Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Empending judgment on America

"For behold, the LORD will come in fire and His chariots like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For the LORD will execute judgment by fire and by His sword on all flesh, and those slain by the LORD will be many."
Isaiah 66:15-16

The Obstacle

Prophet of God, you have spent too much time describing why you can't move forward. Complaining about the obstacle to your promise does no good. Speak to the obstacle, not about it. Command it to be removed. Thank the Lord for His vision and His faithfulness, and then stand in faith until the obstacle obeys your God word.

If he called you to a place, he has also given you all authority to get there. Enforce His will in the earth. The sword of the Lord and you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ministry Investigation

(I commented on this in an earlier blog)

Senator Grassley has targeted these ministries believing they need investigated and wanting financial records:

Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Randy and Paula White.

I welcome this and pray that God will bring ministries into accountability for their contributions.

These all preach the “prosperity Gospel,” and to differing degrees promise financial and other worldly rewards for those who give to God’s work (i.e., their ministries).

I pray the righteous stand. I pray evil fall. Every thing that can be shaken will be shaken.

The God of Peace

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Our weapons are given of God. The sword, the word, is our hope. We wield it against the lies of the enemy. We stand in repentance to the kingdom. We lean not to our own understanding. We stand in faith.
We look to Jesus to direct our paths, be they war or peace.

No weapon that Baal or Mammon have wielded will prevail. The accuser is cast down, he has been subdued under our feet. Jezebel is thrown on a bed of suffering. It is the God of peace who has performed this great victory in front of our eyes. He has come with a glaze that penetrates the enemies smoke and mirrors.

Your faith assures this victory.

We hear you say: "All I want is you. Your heart." He is in the still small voice today.

Monday, April 28, 2008

More on the Earthquake

The earthquake on Fri. April (Illinois, Indiana)18Th was a warning and a witness. A few years ago the Lord spoke to some in the local prophetic community about a shaking that would level a local religious organization.

I believe the earthquake may have been a sign that the shaking has begun. If so we can look for those results to become apparent soon.

We pray against the spirit of religion. We do not wish harm on people, yet we know that there must be some taking apart of religious strongholds that dwell in people and to do so, there must be upheaval in lives.

Lord we trust YOU!

Yes Lord

Sickness and disease are spreading like wildfire. Are you part of the evil who illegitimately lord over the little people of the land through continual oppressive regulation?

If so you will get sick and die if you don't repent. Death is imminent for some who have lied to the Holy Spirit. Did your sickness arise after Hurricane Katrina? It was a cleansing to this land. Pay day has come to the evil in the land.

With world wide depression looming we all need to seek His Wisdom as to our course.
An economic hurricane has come.

Yes Lord! Your wisdom is perfect!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We are coming into a time of Connections

We are coming into a time of connections. We have been disconnected but God is calling the body together around those who have been removed from fellowship with a body for a while. You desert kingdom men will not be deserted. You will connect first.

You are word that the bones will begin to connect with. You are the bones He will add meat to. You are the meat that gives the body action. You will be the body with flesh added that He will breath life into.

We proclaim this miracle of resurrection is ours Lord.

The Lord has Heard Your Cries

Psalms 28:1 To You I will cry, O LORD my Rock: Do not be silent to me, Lest, if You are silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit.
2 Hear the voice of my supplications When I cry to You, When I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary.
3 Do not take me away with the wicked And with the workers of iniquity, Who speak peace to their neighbors, But evil is in their hearts.
4 Give them according to their deeds, And according to the wickedness of their endeavors; Give them according to the work of their hands; Render to them what they deserve.
5 Because they do not regard the works of the LORD, Nor the operation of His hands, He shall destroy them And not build them up.
6 Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

It only took Twenty-four short hours, for the Lord to give word that he has heard the cry of the intercessors for this city. (see post below)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mandate: Contend for Miracles

Contending for the Miraculous

We have not seen many miracles in this land. The unbelief concerning God is at the greatest level I have ever seen. Men have replaced God with religion. The church for the most part is powerless, and will lay down with the most vile of political leaders. If fact it is releasing some of the most manipulative men into the political arena that the world has ever seen.

Against this back drop, we have the greatest need for true miracles that we ever had. The faithful church is poor and sick. (I speak not of the whore)We need God more then anything in this hour. The true miracles of God are rare. We need to war in this hour and take back this reality in our life. Unbelief must be banished from our midst. The political spirit that rules much in the church must be cast down. It blocks God's power flow through His saints.

