Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Judgment and Release

Judgment:Isaiah 26:9b says, when your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

About twenty years ago, the Lord began to move many into ministry in the Market Place. This has grown greatly. Some who were anointed to move into business, and who were successful, have lost sight of the purpose of God for them being blessed in business, which was to bless His people. They have lavished themselves with their success and forgot the poor and the downtrodden.

Their churches are picture-pretty, but their worship is dead and lifeless.

The Lord had intended to make these people an ensample of His goodness to His people. The greed and pride of many of those whom He blessed in business have come up before Him and is a stench in His nostrils. There is a reckoning coming for each of those prodigals that have squandered their blessing only on themselves. The purging fire times are here and you will know it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

You will see the judgment of those who have forsaken their God and become selfish. Many will see this fall and the world will learn the truth, that "Godliness with contentment is great gain". Many church leaders are so entangled with some of the proud business men that they to will suffer loss. Greed is the issue.


God is moving some of His people into bars, and clubs to be witnesses there. If you have heard this word to “go to the sinner”, do not fear the accusations of the vocal back sliders in the church, nor their unrighteous judgments. God will uphold you. Fear God. Do His pleasure. If he has sent you to these places, it is because He has prepared your spirit to be able to be successful there.

If you grow successful there, do not forget who empowers you, and enables you in all good things. Always remember he lifts one up, and brings another down. He is the Lord of the harvest, and the whole earth.

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