Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prayer Initiative for 2010

From Indiana Apostolic Network:

"Mike & Cindy Jacobs of the United States Reformation Prayer Network have asked each of the states to join them in a national prayer initiative for 2010. Please read, plan and implement your states participation.

ROOT 52 National Prayer Strategy

"ROOT 52" is a 52-week prayer strategy to bring the nation back to its covenantal roots. A torch of prayer and fasting will go “en-route” from state-to-state in the sequence that they joined the Union and came to form the United States of America.

ROOT 52 encompasses all 50 states standing together in covenant fasting and praying in agreement during the first two weeks of 2010 for our national leadership and national governmental structure. We will then move forward each week with individual states continuing to bow in repentance before God and taking up the torch of prayer and fasting until we complete 52 weeks, equaling 1 year. (50 states plus 2 weeks for government leadership).

The first week of the year begins corporately with all 50 states mobilized and joined together in prayer and fasting for our nation’s leadership in the White House:

President Barrack Obama and Vice President Biden, their wives and families, the Cabinet members, as well as the many Czars, as they are part of the whole (team). (See attached list of White House Czars and list of Cabinet Members)

The second week we would continue to pray and fast corporately for the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of our government. (See attached list of Supreme Court Members)

During these first two weeks, we are to pray over and make decrees from the Preamble to the United States Constitution and the United States Constitution itself. We also need to “declare” from the Declaration of Independence and pledge our nation to be “one nation under God”. (To access these documents, select and click on the list at the bottom of this email.)

As Chuck Pierce was shown by the Lord, some states have a covenant root of our founding fathers. If there’s not one, the state will contend for one and war to pull down, tear down, and uproot, and seek the Lord to plant and to build a new structure spiritually in that state. (See attached Prophetic Words on Covenant Roots by Chuck Pierce).

We also want to pray Jeremiah 1:10 that God will uproot and expose as well as build and plant. We need to pray that any terrorist funding, and jihadist plots be uncovered.

Pray for the complacency of the church be broken. We need to pray for a Great Awakening and for Reformation to start in every state.

In Hebrew, the United States is translated Artzot Ha-Brit, which means “lands of covenant” (view source). If we will covenant together as the body of Christ, we have an opportunity to turn this battle at the gates. As the United States of America, we’ve all heard the motto, “united we stand and divided we fall.” We believe that as the call goes out and the praying church arises, uniting in heart and purpose, that we will stand strong. As a result, we will see the walls of deception, seduction, lies and rhetoric come down like those of Jericho. Something needs to change and I we trust you agree. We know the Lord is faithful and he has a plan for good and not for evil; to give us a hope and a future and an expected end.

We see a remnant arising. There is a triumphant reserve. There are those who recognize it is no longer “business as usual” and the grass roots movement is feeling the wind of resurrection blowing. If we will take our place in repentance, bowing low before God in humility with fervent prayer and fasting, seeking God’s face and his heart towards our nation, we believe that united with God and one another, a nation can be shifted.

Vicki (California Coordinator) shared that the Lord recently spoke to her that Babylon and Egypt were both built with bricks but His building program is building with living stones. Apostle Dutch Sheets said that its time to altar a nation. Elijah, led by the spirit of God, rebuilt the altar that had been torn down in the nation through the seduction, control, intimidation, lies and unrighteous political alignment with Jezebel–a covenant breaking spirit. Even as Elijah used twelve stones to rebuild the altar of God, representing the 12 tribes, we too can stand on the principle that we have 50 stones/states as an offering to build and to re-altar this nation and turn it back to God.

Come bow with us. Come war with us. Help save the soul of our nation.

We have issued the call: ROOT 52!

Mike and Cindy Jacobs

Presiding Apostles

United States Reformation Prayer Network"

1 comment:

Revolution said...

Although I agree with most of what is here stated, I especially identified with the prayer for the church, let blind eyes be opened there this year.

The thing about terrorism, is not so pertinent with me, unless we pray against the forces in our government that blame shift to terrorist what our own evil government has caused and initiated.