Intercessors, this is your battle first. Then the prophets will respond. Call upon the Holy One. Do not back down. Contend with the devil's lie. God does still heal. This is an apostolic mandate to the Kingdom minded. Call for a breaking of the Baal structure in the church. Call for the collusion between Baal and Mammon to be broken in the land. Call for the political spirit in the heart of the church to be thoroughly purged through repentance to the Kingdom.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Preparing for the Coming Depression

Wisdom: There will be world-wide depression if the army of God does not arise to fight it. I do not see God’s people arising as the churches are selfish groups sold to their own ways.

God’s true people need to prepare now for the days of devastation to come. We need to grow our own food and there by negate some of the effect of the GMO foods. This will also keep us out of population control bread lines.

Our food has been so tainted (GMF) we are not only, not getting nutritional benefit from it, we are actually being poisoned by it. We need fresh foods. Vegetables are the one thing most of us could provide for ourselves. A victory garden is in order.

Food will be used as the great money of the future. The one who controls the food will control the world.

In our city there was a recent chicken give away. This was about three pounds of Chicken breasts, frozen in thirty pounds of water, for who ever came. The line was long and wide. I could not believe so many were there to get that food. The whole thing may have been a staged event to break down social mores against standing in line to get food. The government will control the population in the future through “bread lines” such as this.

We must find a way to store future food. We must find a way to grow our own supplies. The world is very bad. It will get very, very bad before the great culmination of all things. Prepare now for the expansion of wars, and the oppression of peoples into the NWO mold.

We are sliding into a deep abyss. Global Depression is upon us. We need to arm ourselves for this battle. Christian people must not sit around hoping for the rapture. That is a hopeless lie. Look for ways to prepare for world famine. Grow your own food or buy it from Natural Food outlets.

Eat fresh foods and you will not be afflicted by diseases that will come upon the world like the black plague. Forewarned you are. Be fore-armed.

Can these Bones live?

A Word: Some of you have been hidden in my protection for a long time. In that time I have been your source. But it is time for your release. I release you on the plain of spiritual dryness and disconnectedness. Your lack speaks of the need of kingdom connection.

Son of Man... Can these bones live?

I AM the source of life my Child. I AM the living Water. I AM the way the truth and the LIFE.

What say ye?

Will you fulfill the plan of restoration of all things?

What say ye?

Will you call forth the repentance so needed?

What say ye?

Will the bones come togther, right now, over ME?

What say ye?

Can these bones live?

What say ye?

Will you proclaim deliverance?

What say ye?

Do you love these?

What say ye?

Will you feed my sheep?

The door of hope is to be found in you as you speak of me and my kingdom. It is time. Don't fear thier faces. Fear me. I AM Truth. Fear me, I AM the way. I am the King. You are my kingdom. I rule YOU!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pride or Truth

Wisdom:The one sin we might be willing to entertain over long periods of time is pride. Pride blinds. Pride is the one one sin that makes us feel better about ourselves. Pride is trust in self-ways and it is opposition to God's truth. When we through pride judge others we often lift ourselves up..we puff our selves up.

Pride leads to the fall. Look around you. All you see done in pride is bringing a destruction. This destruction will be seen in Church, Christian Organizations, and Government. They will all fall together. If you are proud, you will fall too.

Not only is the church headed for a breaking, this Nation will fall as well. There is no stopping God's judgment now. It is too late. Yet, the severity and length of the judgment may be affected by simple repentance. Some who have been faithful will be protected in the judgment.

But the judgment is upon us now.

Prayer: Father show mercy.

Against this backdrop the kingdom prophet arises. He has answers. He has a new direction. Do you perceive it? Do you hear his voice? It may seem a bit harsh, but listen for life is in his words. He is the one who speaks of God's power, God's might, God's forgiveness, God's mercy, God's judgment, God's love, God's hope, God's faithfulness, God's holiness, God's rebuke, God's correction, God's ways, God's TRUTH, God's life!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Walk on in His Order

A word and Wisdom: The church at large cannot walk with you. It will not turn as quickly as you did. A large group turns slowly. But God’s vision for you is to be walked out in this day, not off in the never-never land of the millennium. Most of the church is trapped in self-propagating self-help groups. They spend all their time on building programs instead of living for Jesus in the moment. Few of them would ever follow the Spirit into the wilderness-but that is where you know you learned to know Jesus so well. (selah)

Just beyond the activity of church there is a kingdom awaiting. It is so powerful that to obtain it is to get understanding of the real mysteries of the ages. Many good hearted churchmen await the rapture. But it has already come to you. You have been lifted up beyond the candlestick realm to the place of a rapturous joy of your soul. It is a joy that others do know nothing of. You eat a holy bread they do not know of. You drink from the cup of the Master.

