Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our Greatest Need

Men ought always to pray and not grow weary.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Pray. We are at the edge of a real disaster in the nation.

The Process

To be used by God sometimes requires processing. He will put you between a rock and a hard place if that is what needs to happen to get you to depend on Him.

Paul Said: "I die daily". If you want to be used by God, you must die to yourself. The blood he shed for you purchased your salvation. Let Him have control of all your life.

Kingdom Prophet. You must continue on, even though you do not see the end. He is in this thing. Do not be discouraged or envious of those who have garnered His wealth unto themselves. They have been taken by Mammon.

You are not like them. Jah is your provider. Do not envy those who left the hard process to find comfort in a whoreish system. They are fallen. They are decieved, and prodigal to the true house of Jah.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Judgment and Release

Judgment:Isaiah 26:9b says, when your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

About twenty years ago, the Lord began to move many into ministry in the Market Place. This has grown greatly. Some who were anointed to move into business, and who were successful, have lost sight of the purpose of God for them being blessed in business, which was to bless His people. They have lavished themselves with their success and forgot the poor and the downtrodden.

Their churches are picture-pretty, but their worship is dead and lifeless.

The Lord had intended to make these people an ensample of His goodness to His people. The greed and pride of many of those whom He blessed in business have come up before Him and is a stench in His nostrils. There is a reckoning coming for each of those prodigals that have squandered their blessing only on themselves. The purging fire times are here and you will know it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

You will see the judgment of those who have forsaken their God and become selfish. Many will see this fall and the world will learn the truth, that "Godliness with contentment is great gain". Many church leaders are so entangled with some of the proud business men that they to will suffer loss. Greed is the issue.


God is moving some of His people into bars, and clubs to be witnesses there. If you have heard this word to “go to the sinner”, do not fear the accusations of the vocal back sliders in the church, nor their unrighteous judgments. God will uphold you. Fear God. Do His pleasure. If he has sent you to these places, it is because He has prepared your spirit to be able to be successful there.

If you grow successful there, do not forget who empowers you, and enables you in all good things. Always remember he lifts one up, and brings another down. He is the Lord of the harvest, and the whole earth.

An Urgent Call for Massive Intercession

Below is a word from Cindy Jacobs that confirms what I have been saying for seven years.

Cindy Jacobs:

"An Urgent Call for Massive Intercession

Dear Believers in Christ,

A few days ago as I watched a news business channel, I received the following word from the Lord. As you can tell, it's a serious warning. I know the nation is in a delicate condition now, but I believe that I need to send this word out. I ran it by Chuck Pierce and he said that it fits with what he has been hearing, only more specific on the economic side.

This is a wake up and it's so strong.

A Serious Warning and a Call for Urgent Prayer

A warning received from the Lord on July 17, 2010 in Dallas, Texas:

A few days ago as I watched the financial news, the Lord clearly spoke these words to me, "The nation is teetering!" I then had a vision of the economy of the United States, on what looked like a "scale of justice." He then went on to show me that we must fast, pray and cry out to the Lord for mercy and solutions that will balance righteousness and justice.

In praying to the Lord for wisdom about this word, I realized what must be done—it is time for the Church in America to stand up and take her place once again in the nation. I mulled over the fact that we have already lost so many of our liberties and this is what I heard, "If the Church doesn't fast and pray for a faster acceleration of revival and awakening, the iniquitous sin structures in the nation will tip the scale that is teetering and there will be another great depression."

Of course, this word shook me to the core of my being. Many of you may be aware that the Holy Spirit spoke to me almost a year before the September 2008 economic melt down, that there would be "no more business as usual."

The balance of the economy is fragile and depending on the way we fast, pray, and how we cast our votes in the next election will depend on which way the scale tips. We must pray and do. We must pray and act. We must awaken the Church to the state of the nation without fear of pleasing man or fear for our reputation.

God is watching to see which way the die will be cast. If we shift the nation to Biblical values in the arenas of righteousness and justice, the economy will follow. If we continue in our stance of support for Israel, the Stock Market will stabilize and prosper, and that which is fragile will become strong. Supernatural solutions will be sent from Heaven that our natural minds could never reason, nor grasp and they will heal the land.

If we do not heed in this hour there will be a tumbling of our economy and dark days will be ahead to such a degree that our nation will possibly never fully recover from and have the greatness as a nation that God has favored us with for generations.

God have mercy. God send an awakening. God send salvation."

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No Doubt

Our Lord has not called us to doubt. But to believe. Satan's stradegy as it was in the garden, is to get us to doubt God's word to us.

It is Time

Let the next three days be days of transition into the new. It is time. The thing you have called for, and hoped for is being released.

Having lived through two of those three days, I can say I am ready for the transition. July 20.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Path to the Grave

If God intended this nation to be a Spiritual example before the world as some of our forefather's thought, then our failure to do so, may be tied directly to the present faltering in this nation.

We have lost the right hand blessing of God. I am not sure we are even being blessed by Him any more. From Hurricane Katrina on, this nation has been suffering, and faltering in a way heretofore unheard of on our home shores.

America, Repent and be saved. Your present path is death. You ways are hellish, and your path is bringing you to a sure place of greater judgment.

The Poor are People

Lev 19:15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: [but] in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Respect of a man or an organization and disdain of those less successful in this life,is a mark of the presence of Mammon, the other god. To do unrighteously to the poor is a great evil.

To give to the rich the portion of the poor, is evil.

God help the poor in this nation.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Overturning is Come

Seven Years ago the spirits of baal and mammon, were released to bring a stop to the deliverance the Lord had planned for His people. They were largly effective in thier work.

That time was to be the time of great deliverance for this nation. We now have seen a full seven years of a "famine of the Spirit", which those spirit's work caused.

The evil that was released, broke up covenanted relationships. In that the supply of many of the true apostolic and prophetic ministries was interrupted.

The great conflagration of 2003, was the result of God's people loving thier own lives.

The cycle is now complete. The Lord is mandating a deliverance of His people. This is the hour of the overturning of the evil rule of baal and mammon over the true of Jah.

The wind of change that blew in evil betrayal has blown out. Now it is time for a wind of renewal. This will begin by the 17th of July.

The Fire Returns

The Fire Of God is now being released in both a Purging and a Cleansing!

The Lord is coming with a Spirit of purging and burning. The day of great deliverance is at hand. The ministry of deliverance from demonic strongholds is returning to the forefront.

The Church has entertained itself into a malaise.

To rememdy this the Lord is come! The Fire Of Jah is pouring out of the hearts of the true. He has released His Spirit to bring a repentance from dead works.

Monday, July 12, 2010

God's Faithfulness

This we know: America is in Judgment.

Jesus is coming soon. We know that difficult times are upon us. We also know that He will provide for His people in the coming difficult times!

God will provide for each and every need of His people, no matter what the state of the economy or world system! He will provide food in the time of famine, protection in the time of danger, faith in the time of persecution, and hope in the time of great tribulation. Psalm 27.

In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself as JEHOVAH-JIREH, “the Lord Who provides.” Since God’s name revealed His nature, we see that God is a Provider and that His provision is rooted in His very nature to provide for His people.

Do not be Distracted

I fear the oil spill in the gulf was intentional, and meant to get our attention on it instead of what is going on in the rest of the country. We have an economy that is in the tank, abortion on demand kills millions, and a population that seems to care less.

Do not be distracted, focus your prayers on the issues.