Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stirring the Prophets of this Hour-A prophetic experience

I share here a prophetic experience I had this morning:

In a vision in the night I saw a man who represented the prophetic ministry. He was was beating an arrow on the ground but without passion. He was unwilling to give all. He was beating in duty not love.

He then had an unction to begin to put a full effort into his warring.

I believe the Lord is saying he is stirring the prophets into greater works in their ministries.

He also said our efforts have been unfruitful because we have tolerated sin in our lives. Our sin has rendered our works fruitless.

I know that; "Repent unto the Kingdom", is Jah's word for us this hour.

I later thought of a day long ago when I was driving down the street and looked and saw on a billboard, the words: "Stop Here".

The Lord is saying to us, "stop sinning here". The warning is so that the prophetic may fulfill their call in this hour. We cannot do miracles with sin in our lives. He then reminded me of how His prophets had been crying for miracles. He gave me understanding that it is our sin that has stopped His intervention in our situations. He showed me our passions have been in the flesh and not unto Him. This has grieved Him.

He is truly a jealous God.

He then showed me, a man looking out over a field with a blindfold on. He said this was His prophetic who still prophesied even though they had become blind in their pride.

On seeing and hearing this things I was pricked in my own heart and began to cry for the first time in a long time.

The Lord said, "He is now breaking the hearts, cutting the fleshly foreskin, of the Prophetic that we might be useful to Him in this great hour.

Luk 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, [the same] loveth little.
Luk 7:48 And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.

The Lord then showed me His prophetic community has been wondering around in a wilderness of sin. He showed me a picture of many blind-folded prophet/seers who were bumping into each other they were so blind as to what was going on. In all this He never said they were not prophets or seers anymore. He called them by name, what He had called them to become. "Prophet of God".

Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

The Lord then showed me Himself praying in Gethsemane. He showed me his death on the cross. He said in Gethsemane He had prayed for us in just this moment, some of the drops of blood were for this hours redemption, and the Father had laid this time of sin in the body on Christ's body in the garden.

He spoke a word: "Disembodied"

I looked it up as I had not meditated on this word before.

"Divested of a body; ceased to be corporal; incorporeal."
The disembodied spirits of the dead.

He said: "This is the state of many of His prophetic people."

They have been in many cases, forced out of the church.

Reembodied came to mind. The actual word then is "Embody".

"To make part of a system or whole; to incorporate:"

They Lord is bringing His scattered back together. Like the Bones in Ezekeil 37. The natural first was done in 1948. Now the spiritual.

Hsa 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

He said: Though we have gone through much evil, it was His work now, to bring that evil unto use for His purpose, for He loves us.

Healing is returning to the body.

He said "His prophets have been like Jonah who had sulked when their word of judgment was not seen manifest in the earth.'

He said, "The intercessor part of His prophetic minstrels had stayed His hand as to what He might of done... and a few in error, had repented."

He said: He had heard our cries of repentance on the seventh (national day of Prayer) in this country, and is taking us at our word.

He said: We are moving to a new beginning, and fruit." (8&9)

He said: "Look to the Rock from which you were Hewn."

I knew this, Kingdom prophets: We have been proud against the church because thier rejection of our kingdom message was severe.
But Jah is saying: "Return with healing in our wings." He will heal us and them.

He showed me Gideon making an alter at night so no one would know. He said: "Make your alter in the day light." "Surely you were driven out in the day, surly you shall return in the day."

I heard the word: "Rend your hearts. Do not bow to the un-sanctified, but give obeisance to Me." He said, "the countenance of your accusers is fallen. They shall not carry the glory without repentance."

I then knew in my heart: The step brothers of our lives must repent unto the kingdom to be justified.

I then saw man prophets with blindfolds before the Lord of Glory on His throne. They sensed His heat whcih readiated in His glory, and took thier blinders off.

He said; "When we repent we take the blinders off."

I felt my heart swell up to cry.

He said: "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes this morning."

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