Sunday, February 21, 2010

From Bobby Conner

"We are called to take the promised land of the Kingdom by force—without compromise or retreat. This war between King Jesus and His enemies of this world is going to be much, much more militant than we expected and we must prepare as serious soldiers of the Cross. Don’t misunderstand me—our weapons are not knives and guns, bombs and bullets, but eternal weapons of power: Zechariah 4:6 states that victory is won “not by might, nor by our human spirit, but only by the Spirit of the Lord.” Never forget it is by the Holy Spirit that we are empowered for action—but we need to come into agreement with the Spirit through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, purity, revelation of the Word of God, faith working through love and, above all, radical, unquestioned obedience." Source Dread Champion teaching.

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