Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wilderness Outcry

Dutch Sheets is interested in you checking this out. Click on the title above to go to the wilderness outcry web page.

From Dutch:

The State of the Nation

"If God brought corrective but serious judgment to Israel, we are horribly deceived if we think it will not happen to us. If something doesn’t happen to lessen this judgment—and it can be lessened–we are headed for very difficult times. The economy is going to be devastated. The stock market will go well below where it went a few months back—a crash is coming, and soon. More terrorism and violence will occur in our land, perhaps even war. In my spirit I’ve seen buildings crumbling and cities burning. Devastating natural disasters will take place. In general, hard times will be prevalent. Why is this so? Because we have turned from God and His ways. Consider the true condition of America. This assessment is bleak but accurate."

Or copy and paste this:

Wilderness Outcry is a call to gather for prayer for this nation.

This may be very timely. It is my observation that most of the "Christian Ministries" in this nation are truly serving Mammon. Repentance is America's only hope. Judgment starts with the house of Jah.

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