Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fear no Man for you are Equipped

A word: There are men even now emerging on the national and international scene who are empowered with satanic words to convince and sway masses of people into their web of lies.

These men will speak of peace and yet they will cause wars. Eventually one may spring from their ranks as "the man" of the day. They will cause many to follow them into wilderness beliefs.

Against this back drop, the Kingdom of God will emerge. There is no weapon that forges itself against the kingdom that will prosper. The kingdom is advancing this day. Jesus is on the lips of the Kingdom prophet. More importantly he is in their hearts. They will through prayer and proclamation turn back the works of darkness by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimonies, and by loving not their lives unto death.

Fear no man.

Father has led you to see the evil that now resides in the governments men have established in the earth. Did you not know that the kingdom is the answer for all these oppressive governments? Did you think the kingdom was only about Holiness in the church? No the Kingdom is about God's righteous reign in all the earth.

You have entered the last great battle. Be at peace. Your weapons are not for carnal war. They are effective in the Spirit only. As you come into His order you will find your sword has been sharpened and now is more effective then it has ever been. Your shield is strong, your helmet light and dense, your girdle is working to keep your body in proper form, your shoes are shinning in His glory.

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