Now, the church seems to you, a bit like show business. It is a place to entertain people. It is a place that operates through fence laws, which are in effect, men's attempt to keep each other from backsliding. It is a place that does not require daily repentance. It is not kingdom.

The kingdom is God’s government in you. His Spirit is the resident governor of your life. You have order in fullness to the degree you agree with the Spirit. The Spirit is your best lover. He takes you to places man cannot. He has shown you the evil that must be overcome in the church realm and in the realm of government. To do this you just walk with him. Any ministry plans you have made are subject to change, at His leading.

If you have begun to see the new order in the Spirit, you know that He also gives with that vision, a call to bring it forth. You are to establish the order of God's glory where ever you go. To reach that God goal, walk with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is order. Much of the church thinks He is a stranger that visits from time to time to give them goose bumps, or ten minutes of carpet time.

No He is God. Walk on in the order of His glory. Faith is the overcoming victory. The Spirit is the overcoming power. The Word is Truth. Be FREE! Each choice you make is an agreement with His divine order for your life, or agreement with a substitute.

Adam and Eve saw all that God had given them in creation, yet thought they needed to improve on His plan. NO, we tend the garden He has prepared for us. That is all.

Lord give us clarity on Your call, on our life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fear no Man for you are Equipped

A word: There are men even now emerging on the national and international scene who are empowered with satanic words to convince and sway masses of people into their web of lies.

These men will speak of peace and yet they will cause wars. Eventually one may spring from their ranks as "the man" of the day. They will cause many to follow them into wilderness beliefs.

Against this back drop, the Kingdom of God will emerge. There is no weapon that forges itself against the kingdom that will prosper. The kingdom is advancing this day. Jesus is on the lips of the Kingdom prophet. More importantly he is in their hearts. They will through prayer and proclamation turn back the works of darkness by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimonies, and by loving not their lives unto death.

Fear no man.

Father has led you to see the evil that now resides in the governments men have established in the earth. Did you not know that the kingdom is the answer for all these oppressive governments? Did you think the kingdom was only about Holiness in the church? No the Kingdom is about God's righteous reign in all the earth.

You have entered the last great battle. Be at peace. Your weapons are not for carnal war. They are effective in the Spirit only. As you come into His order you will find your sword has been sharpened and now is more effective then it has ever been. Your shield is strong, your helmet light and dense, your girdle is working to keep your body in proper form, your shoes are shinning in His glory.

Divine Order 2

Wisdom: Divine Order is the order that proceeds from God. It is His authoritative direction for your life. We are coming into a season where God is ordering our lives into His present revelation and power.

To find your life is to lose His. To lose your life, is to find His. As you flow in the Spirit, Divine order comes.

Divine Order is found in covenant power. (selah)

Father has brought you to a new plateau. You did not earn this plateau but Father chose you for it.

Divine Order is not found in Religion. It is found as you walk with Jesus daily. In fact, you do not find Divine Order. God works it into your living. You know you are in order when your life is no more compartmentalized. Divine Order is working in you when you are the same person in all situations. It is when you are God-centered in all you do. Divine order is the opposite of performance based religion. Divine order is found in life.

Divine Order is allowing God to live through you. It is kingdom. It is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Spirit.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Divine Order

Wisdom and Word: God is bringing His people into Divine order. Divine Order is His government manifest in the earth. Until His people repent to the kingdom, this reality will not take place. Divine Order is not about getting all our ducks in a row. It is more about giving God freedom to direct our every step. Our part is to yeild to Him.

Our minds must be fixed on Him. Then he can lead. We do not work on our faults and reform ourselves. We repent, and let him lead. He is not a task master, he is a loving Father. We must be aware the Religious Spirit would seduce us to be better and clean our selves up so God would be pleased.

He is right now pleased with you...the repentant. He wants to speak, and He wants you to hear. He desires your praise. He is pleased 'cause Jesus blood is holy amd good and pleases Him. You will never please God by fear. It takes faith.

Labor to enter the rest of God.

Further Instruction from the Earthquake

God said he is shaking the earth realm. The realm where we live. Relationships, and delusions.

