Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Devils Purpose. God's Purpose

The Devils Purpose and God’s Purpose for Man:

"What do the Illuminati elite really want? Many believe they have the answer, and it all seems so simple. Rich beyond measure, they want more money. Already more powerful than the kings of old, they desire even more power. And being psychopaths and control freaks, true, they seek to establish a seamless Police State, the better to control and imprison anyone who breaks their arbitrary rules. So, is that it—money, power, control? Is that the sum of what they want?" Alex Jones

Satan has a plan that he is working. He works this without fail. He is committed to his vision.

Jhn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:….

That is it. That is what the devil is about. If he is not stealing, he is killing, and if he is not destroying he is doing the others, and usually he is doing them all. He does this through his main weapon of lie. All they who hate God, love death:

Pro 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

The thing we must understand as Kingdom Christians is that there are many who hate God. Those who hate God love death. This death focus is the primary purpose of men who want to rule the world. The devil wants to derail man from his God called purpose as stated in:

Read Genesis 1:28.

God's call to man to take dominion over the earth is without repentance. Satan's false vision for man is to take the world for him. When we take up His vision we deny God’s soveringty.

Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Amo 5:15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

There is a satanic conspiracy to kill men. It is being carried out by men, who have sold their souls to Satan for the purpose of bringing mankind into Satan’s destruction. (This is the exact opposite of God’s revealed purpose for man of ruling and taking dominion over the land)

Jesus Mission Statement:I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

Jhn 10:10 (The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy) I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

There is a mass attack against true Christianity that is being waged as war against truth. This is to bring men into a death-focused form of living. Every false doctrine and teaching that is coming out of the church is given to bring man to a lesser destiny then God called. Part of our death focus, is seen and portrayed in the present end-times lie that men tell each other popularly known as the "Rapture Theory". (Homosexual Paul Crouch propagates this from TBN) In this lie, the church has a focus on death not life. John Haggee’s attack against the Messiah-ship of Christ is a harbinger of things to come. (pray he get raptured out- ha ha)

Pat Robertson's endorsement of the "Pro-death" candidate, Rudy Guilliani, shows that the TBN founder and network has fallen into satanic endorsement and direction.

Look for more treason against God, from those who once led us in our faith. Many of the present liars in our chuch doctrinal quagmire, are men who are the leaders of the past.

A list of the lies:

1) The Jews are a superior race to the Gentiles.
2) The Rapture of the Church and the shaming of Kingdom people.
3) Jesus as less then Messiah.
4) The personal-prosperity focus. The rich are more Godly then the poor.
5) Conservatism is more Godly then Liberalism.
6) War is the way to peace.
7) There is more then one way to eternal life.

The enemy knows that all he has to get you to do what he wants, is to take your mind. Then you will do with religious fervor what he wants you to do. And you call it God! Well at least, the men who teach the above doctrines call it God!

Men have bought into a Satanic lie, which is, "It takes war to bring peace". This is based in Hagelian philosophy. (George Hagel- it is necessary for the state to use a systems process, thesis, purpose a second theses, or anti-theses, and then we come to synthesis) Out of the thesis a compromise is made. Order then comes out of Chaos. But wait, then comes challenge to the new order. Ad-infinitum.

This is how the church has by-and-large, become a useless piece of man made crap. Marx’s believed this doctrine. Darwin believed it, and the Masons believe it. The church believes it, because they by their man made systems do the same thing.

So to get to peace, you fight a war. This is the doctrine of demons that guides the neo-cons and most pastors. The New Republicans who are acting like Democrats are called Neocons. Really they are the synthesis of the parties. Neither Dog will hunt. Both dogs are dead and need buried. But instead of a funeral, we join ideas.

To paraphrase Fred Barnes, Fox News conservative, and often liar in my opinion.

"In essence the Republicans are still Republican only they are now big spending Republicans." Selah

The Blood Cause:

Alex Crowley said it was going to take a heck of a lot more blood to bring in the New World Order.

Blood is the way the Republicans intend to bring about control over the earth. The Republicans seem to want a "financed Chinese Chicken", in every pot, and a war on every continent. The Democrats are too busy spending money to tear down social morals, to do much to stop the blood-quest of the Republicans.

The liberal Democrats seem to want a homosexual in every home, and a social program for every societal need. The Democrats then fight their blood war against the unborn.

The war is both ideological and cultural. Blood is the main point. Blood and land are the two major goals. Land is power. People are expendable, and useful in gaining power. That is to say, all the wars we see being fought are wars dedicated to the false god, and are being fought primarily to spill men’s blood. The land then is the focus of that let blood. Mammon rejoices in this.

The blood is spilled to bring men into bondage, or to bring the man under the rule of the New World Order. Wars are made to keep man in general, from dominion. In the elites eyes, only the chosen few are fit to rule. The rulers are the Elite. They who make wars are the elites. They are murderers.

If we embrace any lie, we fall into deception. That is why the church is useless in this fight. It believes the lie, the mystery of iniquity, which causes men to live lives that keeps them from fulfilling God’s call. They look to the rapture as thier hope instead of Christ in us.

We have been lied to. So many church folks think that the war-mongers that lead America, are leading us into freedom. It is lie. You hear this lie from pulpits all over America. Selah

Believing truth has an outcome called freedom. Believing lies leads to death. What do you Believe? Do you hate God, or love God?

God's purpose is to bring us into confomity to the image of His son. The Purpose of the false is to bring us into death.

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