Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Like a Child

Jesus called Judas "friend", in his very act of betrayal. That should settle for us any question that Jesus is committed to a relationship with his sons, unto the end. Indeed it is often the one who betrays us who brings forth our greater destiny.

So in that case they are our friend. But they are not to be a friend with honor. We give honor only to those it is due.

I have had many betrayers in my life that have helped to shape the path I now walk. I do not look on any of them as friends to be trusted. In truth, they are evil anti-Christs who will be judged by their deeds, lest they repent and become like a child. Yet their actions, their deeds, cause them to be useful to God's purpose and therefore, in that sense the are "Friends". The things we go through to reach our destiny are qualifyers for that destiny.

It does us no good to hold unforgiveness for any one who betrayed us. We look to Christ's love as our example. It is without limit and without condition. For he so loved in that while we were yet sinners, he died for us! Thank you Lord!

The main difference between Peter and Judas and their destinies seems to be that Peter repented, and Judas became so overcome with guilt, that he took his own life.

Rom 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute [is due]; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

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