Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sad Day and the Third Day

I recently went to visit a ministry I was in touch with several years ago. As I drove up to their building on a Sunday morning, the parking lot was vacant and the property was deteriorating.

I prayed about it and later felt I should call the pastor of that work. He was guarded, and offended. The work had been closed two years. The pastors offense was blatant and obvious.

The closing of a once vital work is a sad story, that has been repeated far too many times across this nation. There is a devil assigned to assassinate pastors and churches, and Christian ministries. When that devil what ever type he be, gets a foot hold in the hearts of believers, only repentance will break his spell.

Also this seems to happen mostly in independent works, no matter what type of accountability structure they build. The vulnerability of an independent work with no out side over seer is great. The devil knows how to exploit it. Yet denominations always backslide. They gather around the least of qualifying truths as a common denominator.

I pray for every pastor across this nation that has a ministry that was lost or stolen. Let God arise and be your defense. Let each one examine their own heart and seek His path.

Let the day of sadness, and dearth be turned to dancing and mirth!

The true Apostolic is the answer.

In the past ten years we have seen many a foolish man who may be truly called as an Apostle, launch forward in pride and presumption in ministry. There has been a great schism caused in the body because of the works they worked, and the doctrines they have taught.

My Word from Jah:

This is a day when God is releasing the true Apostolic anointing and ministry. It will be so different than what Charismatic Churches have come to expect it will be
denied at first. Eventually it will find its place because the church is such an orderless mess, it will be necessary for acceptance of it least all the work perish.

We are coming into the third day of the Church. Let Christ's full ressurection be seen in us in this day.

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