God said fissures are opening in the earth realm that must be investigated. As things split apart there will be a need for a standing in the gap ministry. These where formerly closed to intercessors.

More as it comes...


There is a demon that has one purpose in its war against you. It is to get you to fantasize. It comes at times when the battle is great, when you are tired, and this is when you notice it. But it is always working silently and subtly. It rarely is noticed in lives where things are going well. But that does not mean that it does not live there.

Fantasy is a demon that offers a false call on your life. One that your tired mind dreams up. It is a demon that speaks through disappointment’s voice, and says:

“I have a place for you where everything works out right.’.. "All you need to do is keep your mind on the enjoyable pleasure I offer."

Fantasy is false faith.

Our imaginations are great tools of God. He activates the imagination of man, and man sees new perspectives. He grasps greater possibilities. But the devil also knows about the power of imagination. It can be used to sideline you from the war, as you focus on the pleasure of what could be.

Hear God. Obey. This is the crux of the victory over fantasy. Set your mind on the truth of His word.

Real faith will operate in the realm of the possibilities of God, without diminishing it to the will of a mere man. Real faith is for a real God vision. Fantasy faith is cheating time for the devil. Real faith may not get you what you want, but it will get you to the destiny God has called.

Fantasy is tied to the Mystery of Iniquity, which is the lie you believe that keeps you from experiencing the fullness of God in your life. It is involved in every false vision and every false ministry in the earth. Fantasy is a liar.

Real faith is substantive, yet it may not seem to be active in times when patience is being built in the life of the believer. Real faith can be energizesd through imaginations when our minds are set on Him. Fantasy needs no direction, it has no need of patience. It is self-sufficient. It has no substance, it is just demonized fleshly thought.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thier Blood Cries have Come before God, He is sending you

The blood of the aborted babies is crying out from the ground for justice. The millions of voices of these children are calling you out. They call for justice.God has heard their cry, and now he sends you.

Ex 3:7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which [are] in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

Exd 3:8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey;


This is the year when you will, through acting in my word, wipe the brow of they who are labored and heavy laden. I will do unusual miracles. For every challenge in 2007, I will take their suffering and do a miracle for them in the days ahead. I release miracle power to they who must move ahead.

You have fasted, and you have felt weak and sick. From the time you began to speak your Father heard. From the time your heart turned I heard you. From the time you spoke, I answered, but the prince of Persia has buffeted you answer. But you are coming in the double.

I will pay back the aborted and will bring back double. As you feel the pain of the loss of your baby do not despair. I will cause that child to be brought into this world in another way. Though you lost your ministry, still I collected your ministry when you gave it to me, and now I will send it back as twins. For the Abortion will not stand. I have kept the life of every baby that would have been born, and I will release them in the land as twins. I have kept the ministry of every kingdom servant who was betrayed and sold out to the evil one. You will have double, double...

Kingdom prophet your cries have been heard. The pain of the loss was relesed as the earth quaked. The day of refreshing has come. I speak and the earth rumbles.

You will never be the same again. You will never hope in man. You will be fed by my word. Speak it. It will not return void. You finances are released at your word. The stolen finances that those who betrayed you took and put in holes was not lost. I keep the tab. I release them to you. Let them shake your world. The healing that doubt stole from you, is coming back in a new child. I release it in double.

The blood will not lose its power. No weapon of the childish oppressors of your land
will stand against you. You will refute thier words. I release the world to you. I release the provison of the world. Might Warrior you are free to go. Free to give, free to love. Go in freedom. Though you were sold into the bondage of poverty, I judge they who betrayed you and I will bring you out with great wealth. Your child will arise out of this oppression, and become a great nation.

Your children's, childrens, children, will be blessed for your faithfulness.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fear has Gripped Men's Hearts

Jos 23:14 And, behold, this day I [am] going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, [and] not one thing hath failed thereof.

Do you fear death? Have others laid thier fear on you? Do you believe God?

If this is the day of my death, I will have lived it in faith. If this is the hour I am turned over to my enemy, then I rejoice that I suffer with the Lord's betrayal as well.

I do not fear man. That is evil. I fear the Lord, that is the beginning of Wisdom.
Into your hands Lord I commend my spirit. Today is a good day to die, if it is your day.

Instead of embracing fear, I ask you Lord, what would you have me do?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Salvation

The earth quake of this morning (5:45 AM in Indiana) is a sign that the foundations of the oppressors are being shaken. Rejoice as you see the walls fall. Many things have been withheld from you by the enemy. But everthing that can be shaken is being shaken.

