Thursday, May 15, 2008

It is time NOW!

The church in its present form is almost useless to bring about what God is requiring of it. He wants it to look like his heavenly pattern. Heaven is in order. There is no lack in His presence. In heaven resides glory. The church is an anemic irrelevant shell of what Father desires it to be.

The message to the church is; "change or die". That is merciful, for to have the church continue in its present state would be a worse judgment than death.

If the light has become darkness, if the salt has lost its savor, what good is it?

It is time NOW, to repent, for the kingdom is at hand.

The church was never meant to be a big building, or a big organization with professional men running it. The church is always about the people. The saints are to be trained to rule and reign with Jesus. Jesus is the point, the saints are the ones he lives in.

It is now time for the church to repent unto the kingdom. That means that it would switch from focus on man to Jesus. And it would exist to bring believers to the fullness of maturity.

If the church would be right with God's way, it would not have to worry about getting men saved. They would run to a place where God truly was found.

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