Sunday, February 14, 2010

Barbera Wintrope Prophecy/With Keith Pierce

Prophecy - The Boiling South Pacific 01/31/10
Barbara Wentroble – “For many today would speak of a global warming. I would say
that I have a global warming for I am igniting a flame within the hearts of My people
throughout the earth. This is an hour that it has been like fire shut up within your
bones. But I am coming with a release this hour. No longer will the fire be shut up
within your bones but I am getting ready to release My holy fire in the earth. Watch Me
as I bring a global warming in the hearts of My people; as I melt the very coldest of
hearts in this season. Even a new evangelistic anointing will be upon you. I am going
to cause the fire that has been withheld for so long to break forth. Now enter in to a
new time when I shall break forth on every side. Watch Me begin to war. Watch Me
begin to loose My fire in the most unlikely places. Even in those places where there
has been an attempt to silence My voice, I say I’m getting ready to break out. No man,
no government will be able to stop My voice in this hour. So know that the warming
that I am bringing will be a holy fire and it shall be ignited throughout the earth
through My people in this new season.”
Keith – I keep seeing the waters of the South Pacific warming and beginning to bubble.
“I will have a group of people that I will put on a journey that will seek out the root of
this churning.”
Barbara – “I would say even that boiling up in the South Pacific that is designed by the
enemy for destruction; I am going to have a people who will rise up in this hour. They
will turn that that was meant for destruction into My purposes. I am going to give you
power over the winds and over the waves. Even as My son spoke to the winds and
spoke to the waves and commanded them to be still, this is the hour that you will
speak to the destructive winds and to the destructive waves and you shall cause them
to be stilled. That that was meant for destruction, I shall turn it for My purposes in this
Keith – “Listen to the sound of war because it is building. When it builds My people will
arise. When they arise, they will come to their new mantle. They will receive their new
authority. They will extend their hands in a new way. Extend your hands and face the
contrary wind. Speak to the ill winds and say, ‘Cease. You will not bring the locust
across my land. Cease. You will not enter my cargo ship. Cease and desist.’ Today is
the day that I am Jehovah-Shalom. I am your peace. I am your prosperity in the midst
of the storm.”

See Video below:

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