matter in this world to others,if you obey Him. It is not enough to live a good life. You must have a life with meaning. This is what I call a glorious life. This is the life that matters.

Trust and Obey.

Mat 5:6 Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

The Father's Good Pleasure

Luk 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

The Father wants you to live fearlessly. "No Fear", as the monster trucks prophesied to us years ago. This place without fear is called the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit.

The kingdom is not the church. The kingdom is only discernible by the spirit. The carnal can easily see and talk about church, religious organizations, and good deeds. But the kingdom is spiritual. The kingdom cannot be earned, it is given freely of Father who is pleasured to do this. There is no fear in His perfect love.

That is Father's desire for you. NO FEAR!

He commanded it! Fear Not! This is obedience. This is your reasonable service. This is to love Him.

Got Peace?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We proclaim the end of the draught. We have waited in faith, though sometimes in a cave. We believe you Lord.

We proclaim the baal structure has come down. The church can no longer operate in old pattern that is unable to produce greater glory. To do so is death.

We proclaim that hope return to the oppressed in the land. They who have not bowed knees to baal.

We proclaim the release of finances, health and healing, love, faith, hope, and the return of sound minds. Come to the arising kingdom prophet.

We proclaim the defeat of mammon in the land. Let Washington, be brought into submission of the truth. Let the truth about our government's lies and traitorous acts be brought daily before the people.

Let the intercessor hear the call to topple the evil of government in local, state, and nation venues.

We proclaim a return of work and jobs to America. Good paying jobs with honor and dignity.

We proclaim a consistent over turn in elected officials in this land until righteousness once again exalt the nation.

We proclaim there is no cure for the elites who work against the interest of the American people. They will be hanged from the gallows of the doings of their own hands.

We proclaim separation of flesh and spirit. Let the fleshly gather in pits of failed man-ness but let the righteous be exalted to the throne room to rule and reign with the king.

Let the minions of hell be diverted and defeated from plans of destruction for man.

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let baal and mammon's defeat be their shame through the ages for their rebellion against the most high.

Let true restoration come for evil takeovers by religious, evil, hateful, proud, lying devils who said they were for God, but proved they had agendas every one.
Let there be no restoration with these without repentance.

Let the evil doers be thrown on a bed of affliction...let Jezebel suffer the shame of her own witchcraft.

Let the children of the righteous flourish. Let the hope of the nation be imparted to the next generation.

Let God receive His praise in this hour.

For God is America's hope. God alone can change the government of the church and the nation. We call it done. We await the day of sight.

Be praised our Lord Jesus. Be praised. Let Jesus have His rightful place in the land.

Mat 19:30 But many [that are] first shall be last; and the last [shall be] first.

Now that you have read through this proclamation, and if your spirit is in agreement, go back and speak it aloud, and add your voice to the voice of resistance against the evil control of baal, mammon, and religion.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Destiny's Direction from Marsha Burns

Faith Tabernacle
P. O. Box 1148
Kremmling, Colorado 80459

"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes.
So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. John 3:8

by Marsha Burns

Where have we been?

1. The Third Day Church (a dispensation of the third millennium since Christ), which began on Feast of Trumpets 2000:

a. Was the beginning of a time of greater revelation of the Word of God and the end times.

b. Brought further revelation of the Tabernacle of Moses as showing the plan of redemption:
Door, brazen altar, brazen laver -- all types of Christ and redemption.

Holy Place—table of showbread, candlestick, altar of incense -- the work of the Holy Spirit
Holy of Holies – ark of the covenant, mercy seat -- the work of God, the Father, and His covenant with us.

There have been continued layers of revelation of the plan for God’s people.

c. Brought further revelation of the Feasts also showing the plan of redemption & end times.
Jesus fulfilled The Feast of Passover on the Cross, Unleavened Bread in the grave, First fruits at His resurrection.
The Holy Spirit fulfilled The Feast of Pentecost in 32 AD.
The Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled at the end of the harvest of souls, the Church will be raptured.
The Feast of Atonement will signal Israel’s salvation and God’s judgment when He separates the sheep from the goats.
The Feast of Tabernacles begins the Millennial Reign on the earth.

2. A year ago we began the new spiritual season with the primary focus on order. Every crisis that we endured was for the purpose of bringing divine order.

3. We’ve been in a time of continued intense spiritual warfare.

4. It’s been a time of extremes … the best of times and worst of times.

Where are we now?
1. Beginning to move from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age – change of focus.
2. Learning how to dwell together in unity.
3. Being established in a higher degree of divine order as God brings every area of our lives under His rule.
4. Learning to run with the horses – more intense level of warfare, precise battle plans.
5. Moving in a divine flow of blessing as we abide in the covenant of the Joseph Anointing. We must be diligent stewards of what we are given.

Vital points to our part in the Covenant of Grace:

1. Stay in Christ and His anointing.

2. Stay in the flow of the Holy Spirit.

3. Don’t get trapped by the world, the flesh or the devil – it will result in spiritual death.

4. Stay within the safe boundary of NOW; don’t try to live in the future.

5. Be in the right place with God or we won’t receive His signals.

God’s part:

1. Supernatural blessings

2. Grace to do all that He sets before us

5. Restoration of what has been stolen

6. Healing on all levels

7. Clarity of vision and direction

Where are we going?

Not long ago Bill, in a time of ministry, encouraged us to ask God for something we really wanted. I asked God to bring me to a New Plateau, but not a pinnacle. I asked that I wouldn’t stand alone, but He would bring us all to a new level of revelation and service in the Kingdom. I believe He heard my prayer.

Psalm 18: 19-21 He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me. The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me. For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.

A Plateau is an extensive land area having a relatively level surface raised sharply above adjacent land, a relatively stable level, period of time or condition, a level of attainment or achievement.

I remember the word that the Lord gave me some time ago that “old ceilings will become new floors.”

Recent Small Straws:

You are poised and ready to rise up to a new plateau of breakthrough in various areas of your experience, but you must be persistent in order to push through the places where you have been blocked. Do not give up or settle for less than what you consider to be your optimum potential. I have gone before you to make a way for you to achieve this breakthrough. Trust Me to bring you through, says the Lord.

Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.

Be sensitive to possibilities and opportunities for expansion. I will bring to your attention doors that you can go through that will result in increase. Allow Me to direct you to take advantage of your potential to grow. Do not be afraid to be stretched as you move forward into unfamiliar spiritual territory; I am with you every step of the way.

You are about to arise and come up. You are going to grow up and ascend to a new spiritual level.

You are now in the early stages of preparation for a new spiritual year, which will be another step up in terms of covenant, revelation and blessing. This New Plateau will require a greater level of commitment. The gift of discernment will be vital to the success of every endeavor. Wait patiently for My wisdom and direction before any major exertion of time, energy or finances. Any undertaking that is motivated by your fleshly desires instead of My Spirit will produce disappointment.

Just as deep calls to deep, My Spirit calls to your spirit to come up higher. I have gone before you to prepare a place, a New Plateau. …I am the Way-maker, and I have set a path before you, so now come! Move to the sound of My leading, you who have ears to hear.

The Lord spoke the word “continuum” to me (sequence, progression).

We will continue in cycles and seasons.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

We will continue to wake up each morning to face the challenges of the day. I had a dream that I had new computer software. It was a game where you would have to figure out how to meet random challenges. And, there were various tools to use in doing so. Some of the tools I can remember were: Knowledge, Wisdom, Prayer, Warfare, Faith, Courage, Strength, Love, Peace, Money, Communication; there was an entire menu of things to use in the quest to win the game. But, the main idea was that it was a game. It was fun, and everything needed to win was provided. And then, the joy of victory!

Life is just like this game.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Our tools to win over the challenges we face are found in our relationship to God and in trusting Him to show us the right tools to use in any given situation. Defeat will be the outcome if we believe the devil’s lies and get into fear.
Some of you remember the famous bumper sticker from the late 60’s that read “I Found It.” The burning question at that time for most of us was, “What was IT they found?” Well, I’m ready to update the bumper sticker to “I Found It, I’ve Got IT, and I’m Keeping It!” What have I found? LIFE in the Spirit!

Words from the Lord for this time:

You have felt like you are in over your head, doing things that you have little knowledge of or experience in accomplishing. And, I say to you that it IS true that you are in over your head, but you are NOT in over My head, says the Lord. If you will ask for wisdom, I will give it, and I will empower you to do all that is set before you. Refuse to allow fear to paralyze you or keep you from moving forward. Remember that you “can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”.

Old things and old ways of doing things will no longer facilitate you in accomplishing what is set before you. You are living in new times that will require you to embrace more efficient ways of carrying out My plans and purposes. Do not be afraid to learn new things (perhaps even technical processes) that will equip you to deal more effectively with your challenges. I will provide the necessary instruction as you yield to this transition, says the Lord. Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them."

Prepare for a course correction. You have come to a point of decision where you can go no further until you find resolution in your current situation. You will either have to make adjustments and come to a new level of understanding and commitment or abandon it altogether. The choice is yours, but you will not be able to maintain status quo.

You are about to awaken out of a slumber of idolatry that was brought about by fear of man and a desire to please people. This has been a great hindrance in your life and has resulted in compromise. Your loyalties are being tested, and your devotion will be redefined as you are elevated to the level of fearing and pleasing the Lord only.

You are coming to a level of spiritual maturity that will be astounding in contrast to your past religious experience. If you are willing, I will bring you out of carnal, social Christianity into the reality of life in the Spirit. But, you must stir up your desire to really know Me, says the Lord.

In an effort to forget past offenses you have buried some things that need to be reviewed and forgiven. I am shining the light on bondages from the past, and I will reveal every hidden work of darkness against you. It is time for you to be truly free. And, in the process of this spiritual emancipation you will find that you have been miraculously healed and delivered. It’s time!

You have tried desperately to find your niche as you struggle to know where you belong. If you will stop striving to find acceptance and camaraderie among your peers and instead seek to abide in Me, then you will find a people of like mind who dwell together in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace. However, as long as your focus is on you and your desires to be accepted, even if you are among like-minded people you will still feel like an outcast.

You have entered the River of God, and the power of that flow will carry you to places beyond your wildest expectations. Continue to yield to the moving of My Spirit as I show you things that you “know not of.” The flowing of this river will bring revelation of the progression of destiny in every aspect. Be at rest and let Me take you where I will, says the Lord.

Prophetic Direction for 2008
by Marsha Burns

Revelation That Overcomes
You will arise to a new level of overcoming. You have already begun to see patterns in your life that have consistently opened the door to the enemy’s work against you. These patterns will become increasingly apparent as you progress and punish disobedience with your obedience. Rejoice in this process.

Your struggle is not over, but if you look back you can see that victory has come more speedily than in times past. This is because you have learned to release your anger and bitterness and have refused the victim position. You will continue to rise up to defeat the enemy more effectively as you choose to exercise your faith in Me to bring you through.

Do not be afraid of unknown challenges that lie ahead. You cannot fight the battle until you see the enemy and discover his method of attack. Rest in the assurance that My grace is sufficient, and that I will bring you through to victory as you yield to the leading of My Spirit, says the Lord. Luke 12:11-12 "Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

This indeed is a season when you discover in greater dimension the power to overcome every obstacle. Old mindsets that bring defeat to you will become crystal clear. It will be like suddenly awakening from a dream to see the absolute reality of your existence and spiritual dominance.

