Monday, November 30, 2009

Religious Spirit

There has been a great falling away in churches and in so called Christian Ministries. Indeed most trust in man power, religion, government, and manipulation. Pastors across this nation are teaching their congregations to bow to the police. But the wise know, if the police have become evil, they must be resisted. Almost, all of government has become evil.

With that truth on the forefront, I am aware that it is a fine line we in the prophetic, walk. Anyone can be a critic. We desire and pray that the things revealed here, and on my other blogs, are the things the Lord is pointing out as being in need of advancement or the things that must change to see his greater glory.

Religious people are always judgmental. I pray we never operate in a religious spirit.

I believe that true things concerning the church's error must be revealed and talked about, if we will ever see the return of the king to rule in Church. (He already rules the faithful)And if the church repent to the kingdom, our nation would surly see the a better way. The choice this nation faces is global elitist fascism, or the kingdom of God. Churchanity has sold its soul to the lie of one world elitism. Religion is rooted in pride and fear. Pride is of course the armor of hell. It keeps truth from penetrating the hearts of men.

I have primarily been warring against the spirit of Baal, Mammon, Moloch, and Religion. Never forget, Jezebel and Baal, who are two of the greatest entrenched demons in the USA, are actually rooted in pride and fear. They are religious in nature. They offer a false path, and power to that which Jah ordains.

Many churches in this nation are totally controlled by Jezebel. They are enemies of the cross.

Church Evil

I heard today of a ministry head who had done an underhand thing to one of his associates. This the second time in about a year he had betrayed this man.

Having had the same kind of thing done to me about six years ago now, I knew the hurt. I called the one who was betrayed and encouraged him in the Lord.

Of the deed I called it "evil". No doubt the Ministry head in Aurora, Colorado defends his sin.

A few years back a man from Lima, Ohio, who had done me a great evil, denied it... sheepishly. But he was evil. His collusion with another against me, was real.

I pray that these men get delivered from their demons, before they find what a fearful thing it will be to fall into the hands of a living God.

The church is full of men who fall into pride and then betray brothers. They will give answer for every idle word they speak...and every evil deed.

We are in a day when many a church man, who does evil to others, actually believes they are doing God's bidding. They are fools, deceived and demonized. Although I always hold out for the mercy of God, there is damnation. It is for those who will not repent and believe.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Release of the Mighty Men

One of Isaiah's son's name was Shear-Jashub. This name means, A Remnant shall rise.

This is both a good news and bad news message. The bad news, is that you who have enjoyed much and have not gone through testing times, in the past six years are not qualified for the next move of God. It does not matter how much you've done in preparation if, your preparation has not included a good deal of desert time, (wilderness) then you are not ready.

The easy road is rarely the way Jah takes servants He is getting ready to release with new power. Jesus went to the wilderness to be tempted, before He was released.

There is a remnant rising!

Those who will be released in this hour, may most resemble David's might men who were a broken lot. (2 Sam 23, 1 Chr. 11) At first the "comfort zone" church will reject them. They will not fit their religious patterns. But eventually, they will see that the Spirit of Jah rest upon them.

When I think of the ministries that have broken out ahead of the pack, and how the church and para church has disdained them, it breaks my heart. But the question is, who abides in the Holy Spirit. He is not that welcome in many of the even so called prophetic and kingdom churches.


Holy Spirit, we welcome you, the Kingdom, and Your righteousness, peace and joy. We embrace they who carry your grace in this hour. We proclaim we the desert prepared are rising, like you with healing in our wings.

For this we are most thankful on this day of remembrance of thanksgiving to you!

Meaning: a remnant shall escape or return (i.e., to God). Isa 7 and 10.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Mystery of Iniquity

2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.

2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

2Th 2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Do you know Him?

When I'm with a person and they talk about their accomplishments for God, but do not talk about the Holy Spirit, and His work, presence, and breaking in their life, then I know, they are about self.

The Holy Spirit is Holy. He will mess with everything in your life that is not.

Do you know Him?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If My People

As we look at this nation's involvement in Iraq, and Afghanistan, we might think it is all wrong. It may only be wrong, because our nation has sinned against Jah.

If this nation would repent unto the kingdom, we might well see that things would change in both those arenas. God cannot bless us with victory until it is His cause we war for.

God is the Lord of armies, and we are in a war.

Once again 2 Chr. 7:14 comes to mind.

New Atmosphere

We command a new atmosphere in Marion, IN. We break the witchcraft that has blinded the heirs of salvation unto the kingdom of God.

We command truth to come about the cover-ups of our government and in business, and that righteousness be brought forth. We command Jah's servants to faith. We command Jah's servants to be at peace, and Jah shall lift you up.

