Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Overturning is Come

Seven Years ago the spirits of baal and mammon, were released to bring a stop to the deliverance the Lord had planned for His people. They were largly effective in thier work.

That time was to be the time of great deliverance for this nation. We now have seen a full seven years of a "famine of the Spirit", which those spirit's work caused.

The evil that was released, broke up covenanted relationships. In that the supply of many of the true apostolic and prophetic ministries was interrupted.

The great conflagration of 2003, was the result of God's people loving thier own lives.

The cycle is now complete. The Lord is mandating a deliverance of His people. This is the hour of the overturning of the evil rule of baal and mammon over the true of Jah.

The wind of change that blew in evil betrayal has blown out. Now it is time for a wind of renewal. This will begin by the 17th of July.

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