High Place of Discernment
I am lifting you up to a high place spiritually where you can see the valley below with great clarity. You will no longer see the world and people around you with natural eyes, but you will see through eyes of discernment that penetrate through the veil that separates flesh and spirit.

Be prepared to have the eyes of your understanding enlightened. I will cause you to grasp the wisdom of things you have not been able to comprehend. This will enable you to overcome obstacles and walk in confidence and victory.

You have already had significant breakthroughs in understanding how the spirit realm affects your body and soul, but I tell you honestly that your level of comprehension is not even half of what you will come to know and grasp. Every new revelation will become your possession and strengthen you.

If you ask anything in My name, according to My will. I will do it. I will teach you and show you by My Spirit the difference between what you want according to your carnal nature and what My will is. It will be a divine separation of soul and spirit. Yield yourself completely to this process. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two–edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I Am Your Pilot:

Things have not worked out exactly as you expected. This is because you cannot see the end from the beginning. I have designed it to be this way so that you can be built up in faith and know that I am with you to direct you along your path to destiny. Take delight in the fact that I am your Pilot, and I will maneuver you through even the most dire straits.

Don’t miss or overlook opportunities that look small and insignificant by looking too far out and focusing on the big picture. I have great things in store for you, but you must not despise the days of small beginnings. Job 8:7 Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.

I say, establish clear boundaries and reorder your priorities, so that My blessings can flow like a river – uninterrupted. The temptation will be to create your own blessings and to depend on your own strength to accomplish your desires, but I hold all power over heaven and earth. Depend on Me to cause you to be fruitful. Your accomplishments are of a temporary nature, but what I produce in you is everlasting.

Your most difficult days are behind you. You have endured much and been strengthened by your perseverance. Truly you are stronger now than you have ever been. Your faith has been tested through many trials and tribulations, and you have come through in victory. I count your faithfulness as righteous.

You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!
You’ve come a long way, baby, but you have not yet gone as far as you can go. The possibilities for your life have not been exhausted. On the contrary, you will be surprised and delighted at what I have in store for you. But, you will have to hold your own dreams and desires loosely to allow My will to manifest so that you can receive the best that I have for you, says the Lord. Trust Me!

Prepare to be stretched. But, know that you will not be challenged beyond your ability to accomplish what is set before you. Trust Me for strength to overcome and endure. It is true that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Those things in your life that seem to have been fragmented or left undone will now be brought to a conclusion as the door to the past is shut and a new and exciting door is opening before you. Rejoice in this time of new life and hope.

Breaking The Chains
I am taking you step by step through the things that have consistently made you stumble and lose heart. It will be like breaking the chains one link at a time so that you can see clearly the nature of the bondage, and you will never again be ensnared as in days gone by. Rejoice in a new level of liberty, says the Lord.

There have been times in your life when you have swung between two poles, one of ultra hope and blessing and the other abject poverty and hopelessness. If you will yield to the work of My Spirit along these lines, I will bring you from extreme ups and downs to a plateau of spiritual reality and faith. For, certainly I am the Author and Finisher of your faith, and I will establish you on this level ground.

Refuse to allow the enemy to use condemnation to remove you from the flow of revelation by the Spirit. His tactics won’t be anything new. Expect the same old lies that bring guilt, shame, and rejection. But, now I will give you greater capacity to see quickly and deal with the attacks, so that your times of oppression will be immediately cut off like awakening from a bad dream.

I am releasing healing in you that will wash away the rejection and failures from the past and equip you to go forth with wisdom and endurance. Let go of the labels that have been assigned to you by various people and circumstances, for I call you My beloved.

Open Doors
Prepare to make some of the most important decisions of your life as I present opportunities that you could never have imagined. You are Mine, and My plan is to establish you and bless you in ways that will remove even the vaguest remembrance of past disappointments and struggles.

I will open doors before you, and you will behold new vistas and prospects for the future that you really never dreamed of. And, I will bring you by a way that you have not known and make your feet like hinds’ feet that will enable you to negotiate even the most difficult of paths. You will scramble up the craggiest places as though it were level ground because I am with you to make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth.

You will have choices to make in the days ahead that have the potential to change the landscape of your life forever. Seek Me for wisdom, and choose wisely. If you ask for wisdom, I will certainly give it to you.

In this season you must recapture the gifting and flow that you once embraced. In the passage of time and circumstances you lost confidence, but now is the time when you can reclaim what was rightfully yours from the beginning. You cannot go back to the old manifestation of your gift because it had to become like a seed that fell to the ground and died in order to take root and grow up in you to produce fruit for this time. Be open and yielded, says the Lord."

A Season Of Restoration from Judy Bauman

A Season of Restoration, Judgment and Truth is Upon Us
An Exhortation from Jesus heart to yours

March 20, 2008

"The season you have entered is one filled with much promise and hope. Regardless what you have heard from others, trust Me when I tell you that the best is yet to come. I will never take hope from you. I will always give you reason to hope.

When hope is removed then I Am removed, and I will not be removed! Give to Me what belongs to Me and see what I do with it. You may think you have little to nothing to offer Me, but I tell you I will take the little you have a multiply it. Like the boys lunch of loaves and fish, I will take your small contribution of praise and prayer and multiply it. So do not worry about being small. Yes, you are small. Yes, there is little you can do. But in Me there is multiplication beyond your imagination. I can take the little you have and all the impossibilities you face and bring a great outcome.

