Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Process

To be used by God sometimes requires processing. He will put you between a rock and a hard place if that is what needs to happen to get you to depend on Him.

Paul Said: "I die daily". If you want to be used by God, you must die to yourself. The blood he shed for you purchased your salvation. Let Him have control of all your life.

Kingdom Prophet. You must continue on, even though you do not see the end. He is in this thing. Do not be discouraged or envious of those who have garnered His wealth unto themselves. They have been taken by Mammon.

You are not like them. Jah is your provider. Do not envy those who left the hard process to find comfort in a whoreish system. They are fallen. They are decieved, and prodigal to the true house of Jah.

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