Monday, December 31, 2007

Prayer and Repentance

We pray much this week. Let the church come into kingdom freedom. Jesus and the Baptist agree. Repent for the kingdom is at hand!

We pray much this week for our City. Let the rightous arise.

We pray for the Native American Indian Nation. Stop the Genocide by the American Government. Remember Ruby Ridge!

We pray for the unborn, for reversal of the abortion lie, and the anti-Christ Blackmon Court.

We pray for our Nation. We pray that Truth would come and set men free.

Humble yourself before God, he will lift you up.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Breaking Satan's Outpouring

Murder/Suicide/Accusation spirits on the hunt.

Satan has released a group of spirits against those on National/international level of prophetic and intercession. This spirit is working despair in these high profile saints. This spirit is also at work against those who intercede for the international level ministries. This is the work of lying devils called suicide, accusation, murder, hate, and depression. The spirit of accusation/Jezebel that has been loosed is bringing accusation to the point that many even great generals of the faith are finding themselves in unreasonable fear.

Some of you have been threatened with the murder of yourself or your family. Even Presidential candidate Ron Paul has been threatened.

We remind you all that these devils are absolutely defeated in the cross. Seek the help of brethren who can help to stand and proclaim God's Truth, and these devils will flee.

We bind the works of these devils and say let God’s prophets speak without fear. No weapon forged shall prosper and this includes these spirits and their work.

One Answer for the Mess in Washington

Ron Paul for President: Nothing changes unless something changes. One tiny step for man, but a giant leap for mankind.

Within ten years if America does not return to God, and do things in keeping with that repentance, socially, and in government, America will fall. Social Security will fall along with Medicaid, and Medicare, and unemployment insurance, and there will be riots in the streets. We will as a nation fall behind The EU, and China, who will become the richest nations.

Revolution starts when you begin to believe.

Revolution Garry

Friday, December 28, 2007

Prophetic Insight for 2008

First I preface this word by saying I have seen no other prophets predictions for the coming year. This is by design since I did not want to be an echo.

1) Kingdom Revelation: This New Year has much promise in it. It will be a time of change. The eight means new beginning. For the already processed this will be a great year of accomplishment and victory. But the new beginning for most will be the beginning in them. God is making all things new. NU. The New in You. New life and understanding will come too many. Kingdom revelation is now open for many as the Captain of the Host reveals himself, and commissions the taking of His Promised Land. (Jos 5:14) This should evoke a greater dimension of worship in the believer.

2) New levels of Worship: This is to be released among Kingdom Believers. This worship will separate the true from the false, the flesh from the spirit, and life from death. As many of the kingdom prophets were released from their post in "Christiandom" over the past several years through worship, so a new worship will bring churches to their knees. This will release many to see kingdom truth hitherto unknown by them. God will show much to those who ascend. If you were burned by the River Movement but still believe, God is saying to you, "It's safe to go back in the water."

Rev 4:1
After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

Rev 15:2
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, [and] over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

3) Qualification: In the past four years we have been in a time of qualification of the kingdom prophetic. Sadly the Lord shared this information with almost no nationally known prophet so precious little encouragement in the process came. This has led to some of those who have been in the process, to grow weary. Some have given up their call and retreated back into performance based religious circles. For those who have been able to stand through the test, you the righteous-processed–prophets will come forth from your desert in this year. The crown-less soon will be king.

Isa 41:10
Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

4) Change and exchange: For the kingdom servant, The change you will have in this year is already determined by what you exchanged for it in the past four. Although Father is not selling blessings, He is blessing from seed sown in truth. There has been a qualifying work in the past four years. Do you still believe? Your word is your seed. What do you say? Are you coming into the reversal that was promised long ago? (Most who read this are people who have given all to Jesus, so financial manipulation as employed by most so called "Christian TV" networks and international ministries, is not even a consideration here.)

It is time to exchange the things you have for the things you need. What you lay down or have lain down will determine your path. The seed sown will bring forth according to faith. Those who have actively fought against the spirits of Baal, Mammon, Korah, Cain, Balaam, Jezebel, Ahab, and Religion will see fruit from their battle. Expect double blessing and honor for your shame.

Isa 61:7
For your shame [ye shall have] double; and [for] confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.

5) A NU people: God will connect you with a new people, who will bring supply and ministry
opportunity. This may mean a location change for some. These people will become one with you. You will live without pretense, and offense with these people.

6) A New Path: Kingdom people will less and less fit into religious circles. Soon Real Kingdom Conferences will begin to take place. These will be marked by; righteousness, peace, and joy.
They will also bring a reaction from the religious. Expect both accusation and a false copying of the true conferences to manifest from religious circles.

-The Amos 3:3 anointing: God's path will led you on. God is supernaturally putting people in your past. You do not have to separate with others. They will separate with you. However be aware that you must not walk in old patterns or you will be bound with the old people and their ideas. (1 Kings 13 is a warning to hear God and not be swayed)

-The old passes away: We will see men pass away from our lives. Some of the old timers will die this year. Many who walked with you will be just memories by the end of this year. If you’ve wondered if a person would be in your life from the past, if they do not connect this year, then most likely they won’t.

7)Kingdom doctrine will begin to be established by the Apostles: One of the things that has kept the church in darkness is doctrines of demons and man. Apostolic teaching will be arising to mature the saints and bring a new government previously unseen.

8) Geographic relocation: This is a year for moving on or into. This is to be led of the Spirit. Walk where peace allows, and wisdom directs. Some will travel, others relocate, most to be mobile. Your righteous location will set you up for the fruitfulness of 2009.

Act 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Prophet Garry 12/28/07
This is a quick overview of some of the things I see coming in this year

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Awake, Oh Sleeper

Jon 1:6 So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.

"The Christian Establishment is asleep, ignorant, apostate and dead. However, the Christian Church is awake, aware, holy, and alive." Tex Marrs

There is an awakening happening even as we walk through our every day lives. People over the world are seeing that there is a truth in God that we can embrace that is not controlled by the institution church hierarchy. People are seeing that most traditional church, has no more answers for men being free, then dead psychology does. People are coming out of the religious Matrix of performance based religion, and are entering into The Kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace, and joy.

Are you part of the true church of this day? The true church is kingdom orientated.

Have you learned the kingdom is the Holy Spirit in us, wherever we go?

If you are Holy Spirit filled, you are not going to fit with others who are not. If you are Spirit filled, even around other Spirit filled Christians, you have no guarantee that there will be agreement. This is because of differing levels of revelation of God, and His present working in the earth. You must obey truth today. This is very important. Obey your right now word from the Lord.

It is time for the whole of the "Spirit Filled" community to awaken to the reality of the world we live in, and become part of the answer. The whole must speak the truth to this generation. It is time to walk away from those who do not love the Spirit. (Amos 3:3)

The Kingdom Truth will make traditional church folk mad. The truth will always draw the fire of the traditionalist. The truth will bring political attack. For only the truth will set men free.

Are you part of the religious establishment or the Kingdom Church? Be a truth lover. Read the word. Ask Father to lead you into His truth. Awake, awake oh sleeper. Take your sword and wound the Dragon.

Isa 51:9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. [Art] thou not it that hath cut Rahab, [and] wounded the dragon?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Devils Purpose. God's Purpose

The Devils Purpose and God’s Purpose for Man:

"What do the Illuminati elite really want? Many believe they have the answer, and it all seems so simple. Rich beyond measure, they want more money. Already more powerful than the kings of old, they desire even more power. And being psychopaths and control freaks, true, they seek to establish a seamless Police State, the better to control and imprison anyone who breaks their arbitrary rules. So, is that it—money, power, control? Is that the sum of what they want?" Alex Jones

Satan has a plan that he is working. He works this without fail. He is committed to his vision.

Jhn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:….

That is it. That is what the devil is about. If he is not stealing, he is killing, and if he is not destroying he is doing the others, and usually he is doing them all. He does this through his main weapon of lie. All they who hate God, love death:

Pro 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

The thing we must understand as Kingdom Christians is that there are many who hate God. Those who hate God love death. This death focus is the primary purpose of men who want to rule the world. The devil wants to derail man from his God called purpose as stated in:

Read Genesis 1:28.

God's call to man to take dominion over the earth is without repentance. Satan's false vision for man is to take the world for him. When we take up His vision we deny God’s soveringty.

Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Amo 5:15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

There is a satanic conspiracy to kill men. It is being carried out by men, who have sold their souls to Satan for the purpose of bringing mankind into Satan’s destruction. (This is the exact opposite of God’s revealed purpose for man of ruling and taking dominion over the land)

Jesus Mission Statement:I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

Jhn 10:10 (The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy) I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

There is a mass attack against true Christianity that is being waged as war against truth. This is to bring men into a death-focused form of living. Every false doctrine and teaching that is coming out of the church is given to bring man to a lesser destiny then God called. Part of our death focus, is seen and portrayed in the present end-times lie that men tell each other popularly known as the "Rapture Theory". (Homosexual Paul Crouch propagates this from TBN) In this lie, the church has a focus on death not life. John Haggee’s attack against the Messiah-ship of Christ is a harbinger of things to come. (pray he get raptured out- ha ha)

Pat Robertson's endorsement of the "Pro-death" candidate, Rudy Guilliani, shows that the TBN founder and network has fallen into satanic endorsement and direction.

Look for more treason against God, from those who once led us in our faith. Many of the present liars in our chuch doctrinal quagmire, are men who are the leaders of the past.

A list of the lies:

1) The Jews are a superior race to the Gentiles.
2) The Rapture of the Church and the shaming of Kingdom people.
3) Jesus as less then Messiah.
4) The personal-prosperity focus. The rich are more Godly then the poor.
5) Conservatism is more Godly then Liberalism.
6) War is the way to peace.
7) There is more then one way to eternal life.

The enemy knows that all he has to get you to do what he wants, is to take your mind. Then you will do with religious fervor what he wants you to do. And you call it God! Well at least, the men who teach the above doctrines call it God!

Men have bought into a Satanic lie, which is, "It takes war to bring peace". This is based in Hagelian philosophy. (George Hagel- it is necessary for the state to use a systems process, thesis, purpose a second theses, or anti-theses, and then we come to synthesis) Out of the thesis a compromise is made. Order then comes out of Chaos. But wait, then comes challenge to the new order. Ad-infinitum.

This is how the church has by-and-large, become a useless piece of man made crap. Marx’s believed this doctrine. Darwin believed it, and the Masons believe it. The church believes it, because they by their man made systems do the same thing.

So to get to peace, you fight a war. This is the doctrine of demons that guides the neo-cons and most pastors. The New Republicans who are acting like Democrats are called Neocons. Really they are the synthesis of the parties. Neither Dog will hunt. Both dogs are dead and need buried. But instead of a funeral, we join ideas.

To paraphrase Fred Barnes, Fox News conservative, and often liar in my opinion.

"In essence the Republicans are still Republican only they are now big spending Republicans." Selah

The Blood Cause:

Alex Crowley said it was going to take a heck of a lot more blood to bring in the New World Order.

Blood is the way the Republicans intend to bring about control over the earth. The Republicans seem to want a "financed Chinese Chicken", in every pot, and a war on every continent. The Democrats are too busy spending money to tear down social morals, to do much to stop the blood-quest of the Republicans.

The liberal Democrats seem to want a homosexual in every home, and a social program for every societal need. The Democrats then fight their blood war against the unborn.

The war is both ideological and cultural. Blood is the main point. Blood and land are the two major goals. Land is power. People are expendable, and useful in gaining power. That is to say, all the wars we see being fought are wars dedicated to the false god, and are being fought primarily to spill men’s blood. The land then is the focus of that let blood. Mammon rejoices in this.

The blood is spilled to bring men into bondage, or to bring the man under the rule of the New World Order. Wars are made to keep man in general, from dominion. In the elites eyes, only the chosen few are fit to rule. The rulers are the Elite. They who make wars are the elites. They are murderers.

If we embrace any lie, we fall into deception. That is why the church is useless in this fight. It believes the lie, the mystery of iniquity, which causes men to live lives that keeps them from fulfilling God’s call. They look to the rapture as thier hope instead of Christ in us.

We have been lied to. So many church folks think that the war-mongers that lead America, are leading us into freedom. It is lie. You hear this lie from pulpits all over America. Selah

Believing truth has an outcome called freedom. Believing lies leads to death. What do you Believe? Do you hate God, or love God?

God's purpose is to bring us into confomity to the image of His son. The Purpose of the false is to bring us into death.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Hope of Divine Intervention

Many of you, who are called beyond church realm, into kingdom, have been going through great hardships. This has been process, leading to a greater manifestation of God in your lives. His kingdom is His rule.

We have come to His kingdom time. He is now intervening in your lives. He is now breaking the lies and hardships that you have lived in for many years. Do not be jealous of the trappings of the church realm. That is a fading glory. Look to the Lord today. He has come to bring you into power.

He is intervening in the patterns of your life to bring new possibilities. Your part is to submit. Turn into this wind of change. Embrace His path. As great judgment comes to this world, you will be able to tap into the peace you have found in your time of testing.

1Pe 4:16
Yet if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

1Pe 4:17
For the time [is come] that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if [it] first [begin] at us, what shall the end [be] of them that obey not the gospel of God?

1Pe 4:18
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Announcement of Great Trouble

Dr. Daniel E. Bohler11-30-2007 (This is a quote of his prophecy as listed on his web sight)

"I will never forget when President Bush delivered the body blow from our Nation against Israel! It was June 2, 2005. At that time President Bush following his meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, announced that everything Israel had fought for was over. Israel had suffered through three wars to come to where they were and our Government said that did not matter.

All peace negotiations and concessions by Israel in the pursuit of peace with the Muslim nations and Palestinians since 1949 have been rendered null and void.President Bush’s astonishing and unexpected statement, reversed long standing American policy. In his joint statement with Abbas, he declared that any final status changes in the peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians must be mutually agreed to on the basis of the 1949 Armistice lines. To my horror, this statement is the greatest betrayal of Israel committed by any American President in History!

You and I know what judgment came to this Nation just weeks later! We saw more than 600,000 people run for their lives (Katrina) as our Government stood by and forced Israel to move their people out of their homes and business in Israel and give it to their enemies the Palestinians. Now more than 900,000 people are homeless in California because of the fires and the number is climbing. Even as I am writing this short newsletter, President Bush is pushing for them to split Jerusalem, the Holy City and give away more land for peace.

This is God’s land and no one is to give it away to Israel’s enemies.People of God, what we will have to go through over the next six years will blow your mind. (Please read my website). Then great famine will begin. You notice that it is not Russia or Japan or over 100 other nations who are forcing Israel to give away their land for peace but the United States and Israel’s military force are uprooting people from their homes and businesses. (It’s not that these nations don’t have their own troubles but the US and Israel are under judgment of the Lord).

Because of pressure from the US, Israel is going to uproot more of it’s people from their homes and business and because of us pressuring Israel, the judgment of God is coming to Israel and to the US. All of this to give God’s land to the enemies. What a price to pay! You may remember in the last few years all the problems we’ve had.Storm after storm, Katrina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, etc. Tornado after Tornado, more than 1700 in 2006 and 2007, in Greensburg, Kansas, more than 5000 homes and businesses wiped out overnight.

What a short memory we have! The burning fires in California, burning thousands of homes. The radical Muslim governments of the world, through what is called Sovereign Wealth Fund, are buying up our Nation and we are loosing our National Sovereignty from the borders and internally by foreign investments. The Saudi Ambassador said on November 30, 2007 that Arabs would never accept Israel and the Arabs just bought stock in Citibank for 7.5 billion. Look out USA! China just invested 3 billion in Blackstone Corporation. This company has strategic technology in the world of missiles.

You can see that the judgment of God is upon us. We would never allowed this to happen years ago.When I gave the prophecy that all of this was coming, I never knew it would come so fast. Judgment in our land will increase even greater and in other parts of the World. Great revival is here as hundreds of thousands are praying. But we are reaping what we have sowed . God have mercy on us! Israel is about to suffer greatly and so is the USA and other nations, as well. We are fast approaching the coming Kingdom of God.

Are you preparing yourself to be one of God’s employees in His Kingdom? He is giving us the time! Go for it, in Jesus’ Name!Read what the Bible says is going to happen to us and to Israel. The good and the bad. Heed the word of God and live in His favor. Study them out carefully. "Also listed on His sight:"Please read:Zechariah 1: 14-17Deuteronomy 7: 9-11Mark 13: 4-5, 7-8, 12-13Matthew 24: 6 and 13, 20-22The Prophets through the years have spoken to Israel and to us. Most won’t listen but only a few will.2 Kings 17: 12 -13Read Isaiah 10: 5-6Ezekiel 18: 1-322 Kings 22: 15-20Our nation and Israel have violated Joel 3:2.Please read Zechariah 12: 1-9Remember Haggai 1: 10-11, in summary says that Nature itself reflects divine judgment when the will of God is ignored.

Please get your family together now for prayer and dedication. Destruction is now upon us! God have mercy on us!"Thank you for the warning Dr. Boller, however I saw the hardness in George Bush long ago. He is evil. He is sold to evil. His agenda is evil.

Also the Denver earthquake is a real witness with me.

Also See Dave Wilkerson's word: Dr. Wilkerson saw the destruction of San Fransico, I have also seen the destruction of half ofLas Vegas. Garry

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Stand Against Tyranny

Jesus is calling His people out of the mundane religious activities of Chiristiandom, into the world
of prophetic revelation and truth.

This is an invitation to all who land on this blog, to join the army of truth lovers who will stand against the tyranny that is oppressing this land.

We must proclaim the truth-His Gospel of the Kingdom!
