Sunday, September 7, 2008

Winds of Change, Repent unto the Kingdom

For you prophetic Prophet, the world and its trappings are boring for the most part. We do not need confirmation from the World. We are not desperate to have someone say, “ Hey you are godly.” “You are right.”

No we have the seal of the Holy Spirit who is true to God’s word.

The winds of change have come. They are blowing in a new destiny, that which was called from the beginning. There have been sins exposed in the church. When this happens the "institutional form of church", is not able to handle truth properly. This church, is failed in its methodology and thinking. Psychological theology cannot set men free, nor can it keep men from sin. Judging other's sin, without grace, will bring only destruction. It should rather offer peace, and persue the way of the Lord.

I hear the Lord saying: "Get over it."

There is a mass failure that is being exposed in church leadership. This failure of pastors and leadership is a harbinger of things to come. This judgment I speak of, is one that is often brought forth and judged by the “churchy”, as being failure morally. Little do they know, that the failure is mainly of “the system”. The system is evil. The church system is full of the political spirit. The church system is full of self-promoting and posturing for gain. The church system in American churches is spiritual Babylon. While the church focuses on the external judgment of they who they believe have fallen, they miss the real message from Father. He is saying:

"The system, and its trappings must go."

When the prophet declares that God’s present word is:

”Repent for the kingdom is at hand. “,

It is judgment to church in Babylonian pattern.

"Repent of it!"

There must be a repentant turning for the Lord to come to stay. This repentance is mandated, for the establishment of His kingdom. The church of today is more run by leagalist-lawyers who do their bidding for gain, then by Holy Men. God is calling a breaking of this present system.

To repent unto the kingdom is to turn to a new way of church. The old is overrun by demons. There are winds blowing on the church today. They are blowing within the hearts of true believers. They are manifest in this way:

The East Wind: A judgment and confrontation of what is wrong. A preparing of the way of the Lord, to make His paths straight.
The West Wind: A spirit of deliverance poured out for the bound of the church. A clear opportunity offered to the church to repent for the kingdom is at hand.
The South Wind: A true discernment of Good and evil, by those of life,to replace the right and wrong judgment and focus, of the present church system. A release of double for those who are walking in the kingdom.
The North Wind: A returning of God into the church. As the church is delivered from Babylonian philosophies the Lord himself will honor it with his abiding presence.

The Lord is saying: "Turn in to it, Then turn into the wind."

Restrict not the work of his judgment unto repentance, that has come. Your glory is in Him. He is the only prize we seek. Repent of the spirit of Balaam, Gainsaying. Repent of the brother killing spirit, Cain. Repent of all false anointing, Korah. Repent unto the kingdom. It is righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit.

As we repent the Lord will fill us. This is renewal. Then we will have plenty of water from the Spirit for the world.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure, to give you the kingdom. - Luke 12:32

Prophet Garry

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