A season of restoration is upon you, but restoration will not come without My judgment, says the Lord. Know that without My judgment, truth is not present. My judgment is true and My judgment is right. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of My throne. You may run to the Throne of Grace because it was forged in the fires of My justice and built on the foundation of My righteousness. You cannot separate them. By My design they were made to work in unison. As righteousness and justice are the foundations of My throne, judgment and truth work in harmony with My justice. My judgment is right because I always know the truth. I Am the Discerner of the hearts of mankind and I know what is truly going on – the motivation behind the action. The human heart is the most deceptive thing above all things. Know that you cannot trust your own heart. Trust Me to discern your heart, Child, I will show you a more excellent way!

2008 is a year of divine connections and new beginnings to those who have gone through the fire and been found without corruption. Judgment must start in the house of the Lord. So rejoice as you see the judgments come, because then My judgment can go outside My Body, and those who have been found operating in a cruel, greedy and murderous spirit will be brought – dragged into My presence for judgment. There is no king, no queen, no president or prime minister, no leader of any kind past, present or future who can hide from My judgment. There is nowhere for them to go that My eyes do not see them. Again I say rejoice for the shaking you are witnessing in My Body. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. If it is shaken loose then it will be loose. If it cannot be shaken, then it will stand firm. With Me, it is a win-win situation. Allow Me to shake you. Do not fear for I Am with you. You do not want anything that can be shaken, do you? Be still and know that I am God. The shaking in the Church that you see will bring about a new purity. I Am coming for a Church without spot or blemish. I am coming for a pure and spotless Church. So pray for your brothers and sisters. If they are found to be of another spirit, they still need your prayers. I died to save the lost. Do not rejoice when big names fall. Do not rejoice in anothers demise. Instead rejoice when My justice is found in the Church. Rejoice that I Am the Restorer of the breach. Rejoice that I Am more interested in revealing the truth then if My Name gets tarnished. What man thinks of My Name does not diminish My power or My authority. It does not diminish My truth. Man’s opinions do not sway Me. I

Am that I Am, and I Am not dismayed because people speak ill of My name. I am more interested in revealing truth then hiding it. What has been whispered in the dark shall be shouted from the rooftops!

Pray for the release of My judgment angels. They are fierce, and few will obey this request, but these angels are assigned to execute My judgment. With My judgment comes the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. If you want My sevenfold Spirit in operation in your life, you must submit yourself to My judgment. I will always treat you fairly and provide for you a way out through My Seat of Mercy.

Come now, Child. Come and sit with Me and let Me sooth your heart. Let not your heart be troubled. Put your trust in Me and watch My restoration take hold. Remember, it is My love for you that motivates Me. Fear is the beginning of wisdom, but love is the completion. I Am love. Everything I do is motivated in who I Am and I Am love. Your life will be transformed through yielding to My judgments. Those things your heart longs to hear and see will be heard and shown. I will reveal My glory! Yes, I will say it again. I will reveal My glory to you. Let this promise take the trepidation from your heart. As you open your heart for My judgment to come in, it will be transformed. My Word teaches you in Hebrews 12:11 that as you allow My discipline to instruct you, you will produce peaceable fruit of righteousness. This is truly a delicious fruit! This is the fruit that remains. This is fruit that when planted will reap a one hundredfold harvest. Rejoice, child! Rejoice at this news!

Though everything is shaken around you, it will not come near you if you have allowed My Spirit to test you and try you as in a fire. If you have followed My word and built on the foundation of righteousness and justice, what you have will stand through the testing fires.

Ask for what you need to run and complete the race set before you. Being afraid to ask will breed doubt and unbelief. It will cause you to freeze and you will come to a stop like a stalled engine, so keep in the flow of My love and provision. Stop looking at your lack and the great needs that surround you. Instead look to Me for everything and then all things become possible. Do not merely mouth words of faith the way some do as robots. Believe the words you profess. Believe them because you know they come from My holy Word and not your imagination. Believe them because you have enough experience to know that when I say something I Am will bring it to pass. Give to Me your pure devotion and trust.

Restoration is My specialty. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father without first going though Me. No one can come to Me without being drawn by My Father. I have prayed for you to receive another Helper and that is My Spirit of truth. My truth must be revealed in order for you to see Me. My Spirit teaches you all things.

To bring restoration means to bring healing, not only to the human heart through salvation, but through physical healing. Salvation was given to you on the Cross and so was healing. It is time for healing to be known again by My Body. The Body of Christ is sick and in need and cannot properly reflect My glory in her present state. You have believed Me for salvation, now embrace My healing touch. Be restored, Church, be restored! Restoration is yours for the asking, but doubt and unbelief is killing you. When you pray for healing do not say, it is Your will to heal this person...” You need to know what My will is by searching My word, then stand on it when you pray. Pray in faith. Do not waiver. Do not doubt and be double-minded – tossed by the wind. Doubt does not move My hand on your behalf. When you pray, this is Your will you are actually praying doubt and unbelief and I will not honor such prayers. Do not wait to see healing to believe it or you will not see it. Faith sees it first. I have taught this truth since the beginning by speaking the universe into existence. I saw it before it was! Selah! [Stop and think about this – ponder what I Am saying]

Search Me and know Me by searching and knowing what My Word, the Bible, tells you. Do not say in and of yourself why you do not see Me move like I did when walking the earth or in the days of the early church. If My children who believe that I no longer move as I did in the days of old could hear how ridiculous this sounds in the ears of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Creator of the universe, they would never say it again. To believe that I no longer move as I once did dilutes My Gospel and the power of the Cross. Do you believe I am limited by time? Is it possible for religious beliefs to override My ways? I Am the same today, yesterday and forever; I do not change. I Am God!

I the Lord God, who is not hindered by time nor space, will in no uncertain terms be limited by human wisdom, understanding and knowledge. My thoughts are far above anything that mankind can think; to presume to speak and declare what I can and cannot do is sheer ignorance. The root of it is pride and there is only one cure for pride and that is repentance. Yes, repentance is a cure. To turn away from sin is repentance and turning from sin will bring healing. Repent and be healed now in My name. This was the message of many of My prophets, this was the message of John the Baptist and this was the message of the Son of man. This must also be your message or you are not Mine. Show people by your lifestyle how to turn to Me in all things and you will succeed as My ambassador. Without repentance“ turning away from sin and coming to Me“ all messages are lost. Unless there is repentance there is no salvation, no healing, no prosperity, no taking back what the devil has stolen, no reconciliation to God. You cannot dance or sing your way into heaven without repentance, nor can you work your way in. A repentant heart turns from doing evil. It turns and it goes the way that I have set for it. It does not seek its own way or its own glory, but it seeks Mine. My way is complete and there is nothing lacking.

Many fear My judgment, but you who are called by My name need not fear. Do I act without telling My prophets first? Do I warn? Do I guide you by My Spirit? You can trust Me. If you have any doubts, then come and confess them and let Me show you a more excellent way. I will always be with you and you need not fear.

There is one more thing that you need to consistently do to accomplish great things. I want you to pray for My will to be done on earth as it already is in heaven and when you pray it is My desire for you to think about how things are in heaven. John and Ezekiel had a glimpse into My Throne Room (Revelation chapters 4-5; Ezekiel chapter 1). Though much of this remains a searchable mystery – you can clearly see there is no sickness or disease in heaven. There is no lack there is no sin. So when you pray, believe for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Bring heaven to earth as it is your inheritance. I would not say it if it were not the truth. Believe for great and mighty things for great and mighty miracles await those who believe. Walk in My restoration, walk in My truth and see My justice “ My righteous judgments“ come to pass. As you do you will be filled with great joy and peace. You will be filled with My love.

Forever Your Savior and Healer

To verify this word, please refer to these Scriptures:

1 Kings 8:39; Psalm 33:1-11; 34:10; 97:2; Isaiah 9:7; 11:2; 28:17; 41:10; Jeremiah 17:7-10; 33:6-9; Hosea 2:19; Amos 3:7; Matthew 3:2; 4:17; 6:7; Mark 6:56; 10:27; Luke 4:40; 12:1-3; John 1:1-4; 6:9-14, 44; 14:1, 16-18; Ephesians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 12:31, Hebrews 3:12-15; 11:1; 13:8; James 1:2-8, 22; 1 John 2:27; Revelation 4:5; 8:2"

As Posted on Spirit of Prophecy

Bon Voyage

There is a step up ordered now. The Lord will reveal this step. It will take faith.
There is no fear in perfected Love. This is a good journey to a high place.

Jhn 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Prophet of God this is the hour to speak a word of "coming together" to all the dry bones of your life, your city, your nation, and your world. This will reveal the step. It is time. His time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank Him

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. Pro. 11:12

Are you presently surrounded by choices that seem to have no answer? Have you said in your heart, there is no way out, no way up, no way through?

It is lie. He has a way.

You are experiencing the Lord's deliverance from logic. If you could see the way through it would not take faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Take a moment right now and thank Him. Thank Him for His deliverance and His answer. Express your love to Him.

Do yo not know that He has a deliverance planned? He has a way, and as you follow Him, you will find, your victory is already on the way. What joy you will know soon! The joy of the labor of bringing forth this promise, will only be fully appreciated when your promised delivery is done. When the desire comes and you embrace it, it is a tree of life.

The Children Return

Jer 31:16 Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy.

Jer 31:17 And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border.

There is a time to work, but now a time the work of intercession will be rewarded. There is a time of travail. There is a time to weep. But it is not now! Rejoice for there is hope, and He is bringing your children unto you. They who were with you who were scattered in the attack of the enemy. Expect a reunion of father and son, mother and daughter.

As the father's heart has turned to the son, the son is drawn to the father. The day you have long awaited is quickly upon you. The day of restoration.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Apostolic Prophets Return

The Father is about to send some desert prepared prophets back into the church. He will have a mantle on them that is rare and precious. It is the Mantle to tear down, root out and build up, and to plant. They are called to establish Apostolic, Kingdom, authority in the church. They will bring rest to your souls.

Jer 1:8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I [am] with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
Jer 1:9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
Jer 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

Church Struggles- Wisdom

Many in the traditional church are finding themselves in a power struggle. There can only be one set minister in a church. The others should submit or leave. If you didn't build it you have no right to take it.

If a greater gift enters the church, the leaders must recognize it and embrace it. The control spirit must be broken in church leadership. But it is the Lord's place to do the breaking. If you are sent in to a place, take only that place which is freely given.

God is calling his church to repent for the kingdom is at hand. There is a political spirit within almost every organized fellowship. Only God established government will be able to carry kingdom glory.

An Opportunity Comes-A Word from Jesus

You are going to be offered a choice and you must make a decision. (some have already had this offer) How you chose will determine your path. You will have placed before you, a clear chance to obey me in an instruction. Your obedience will mean to shun almost everyone you know and they who you worked with before, and do a thing you have never done. The choice will infuriate those who are being separated from you. The choice is by faith.

You are at the point of no return.

Be forewarned, for the enemy will also offer you an opportunity. This opportunity will seem right in natural thinking. You must have my mind, to discern my way.

This is an hour when you must hear my voice and then obey. Do not act on presumption or in your own reasoning. You must hear me. Then you must obey me. If you do obey you will find the breakthrough into the hope of my glory.

1Ch 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, [which were men] that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; ....

To trust me is not a risk.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Coming Prize

WORD: "You will soon find the pleasure that I have ordained for you. The pleasure of walking out my higher call for you life. Yes the process has been long, but the rewards will cause you to forget them."

Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, [and] shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

It was for the prize set before him that he endured the cross.

Babylon is Fallen

Do not despair. God sees your plight. He will bring down Babylon in the Church. That great whore that deceives the peoples is being broken. Do you perceive it? Babylon is fallen.

The Baal Structure is coming down. The structure that has the people bound is coming down!

Mammon, the "other god", is on the run. Do you not see it in world finances? Do you not see it, in world government, in the unrest of the peoples?

This is the great shaking I told you of.

Embrace my spirit. This is life to you. You are My elect. You are My sons. You have no reason for fear, for I am with you.

Dividing Roads

Some have caused you great hardship in your life. They are quickly being brought to a point of decision. You are despised by them...they who once loved you. You have been the salt and life they have rejected. They reject me in you. Do not despair in feelings of solitude, for I am with you.

Even those who have a heart toward you are being forced to make a decision that will either include walking on with you, or separating from you. This my doing says the Lord. I am bringing to light the hidden tensions in relationships. Some of you can no longer walk together.

I have given my sword to you, and you have wielded it. It is dividing between flesh and spirit.

The dividing in the nation continues. Those who wield political power are being challenged by those who wield spirit power. These things must take place. You will see I have a way prepared for you. When you see it, walk in it. You will fulfill your destiny.

The war is forced upon us. Arise and speak the truth in love. Truth is your weapon.

Amo 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

A Word From Marsha Burns

Editors Note: Although I seldom use the words of another prophet on this blog this day Marsha and me are saying the same thing concerning destiny.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns -- March 19, 2008:

"I speak to you, My people, and tell you that I see you in your dilemma. I know your heart when you feel as though you have no place and do not fit. I understand your sense of isolation, for you are not going through anything that I Myself have not endured. Yet, you will also fulfill your destiny as I fulfilled Mine. Do not fear that you will be forsaken because I am with you always and will not leave you alone, says the Lord. Be courageous and stand strong, for you will soon find your niche. Take heart, and rejoice. It will be as though you, as a piece of the puzzle, will be put in place."

Luke 9:58 And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."

You can sign up for her E-mail prophecies at this web address:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ask God Concerning Giving

This is a day when God will re-order all. That includes the Baal/Mammon money system that is at work in much of the church.

Ministry finances and the way things are done financially, in the church, are mostly modeled after the Baal/Mammon system of exchange. In this system, the one who has the most money is heralded as being above/smarter/more holy, because they are the ones who can purchase the trappings that the carnal desire. Therefore, if you take a “good offering”, you are sought after by those who need your “gift” to get the most out of “their” people. This manipulating is not pleasing to God. It is witchcraft.

The Baal financial system is one that takes gifts for performance of man, and desires of leaders, as opposed to giving done freely from a heart of compassion, as is the biblical kingdom call. All giving is to be as a man purposes in his heart, and unto God not man. This is not to say that men as ministers do not benefit from giving. Of course it is good for ministry to receive an appropriate reward for labors.

Therefore, many a great ministry of church will have to go through a sanctifying for the kingdom. If they do not let go of manipulative money practices, they will not be used for the kingdom dynamic that now arises. We are not driven cattle. We are sheep listening to our Master’s voice. We will obey it alone. The greatest judgment for any ministry would be to continue with business as usual while displeasing God.

Finances must be loosed to the hands of the pure. They are the ones who see God. The seer has been especially lacking in the past four years. This is because carnal men rejected their message and what they saw, and endeared to themselves teachers willing to scratch their itching ears.

The “giving to get” message is a lie. They who preach it, steal from seers everywhere. That which is called, "Christian T.V." has much to answer for.

For a man to walk into the new of this day, his money manipulation must be dealt with. It is the heart that matters. Under the law of the Older Covenant, there would have to be complete restoration for these money sins for true fellowship. In the newer if the one who has been cheated forgives, then the offender may be free to walk with them. Repent to the kingdom! (This repentance message,is mainly aimed as message for ministries)

In repentance, the offended party holds the key to righteousness for the offender. All, who are mature, forgive quickly. Remember a man is responsible for his own giving therefore if he was not under instruction to give to a certain individual then he was free to give as his heart desired. In all giving there needs to be greater understanding that giving is unto the Lord. Wisdom would lead man to give into the stream that feeds him. It is your responsibility to discern that "the light", is not really darkness.

The wise-hearted will make up garments for the priesthood.


We repent of the Baal/Mammon money system Lord. Lead your church into faith led giving. Break the witches taunts that are the words of men in pulpits who guilt, mislead, and misinform, your people into giving through collusion and misdirection.

This is a timely word since many of your will be receiving tax returns. Ask God, concerning the where of your giving.

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

Ex 28:3 And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office.
Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
Mat 5:8 Blessed [are] the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

The Awaited Restoration Begins

Jer 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, [saying], This [is] Zion, whom no man seeketh after.

Jer 30:18 ¶ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwelling places; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof.

God is now moving to restore health to his kingdom called. He will put a spirit of health in your body. This is so that you might lead forward in this day of restoration for the righteous.

Speak to your infirmities and illnesses and tell them that they have no place in your life. The kingdom is God's domain. This healing is for both the physical and spiritual wounds of the enemy. The healing must be called by your voice as you speak a word of kingdom power. All doubts are dying. Praise JAH.

As the evil of evil men is exposed, the righteous shall arise. God is calling you out of exile into promise. As healing comes to your body you will have confidence to release this anointing through your hands. The anointing for healing is being released to you. Receive it gladly.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Word of the Lord from Chuck Pierce on Glory of Zion Web Page

"Many have cried out: Lord, I long for the new, I long to go through. However, I don't have the strength to advance because the season has pulled the plug on my strength and I feel I cannot stand and advance. But hear Me! I will energize your blood and cause my Spirit to touch and go into places in your heart that have not been touched. I will cause the joints in your body to begin to have new energy and cause them to move in ways they have not moved. Do not despair because by My Spirit new energy will come upon you. The warfare that you've been contending in, the conflict that you've been standing in, will not overtake you. Stand still! In the midst of your stillness I am beginning to release new mantles; you will stand face to face with Me and then your enemy will see My reflection in your face. I AM rising up within you a sound that will come through you and cause the enemy to shake. Where the enemy has held your gate closed -- the gate will come open. You will say a new day has broken.

Some of you are saying, I hate this storm that I am in the midst of riding out. But hear Me again! Because you won't spread your wings and catch the wind of this storm, you are having trouble coming above its fury. Catch the wind! Catch the wind! My Spirit is blowing. Do not fear this economic strategy and structure that the enemy is voicing in the nations. Catch My wind in this economic storm! The dips and the lows will cause you to soar high. Throw your chest into the adverse winds and allow the wind to catapult you to a high place.

There are things that have been chasing you. Turn now and face that adverse wind. I will come with grace in the adversity and catapult you to a new level. You will see every movement in the field - the snakes, the rodents, and the treasures. Soar, see, and be catapulted into an enlarged place.

The potter's wheel that you have been on has been a necessary season for you. I AM doing a chiseling work to give you a new identity. Receive what I am creating. I AM placing My mark, My design, on your next season. One smooth blow will release the diamond that has been hidden in the rough. Look at the design that I have laid for your future. Look at the craftsman's hand because as I come down upon the chisel, you will see the breaking away and what's been hidden will be seen. Do not be afraid of that blow to come! I AM sending forth a sound into your inner being that will break up the dams that have held back your waters of Life. These waters will aid Me in your forming.

I am causing new languages to arise in My people. This will thwart the enemys plan to defile My purposes in you. If you will trust Me to do this one thing in you that has stopped you from being transformed into a mind of prosperity, you will succeed and failure will leave you. One small hit will change the course of your life and your direction. Your compassions have grown hardened. I must release this blow. I must cause the very depths of you to roar and to roar again. I AM creating a movement within you so you can digest what I will be doing in the four months ahead. Let the depths of your being roar with My sound. This sound will create the ability for you to absorb what occurs in the next four months.

Your inward being must embrace my THUNDER! This is a season that you shall hear thunder in the Heavens. As I thunder from the Heavens, know it is the voice of the Lord that is coming to you. For the thunder would create fear in the hearts of many. But for those of who fear the Lord, you will hear this thunder as a new sound from Heaven. This sound will cause you to come into the new place! My voice is coming to break you from all that would hold you in an old place. The thunder of the Lord is My manifest sound in the Heavens! Do not fear what the enemy would do. For I Am thundering a new place for you and a new protection for you! Many would even run and hide in the day of storm. But you shall run into the storm and have victory over the storm! Let My thunder roll and break every place of fear from you. This will cause you to come into the new season where My light and My sun shall break forth out of the storm, out of the thunder. A new day is arising and the sun shall come and rest upon you. Do not fear this season of storm. This is your season to break through. Overcome the storm and rise up in a whole new place."

Discipline for Health and More

Discipline is needed concerning health issues. What we eat, and how much. The way we treat disease and illness. These are aspects of our life that we must lay down to the Lordship of Jesus.

Give your Lord your all.

You are breaking through to the realm of rule for this next season. You will need health and strength for this place. You are leaving the old behind. But you are not leaving the wisdom gained!

You are bringing with you into this day all you have learned in the four-year qualifying you have been through. Your health is important. The enemy will try to steal the blessing of what you have learned by making you sick.

Resist him and he will flee.

As God begins to bless you with the wealth of the heathen don't bloat in pride. He is doing this because the time has come for your rule. It is His Time. The qualifying was for wisdom for the rule of the promise. The wealth is for all the ministry that is to manifest in the coming days.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Kingdom prophet, do you know that Father never fails? He is in control. He has not left you. He is life, and He is Truth and no lie is in Him. He will not fail you. Faithfulness is His name.

Psa 89:33 Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.

Great is thy faithfulness oh Lord.

Psa 18:30 [As for] God, his way [is] perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he [is] a buckler to all those that trust in him.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Control Spirit

The Control Spirit that has long been a bane to your freedom will be broken.

I had a dream about a time fifteen years ago when I was in a disagreement with people-who still are with me-and still in disagreement with the Kingdom manifestation of this day. They were trying to control that which was mine to rule.
They still try to do this.

I awoke feeling kinda low.

But I realized the Lord was speaking to that problem in this reversal day. The things that bind must be brought to light. Only in the light can they be defeated.

The control spirit is broken. Speak to the control spirit. Tell it, it is defeated in the blood name of Jesus. Let the scoffer find another place! The scoffer must take another path.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moving on into the Promised New Realm

Although doubt may be familiar, it is not your friend. It is your enemy. It is offered in the time of testing not by our Lord, but by the enemy and flesh. Speak back to your doubts.

If doubt has arisen it is good to first speak to it and call it lie, and then look to see where the doubt had place to get in.

Do you believe God's word of restoration? Then say so. Tell the Lord you know He is true. Command doubt to leave.

Father wants you sure of one thing. Himself. Don't think this is a little thing. You must speak to that doubt. His promise is true. He will not forsake you. Love him with all your heart. Believe he has the best for you. Trust Him and obey.

Prophetic warrior, your promise is nearer then the day you first believed. Remember we seek the kingdom before other things are added. You are already moving into the manifestation of your new realm of rule. Your word of faith breaks the powers of darkness each time you release it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

His Way is Being Revealed

The Lord is calling you to watch-that is pray-and open your eyes of the spirit for He is opening before you a way, a path. You will not have to make your own way, for it His way that is being revealed.

You must agree, and move into this way.

Lean not to your own understanding, but find his way, and understanding shall come with it.

The Kingdom is at Hand

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are days of intercession. You are at the door of your future. Keep on knocking and make sure the one whom answers is filled with peace.

The kingdom is at hand.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Have Faith Kingdom Prophet

Are you in a battle this day with the enemy? In that battle is there a battle raging between your heart and your mind?

Your mind says: "Nothing will ever be different. There is no change, and no chance for a greater expression and manifestation of God in the earth." It tells you: "It is too late for you and your dream. Your gifts and talents are past."

Your spirit says: "Believe God, and you will see great deliverance. Believe God, and you will be victorious. Believe God, and you will see His faithfulness."

The voice you encourage will win. The spoils of this war will be won by obedience, not talent. Confidence in God's promise is faith. He has given you much. Trust that he will pour out through you.

Beyond what your mind sees, must be a spiritual realization that God led you down this path. You cannot go back to the place of performance based religion. He holds no blessing there for you. He actually intended to bring you to a place, where your mind sees nothing. Walk in the Spirit. The enemy fears your prayers and proclamations.

Having done all, stand. It is up to you to trust His Word, and up to Him to honor it. Your gift will not be cast away. Follow His instruction. This is faith, and the victory that overcomes the world.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Meet the real Jesus

The real Jesus is come to bring real deliverance. This is the need of the hour for the church. To be delivered from self-focused churchanity and released into God focused kingdom. Do not expect this deliverance to come without travail. For that is the call of this hour. We must travail until the delivery of the church come.

Are things going wrong at church? Do you know what is going wrong?

You are experiencing a jealous Jesus. He is jealous for your time, and your devotion. The church has become a harlot. It has been keeping you occupied with busy activity while the true love of God, has been scorned.

Everything will stop working in the self-focused church. This is a good thing for it will signal the awakening of many to the kingdom.

Kingdom intercessor, hear the call. Pray now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Finding Jesus in the Nasty Here and Now

Once we come to know the God of the bible, the Christ Jesus whom is our savior, we have no time or need to waste time on worry about the “sweet by and by”-the heaven. We rather need to focus on help for our selves and our brothers in the nasty here and now. We point them to Christ. We do this because we have learned that He is the provision of all.

The help we then offer is both spiritual-deliverance from evil, and physical- meeting the need in this world. This is not just slapping the needy on the back and saying, “be blessed and go your way in peace”. This is providing for others what they cannot. In all the lack of this world, Your peace is most needed. But there is no peace outside of love. No, there is no peace outside of God’s grace. There is peace, only in the kingdom.

If anyone wants to help others, it must be done through kingdom reality in their own lives. That is to say righteousness, peace, and joy, in the spirit is your provision for all the needs of this world. However, this will always eventually mean helping in physical means as well.

The spiritless church is of little help to anyone. It offers a psychological anemic quagmire, as an alternate to clear powerful truth. When Jesus said that he is “the way, the truth, and the life”, he meant it. If we offer anything to others but God’s truth, God’s provision in all things, we are just part of the Quagmire.

The poor we will always have with us. We will provide for them as Father allows. But that is Spirit led and provided.

The greatest need in this world is Jesus, His Spirit of Truth. If we possess Him, we can share Him. If not we will not have the power of God unto salvation.

For all its processes, the other gospel has no power to bring man to peace.

Do you possess the spiritual power of Truth? Then be not ashamed. It is given to you, for deliverance for you and the world. It is time for your release into this day’s need. How else will they know Him?

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 1Pe 1:5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Your Enemy Disappointment

Disappointment is speaking. It is hard to miss its voice when your plans do not quickly succeed. Beyond that voice is the reasoning that tends to examine everything when disappointment has spoken. The word does say to examine all things and hold fast to the true.

But now you see you must escape both the voice of dissappointment and move through reasoning, and the disappointments of the past, and press through to reality.

His name is Christ. He has a sure end. His Word is true. When you posses Him in Spirit you hold fast to the Word and the Spirit.When your thoughts are His
you will see the destruction of the enemy disappointment.

Speak to the enemy called disappointment. Tell him to go, In the blood name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Possessing Your Promise

You already possess your promise. It is within you. When God gave you His Spirit and His word, He gave you what you need to accomplish whatever He wants done. When you speak, your words reveal what you believe. Do you speak in faith? The Word of faith is evidence that you are agreeing with the truth that you posses. Spoken words of the faithful are not words, they are Spirit. The moment you speak them they are Spirit. They will not return void.

Release your promise today in your words.

It is time for your victory to manifest. Believe it. Speak it. Stand on this word. Release it against all that you have felt to be defeat.

The kingdom of God is arising. The Baal structure is coming down. The day of the promise is here, let provision come for your every need. Let kingdom men arise.

Gen 13:17 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.

Let your words speak of these realities:

Eph 1:3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ:
Eph 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set [him] at his own right hand in the heavenly [places],
Eph 2:6 And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus:
Eph 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,