Sunday, April 25, 2010

Angry, Angry, Angry

By Francis Frangipane

"It's hard to remember a time when people were more angry. A civilized person ought to be, first of all, civil. Yet, today there is no discourse, no respect for another's opinion, no reasoning together for the common good. I am concerned, especially for the church.

One may argue, "Our society is decaying. We should be mad." Yes, but we can be angry yet still not sin (see Eph 4:26). Of course, I feel anger that the underpinnings of our culture are being dismantled by unprincipled men. Our souls should be vexed at the darkening cloud of demonic infestation in our culture, especially when children are caused to stumble or the weak are exploited. If we don't take a stand, the advance of evil ultimately means more people will die without Christ. So, if we are angry, it does not necessarily mean we have sinned. It can simply mean we care.

I am not surprised by the increased anger. My concern is that, unless this anger regenerates into something more redemptive, more Christlike, we will not see our world renewed. Indeed, anger that does not awaken in us redemptive action ultimately degrades into bitterness and unbelief.

A Two-Pronged Attack
While hell advances into our world on many levels, I want to discuss two primary areas. The first manifestation is brazen, widespread and alarming. For example, a corrupt law gets passed or gang violence breaks out; or it might be that a beloved public figure is scandalized. It's on the news and people are talking about it. The shock waves caused by this demonic intrusion smash against our hearts: we're disappointed, offended, stunned and, often, outraged. In this state of mind, hell launches the second area of attack. There is no newscast featuring this next stage of warfare. On this front, the devil does not come openly flaunting himself, but quietly. In seething whispers he stirs the pot of our discontent until it boils. Ultimately, where once the heart of the Christian was full of faith and love, now bitterness, hatred and malice churn in the souls of God's people.

So while we must fight the culture wars of our times, we must preserve our capacity to love if we will actually win our war. We must remember we are not fighting against "flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world" (Eph. 6:12 KJV).

Sadly, I have heard many people say recently that they've lost their vision for America. What they actually lost was not their vision, but their love. For love believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things (1 Cor. 13:7).

The Goal Of God
I will tell you how I look at this. I believe that if the Almighty's highest plan was to end evil on Earth, He could do so in a flash. Why does He wait? He desires to bring believers to Christlike maturity. In a moment evil would be gone, as it was with Sodom and Gomorrah. But we must never forget: Jesus did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.

What God waits for is us. Our Christlike perfection is the harvest upon which the Father waits. He desires to bring many sons to glory, and this world, with all its evil, is the perfect setting to bring us to Christlike maturity. Here, we have real enemies that God can use to perfect our love; in this environment, we have actual foes whose persecution helps to perfect our prayer.

Yes, we should be angry about what's wrong, but we must be Christlike in making things right. We cannot just be political; we must be spiritual, like people from another realm.

Rightly there are times when we must defend the helpless among us, but concerning ourselves, let us consider again what Jesus commanded:

"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5:39-45).

You see, God desires mature sons and daughters who, while fighting for their world, open the door of love into His world. To see our nation transformed, we ourselves must be transformed. Otherwise, we will risk becoming Christian hypocrites: angry that the world is not Christian but untroubled that we are not Christlike."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wilderness Outcry

Dutch Sheets is interested in you checking this out. Click on the title above to go to the wilderness outcry web page.

From Dutch:

The State of the Nation

"If God brought corrective but serious judgment to Israel, we are horribly deceived if we think it will not happen to us. If something doesn’t happen to lessen this judgment—and it can be lessened–we are headed for very difficult times. The economy is going to be devastated. The stock market will go well below where it went a few months back—a crash is coming, and soon. More terrorism and violence will occur in our land, perhaps even war. In my spirit I’ve seen buildings crumbling and cities burning. Devastating natural disasters will take place. In general, hard times will be prevalent. Why is this so? Because we have turned from God and His ways. Consider the true condition of America. This assessment is bleak but accurate."

Or copy and paste this:

Wilderness Outcry is a call to gather for prayer for this nation.

This may be very timely. It is my observation that most of the "Christian Ministries" in this nation are truly serving Mammon. Repentance is America's only hope. Judgment starts with the house of Jah.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do You Want to Know the Truth?

We often think we know what God is doing. Yet often he leads us to truth that destroys former understanding.

The way to truth is seldom taught in churches in post-Christian America. Do you want to know the truth?

He is a living person.

There is an evil, that stands against you knowing truth. It is entrenched in churches.

The first step to Truth is to repent of your man-made philospies and to ask Jah to lead you to all Truth.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chuck Pierce – Prophetic Word Released for a Time Such as This: BE READY! Posted on April 13, 2009

Chuck Pierce
Apr 10, 2009
Prophetic Word Released—for a Time Such as This:

"The Lord says, “Let the sound of reformation come into you. Feel the brooding of My Spirit over you. My Spirit brooded over the confusion of the earth realm, and I can brood over your confusion. Fully submit your spirit to gain insight into My plan of reformation. Ministries are reforming. Lives are reforming. Cities are changing. Church gatherings are reforming. There is a cataclysmic ending and beginning going on in the earth that is creating My plan of fullness.

“There is a mounting up. Angels are guarding your reforming. Life systems around you are changing. The water is being applied to the clay and the Potter’s wheel is accelerating. You must be ready and start coming up and I’ll meet you halfway. I will overshadow you as you ascend. I will shadow you and bring you through the confusion you’ve been in. Be ready. Come up. Ascend and watch that confusion end.

“I am making you ready now. Watch Me get you ready. Be ready to move with Me quickly. Be ready to make a quick decision. Be ready to move and advance with Me. Be ready for the third day. Be ready for the change. Be ready for your new assignment. Be ready to move with Me. Be ready, for the third day is coming over you and overshadowing you!