Look to me. Do not fear to take a risk concerning ministry now. The enemy has felt the shaking you have loosed in this land through your prayers and praises. He cannot keep you back from your promise. See the walls fall.

He fears.

You look to me.

I am your salvation come in this hour. I am terrible to the evil one.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

God's Kingdom Call Starts with Repent

God is calling you to establish Kingdom. All kingdom people have a time of rejection and testing as Jesus did in the wilderness. The Spirit led you to wilderness. It is a place of hunger and thirst, and extreme temptation.

Until you have had spirit, soul, and body testings, your test is not complete. Although some go through these while connected to a body, many find themselves going through this with only God as encourager. He is able.

Wilderness wonderer, there is purpose in your alone-ness. He is changing your thinking and often church often gets in the way. What ever you think about yourself will eventually come true. Change takes place the moment your thoughts are reformed to be able to grasp this day's opportunity. If life is too hard, change it. If God seems far, change it. If you need to do something with your life. Change it. The timing is right. God is with with you. He is calling you up, and on, and out.

The central truth of "repent to the kingdom", is in essence, to change your mind and yield it to His truth. Testings reveal motives. If you do not change the way you think about something, you will not change, nor will you change it.

Crises screams at you. Don't let the crises rule you. Change your thinking. Every crises is opportunity. Anger at the Crises is not the way to change it. Positive action is. But positive action comes from faith not fear. Fear is a sign that you struggle with believing God. The church often condemns men when they find fears hidding in their lives. Sad, for God went to much trouble to take away false supports and to show you the lies that fears are attached to.

You are learning to rule your emotions. Every time you react to slight testing,and light afflictions, with large protests, you reveal a weak state of heart. Fear means your heart is not perfect. Be ye perfect...

Quiting in this battle is not an option which Father is offering. That temptation is flesh and devil. Blaming others produces no fruit in you. Your only hope for change is you must own responsiblity for the coming ministry. You will not be successful in it if you're stuck in the past, and are constantly looking back to the betrayals of others. Give the past to God. Trust him for a sure destiny.

Your only limitation in this day, is what ever you won't submit to God.

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. You will never walk in the rest of the call until you do.

We take authority over fear. We command it to leave. We raise up faith. We believe your Word Lord.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Leave Now or....

The force of conformity to religious norms is strong in the land. It must be resisted. There is nothing but control and eventual death in all religion. If you are in a religious church you must leave it now, if the Spirit is moving out.

If your path is to stay and fight, remember the weapons of your warfare are not carnal.

The Holy Spirit will not be conformed to man. You should not either.

The Sweet Savor of Life

You are life to the living. You feed the living with truth. They grow. As much as you smell bad to the perishing, you are a fragrance to the living. Rejoice.

You will be connected to the living. You will meet them at Father's feet.

America is on the Brink of Becoming a Total Slave State

Warning: America is on the Brink of Becoming a Total Slave State

We are in a day of divine intervention is this nation. God has set himself against the plans of America. Jobs are leaving this land. Many talk about the problems, but no one does anything of substance. Our government is controlled by evil and they are totally defenseless against its will. Israel and the United States have entered into agreements toward the world that set them against God. They have plans for oil, and plans for dominance.

The church is controlled as well. It is by and large controlled by propaganda, which has been spoon fed the pastors from government sources. They are being taught not to resist the Martial Law that is spreading through the land like a plague. The church is blinded by their wealth. They lust after the approval of political leaders. This lust for recognition has been the door to the greatest weakening of spiritual power ever. The church is in bed with evil. They would not believe in the truth or the power of God, and therefore have fallen for the lies of man. They are in weakness and bondage.

Kingdom Christians, You who know the truth, are being rejected by their government and potential employers as you have been marked as being "undesirables". Baal rules most churches, and Mammon rules the country. They have joined forces to destroy America.

The government is spying on you. They watch you on the road, in your home, through the Internet, and they listen on your phones. The devil is dancing with delight as he has his hand in most governmental decisions. These decision and the proceeding laws from them, have brought about oppression to the land.

In Texas they just arrested a whole community for the sins of one. This is Martial Law.

American is unable to see the dangers. The Elite government has taught you to accept what ever they do as "just". You have been poisoned through (GMF)your foods and with prescribed medicines, (pure poison witchcraft) so that you will not have physical strength or the presence of mind to fight back.

