Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dan Bohler Prophetic Announcement

A timely word from:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

This is a prophetic announcement from Dr. Daniel E. Bohler. This confirms to me what the Lord has been revealing to me through His Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 43: 18 "Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness [And] rivers in the desert.

Prophetic Announcement
June 17, 2009
Dr. Daniel E. Bohler

"People of God, recent years have been a time of cleansing, repairing the foundation and learning. God has gently penetrated areas of sin and dysfunction in our lives and has taught us how to deal with them through an army of His servants teaching inner transformation and wholeness. We’ve seen major life changes. Hearts have come to repentance. Longstanding bitterness has been laid to rest. Marriages have been healed. The weak have grown strong. Now there is so much idolatry in the church yet to be dealt with but not much time on God’s countdown you will see a great increase of judgment in the House of God everywhere. Judgment will come on nations that support radical Islam and it’s Sharia Law. The judgment on Islam will come partly in the form of diminishing wealth, as we see a new method of fueling our transportation system; also, great earthquakes.

Now we who are God’s people and live the overcoming life because of the process of growth we’ve been through, God is going to release favor on us like we’ve never seen before, if we will pick up what we’ve been given and move with it.

He loves each of us because that is the nature of grace, but to be entrusted with the exercise of real power is a different issue.

To be entrusted with real power requires a deeper level of the character of Jesus in us. This is why judgment has begun to fall and leaders are being exposed in their sin. Without the character of Jesus we inevitably become abusers. For a great many of us who’ve been in training through these last years, that process of character formation has been the focus of life. We’ve lived an extended season of preparation.

We now have come to a season of great prophetic fulfillment and prophetic release. What God has promised is coming to us and we are moving from the season of the refreshing anointing of the Lord into an anointing of promised power. You and I are called to take this power outside the church walls and into the market place. This has been prophesied and is underway. Prophecies of this nature usually don’t come to fulfillment by accident; but because people acted upon them. I am seeing this everywhere.

God is bringing light and vision to business people who had given up. We have come into a season of increase in the prophetic itself, when most of what we do by our actions and by what we say with our mouths will carry prophetic significance and prophetic impact. The prophetic word uproots what is not God and plants what is, breaks down what is not God and builds what is. (Jeremiah 1:10). We have been called to be a church that by its very existence causes things not of God to fall, and things of God to rise!

It is past time for those of us with prophetic anointing to carry that out into the world, the market place, and the neighborhood. When people know by the prophetic word that God has their name and address delivered by someone in love with Jesus, they respond. It is past time to overcome our fear and begin to cross the boundaries to touch those outside the faith. The culture around us is daily becoming more ripe to receive.

Giving God our high praises at home, in our cars, in the church setting, enjoying the Presence of God without another agenda, will take us to places in God we have never known! God is now coming to us in dramatic ways as we praise Him and enter into worship of God--Who He is and His Majesty.

John 4:23 (But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.) vs. 24 (God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.)

I just received a call from my sister, who is an intercessor, who informed me that other prayer warriors and prophets from different places said to put the word out to pray against the summer and the grave difficulties at hand beginning after June 21, 2009. Our friends in Dallas called the other night saying the storm was so severe that nearly a half million people had no power and that the water was up so high that people had to come in by boats to rescue others. We’ve had flash floods for three days, here in Missouri, and the mighty Missouri River is at its peak. Many low lying areas are flooding and people have had to leave. Our ministry friends came this week from Denver, who said they had had an excess of fifteen tornadoes which is a new record for Colorado. We have lost some small communities here from tornadoes in the last six days. The weather is getting more dangerous, it seems, each week! We, here in Jackson Co. MO, are under a tornado watch, which is the fifth time this week.

I have a sense that we need to pray against the spirit of anarchy in our cities and neighborhoods all over the USA."

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