“I am working in your life to make you ready. Like Peter’s mother-in-law, be ready to rise up from that fever that has held you down. Be ready to serve Me. Be ready to go up. Be ready to be assigned. Be ready to make that change. Be ready to go forward. Be ready to demonstrate My power in the path where I have placed you.

“Be ready for the change that is about to happen in your life. Be ready! Sanctify and ready yourself, for this is a day that I will call you quickly and change your circumstance quickly and cause you to rise up. From the direction you were taking, you will shift immediately. Be ready, for changes are coming—suddenly. I AM singing ‘Suddenly! Suddenly!’ Sing with Me and ready yourself to move quickly.

“Be ready for the call. Keep your lamp ready. Keep the oil filled within you. Make ready. Be ready. Move forward with Me when I call, for the call is ‘on the way’ to you. Many of you have grown weary in the delay, but be ready, for this day of change is upon you. Do not grow weary in doing what is right. Keep your lamps trimmed. My hour of visitation is near you. Be ready and don’t go to sleep. Be ready to move.
“Defend Your Hope Today”

“This is a day that I AM re-orchestrating your circumstance. The circumstance around you has attempted to invade your atmosphere of hope. Now I am re-orchestrating that circumstance. Even over the last 18 months you have seen and resisted the rearrangement of things. Now I will re-orchestrate the event. Watch for the event that I am bringing you to. Watch for the time of change and be ready. Know and rehearse My word. Move in the dark structure around you with My word.

“The gate of your entry is forming. The next level of revelation is coming. Be ready. Refill yourself with oil. Be ready to move quickly with Me. Take your lamp and say, ‘Lord, I don’t want to be foolish.’ Be ready with My word. Be ready with My word at a moment. Sanctify yourself. Make Me to be full in your heart. Be ready.

“But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. Do not be afraid of threats nor be troubled. I am ready to remove anything that’s troubling you. Deliverance is coming. I WILL remove the anxiousness in My people, for deliverance is coming.

“Sanctify your hearts and always be ready to give a defense for the reason for the hope that is in you. Let hope spring up. Let the defense of hope be readied upon your tongue. Be ready now to defend your hope that is within you. Do not allow the hope to flicker and go out. If you allow the hope to go out, the defense that you must create in your atmosphere will not be able to be created. Renew your hope today. Fill yourself with hope that you might defend the hope that is within you.

“The enemy has come and put you on the defensive, so defend your hope today. Do not back up and do not come into agreement with the enemy who has tried to squeeze hope out and cause your faith shield to fall. Defend your hope today. Ready yourself and allow My words to form within your mouth in a new way. My word is very near to your mouth. It will form in your mouth and what you need to say today will rise up.
“Ready Yourself to Move Quickly”

“Throughout My Kingdom I decree that a new word is ready and on the lips of MY people today. They will have the right word and will be favored. They will pick up the phone and call. They will pick up the phone when they are called. They will be ready to go to their next call and assignment. Be ready to rise up immediately from your infirm state and serve.

“My word is coming alive again. Ready yourself to be healed! Some of you have come into agreement with your infirm state. You are lying still but you are not ready to be healed. I sent My word and healed them. My word is very near to you.

“Your deliverance is near. Ready yourself, for your deliverance is near. Ready yourself, for the enemy is targeting My people in a different new way! Ready yourself with the word of defense. I AM planning a surprise confrontation of the enemy that is coming against My people.

“The next five months will be intense! Ready yourself with the word at all times. Defend the hope that is within you. I am rearranging and reforming circumstances around you today. Ready yourself to move quickly. I will assign you in the night watch in the next several weeks and months. I will rise you up in the night watch so by noonday the terror has passed you!” (Personal note: The Lord seems to be combining the night watch with the noonday watch.)

“Give Me the hour and ready yourself, and your oil will remain full within you. When words come against you in the morning hour, by noonday you will break through. I am resting on you and loosing this through the atmosphere of MY Kingdom.

“Be ready, for certain things will end suddenly and new ways will open and begin suddenly. Do not fear your abandonment! Just be ready to move into the next place that I offer you. Some of you will move into a new realm of helping. This is a season where the gift of helps will be exalted in a new way and made efficient. Some of you will move into a gift of healing, for My people must be readied and healed.

“Counseling will take a back seat to impartation during this time. Word of wisdom will come by My Spirit, word of knowledge will be released, and you will know immediately how to move. The time of counseling is not at hand but the time of advancement and ’suddenly’ is upon you! Therefore, ready yourself.

“My word will stir within you and you will hear a word behind you telling you which way to go. New circuits are being replaced. I am beginning to remove the circuits My people have been on and create new circuits.”" ...

Lord a Year now has have watched over your word to Perform it. Let this be the hour.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our Proclamation

We are in a day when darkness is being, exposed to light and overwhelmed. We pray this continue and grow in our cities and in this nation, and in the world.

Let the darkness of this day be broken, is our proclamation!

Let righteousness return to our cities in this Nation.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Words and More

Eph 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
Eph 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
Eph 5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
Eph 5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
Eph 5:5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Your words are of absolute importance. It is not wrong to note how bad things are if you still confess faith that Christ is the ultimate answer. Few Christians I know have faith in God today. They trust their own ways much more.

Foolish talking and jesting may be at an all time high among church folks. Gossip kills churches, ministries, and lives.

To remedy the word pollution that has taken the church, start by letting your yes mean yes, and your no mean no. To do so is to repent unto the kingdom. Although we have much sin in the church I doubt that any is as widespread as "word sin".

We the church are under the wrath of God for our false judgments, evil confessions, evil reports, and lack of love. Do what you say, keep your heart and actions in agreement with your faith confession.