Saturday, December 19, 2009

It is Time to Exit the Season of Waiting

Kingdom Prophet, you have been waiting and wondering in a wilderness time this last seven years. Indeed even before you fully exited your last season you were in transition to the time of waiting. Now your time is coming to an end. You have been seven years in this time of waiting. It has been a time when those with ears, in the church have realized that they needed kingdom life. But they have rarely had a preacher to bring that message.

In this hour, you must give the Lord your full focus. Time in the word and intercession is very much needed now. Faith must be found in each of you, by your returning Lord. He did for a moment seem to forsake us. But he only put the vision on hold for that appointed time. We must not be caught like the five foolish virgins who were without oil on the masters return.

Click on the title above for the full teaching on this word.

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