We are to take the land, but do not harm others. "Walk sure in Me"; saith the Lord. Righteousness shall exalt you. You do not have to promote yourself before men. I will cause my grace to be sufficient in your every need.

My goodness is now surrounding you. I release angels to assist you. So taste and see again, and you will be visited again. You are entering a land you have never been in before. You must trust only me now, for I am your deliverer. I will cause you to know me in new ways. I am multi-faceted, and if you will listen, I will cause you to hear me in new ways and to pour out an expression of Me, that you have not known before.

The enemy has conspired with your soul, to cause you to doubt. So doubt your doubt, for dark angels are speaking negative lies. But you have not seen the land that I will take you in to. Do not listen to the lies, so break ties, and follow those who will cause you to possess the land.

Open our eyes Lord to see the true battle.

Gleaned from many recent words.

Best Message

Lord, we break the spirit of Mammon's control in this land. We call forth the provision for this day of victory. We say the power of oppression of the government and religion is broken.

It is time for the overturning of oppressive government.

The best message I have for this city is summed up in the words of John and Christ: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."

This is Your Quest

Kingdom Prophet, you have the prophetic voice of God in this earth. You have spiritual authority, in the earth, the lands, and the territories. God wants us to rule our lands. To do this Mammon must be rooted out of authority in your land.

This is your quest kingdom Prophet.

We speak a blood line between you and your enemy. We release the authority to overcome in this day. We agree with the true.

It is time to press on into the new place of Jah in your life. We call finances in for this journey into the new.

When you take this new land, it will be a rejoicing in your soul. Angels are awaiting to help you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Foolish Giving

For years I’ve listened to prophets who send out long “words”, which usually have some discipline the believer must adhere to find his place in the coming days. Sadly all I see from all the adhering to these teachings is more waiting and more disappointment. Of course the plea to give to their cause is never absent from these mailings.

This is what I’ve regretfully had to accept. Most of these “prophets” make a real good living bilking those on their mailing lists out of their few hard earned dollars. Some send trinkets in honor of the giving. Selah

I recently received another one of these from a man I once considered my friend, but realized each word sent , was just more temptation for me to put another dollar on the hook.

I have not gained financially by being associated with these super-name ministries, in fact I have lost over half my wealth. The give to get message is a sham.

I have adopted a new giving policy with these ministries. If Jah tells me to give them money, I will. Other wise, I see that they really don’t care for those on their mailing lists, as some have lost homes and jobs, and wealth, and therefore I am a better steward over the spending of my monies than you. In fact it would be better for me to send money to some of the people you have taken from.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sadness for Sinful Marion

Real Christians are getting as rare as 3 dollar bills. They are the most precious of this earth's possessions.

That of course makes them the most precious of this earth's people.

I live in a community that often thinks it presents a Christian image. That image which they present is based on the wealth of religious people, and thier control of the local Mayor and news rag.

The city of Marion Indiana may be as lost as any in the world. It is arrogant and gives to those, who please "the elite".

I have tried long to live righteous in this community. But evil has long prevailed in this land.

Pray for Marion. A change in leadership is needed. This city needs Jesus. We all do.

Dealing with Sin

Apostle, you were once a man of my equal. You thought you were to instruct me. But you did not know what I held for you had you been true. But you were false.

Your heart has grown black. Now there is only one path to your deliverance. You must return to the place you erred, and deal with your sin.

Prophet, you accused me of evil in your eyes. I am not evil in Jah's. Let your human judgments be damned.

Repent for the kingdom of Jah, and His government is at hand.

My forgiveness awaits for any repentant heart.


This call is repent unto the Kingdom.

There are others, a drummer, a manager, a pastor, and family member.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It is Time

It is time for some, who have stayed secured in the religious safety of churchdom, It is time time now to get your eyes open to the truth of the kingdom, and to what is truly going on in the world.

-The national news covers up the truth. The world is being taken over by a global banking elite.

-The church lies to people about salvation, and heaven. It is time to live for Jesus today.

It is time to read this blog, or click on the title and journey to the Emmaus Prophet.

It is time to believe.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

False Prophets

Be aware that many so called Prophetic Christian ministries have been taken by a spirit of divination. There has been revealed a lying spirit in the mouths of the prophets. ( I warned of this many years ago, but it is entrenched now)

Take every word you hear, directly to the Written word, and examine it. Then pray and ask Jah if it is instruction is for you.

Some of the most widely known prophets are speaking lies. Yes examine this word too!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Things that are Coming Soon Internationally

Look for an earth quake to hit Israel, and for war to increase in Europe with Russian peoples, Georgia, etc. This within a few months.