Satan has planned the total enslavement of all peoples. God Himself will eventually arise and return in power. But God has given us, until the end of all things, a will to stand against evil,and His Word to fight.

Arise and Fight. Speak the Truth! Tell your neighbors the truth. They are Slaves! A slave must know he is bound to be set free. If you do not carry this truth forth, who will? The reason God has brought you out of church acceptance is to be a voice. You cannot prophesy when you are controlled with the masses. It has cost everything.

Speak the Truth in love. The truth you know sets you free. It will set others free as well. If you do not speak now, you will become a slave too.

We are in judgment in America. But the judgment is only unto repentance. It will stop when the nation turns back to God. This means everything will be shaken that can be shaken.

For the church, when Katrina hit New Orleans there were few that had the courage to call it God's judgment. It was without a doubt a final warning before he turned this nation over to its own heart. Thousands dying was judgment. It matters not how many backslidden Tele-evangelists say otherwise. This Nation is under judgment! Some of you will lose your lives in this judgment because of unbelief.

We call freedom to return to America. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is Truth. We proclaim that freedom is assured the repentant. Kingdom prophet, you rule where you are. This judgment does not have to put you down. Trust God. You are already repentant...yes?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You Stink!

Not having much fun with your old friends and loved ones. You smell.

You are the stench of death to the perishing.

They are passing from your life. Let the dead bury the dead.

Let them go.

2 Corinthians 2:14-16: “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us into triumph, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.
“For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
“To one a fragrance from death to death; to the other a fragrance from life to life.”

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pro 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

The Victory is Come

Your battle has been intense. This is because you are warring on many fronts. Father is sending information to you now to enable you to win each battle. Some men will not repent. They have been taken in pride. They will fall. But they will not all fall at once.

We do however look for that breakthrough moment when the great battle of this last four years is put into the win column. It comes in the fifth year. It comes in his grace. He will make a way of escape from every trap and snare that was laid for you in these years. You will rule over your enemy. The victory has always been in the cross.

Praise Him today. He is worthy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weep no More Prophetic Ministrel

Psa 137:1-9

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us [required of us] mirth, [saying], Sing us [one] of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget [her cunning If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase [it], rase [it, even] to the foundation thereof O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy [shall he be], that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us Happy [shall he be], that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

There are those who cried for your ministry to be razed to the ground. They were those who wanted to keep you captive. They wanted to control your song unto the Lord. They were children of the flesh not of the Spirit. They were tied to the dirt. Then they betrayed you worshipping minstrell of God. They undermined you because you couldn't be controlled by their religious traditions.

They shall be the first ones who shall be rewarded with the wrath of God. Let the dead bury the dead.

The control spirit was instituted against you, and the Spirit of the most high in you, was shunned for religion hates worship. The natural outcome of the control spirit is that government becomes a nanny state. That is the fallacy that developed in the shepherding movement, in denominational ism, and it is the state of the government in the US. Be free from illegitimate control.

There is a great conflagration and litigation that is come to this land to break Baal control. There is a shaking in the land because of the violence that was released against righteous kingdom men. Obadiah 1-21

Some of you prophetic minstrels have been overcome with a spirit of heaviness and have wept in the night season. Rejoice in the Lord! The day of your salvation is here. Weep no more. Some have been oppressed by curses, but they cannot find root in your heart so they go back to their initiator.

Rejoice, weep not, the kingdom is at hand. The Baal structure is breaking before your eyes.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Write the Vision

Many of you have a written statement of vision that Father has placed in your heart.
This is a guiding light to you. We hear God and write a vision for a purpose. You are being offered many opportunities. They are not all God's best.

Seek the kingdom way. Let all your work be to accomplish the task he has called you to.

In the world men seek wealth, importance/accomplishment, and self comfort. In the kingdom you seek first; righteousness, peace, and joy. God's promise is to add all things to you.

You will not receive comfort from carnal men, when you seek the kingdom. They know not of the things of the kingdom. Men seek the comforts of the world. You seek the comfort of God.They oppose God.

If you do not have a written vision, spend time with God and see what he says. Write the vision, make it plain. When you have a sure word, you will have confidence in your work. When opposition comes, you will stand strong in His Word.

Hab 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Storm

The Word is a great source of power. Do not let the flurry of misdirection that you see arising from religion take you out of it. The Word is your anchor point. Evil words have been spoken. They are the accusers lies. They were released to negate the Word of God in you.

The spoken Word of God is power. Release it against the storm. The Spirit of God has arisen in you. