Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Dream Isn't the Issue...from Dr. Fizer

May 20, 2010
The Dream Isn't the Issue...
The Dream isn't the issue.

"It's the confidence. The endurance. The ability to handle not only the demands of the dream "but the measurements" that have "sized up your life" for so many years. Others have measured you. YOU have measured you. And you won't expand "until you break that tape!" The Dream is never the issue. But the "measuring tape" can do quite a bit of damage to the mind.

One thing's for certain. YOU DO desire CHANGE. But how much are YOU willing to "invest" to make it happen? You don't need another confirmation. You simply need to "do it" if you want! How much are your Decisions worth? A decision is always worth the Action behind it! A decision without action "is not even worth the sound that obligates a hearing!"

Before I go, remember this. If the Dream is TRUE, then you are already "has expansive as the Dream itself!" You are accountable to the Manifestation of that Dream 'simply because you were able to dream The Dream!'"


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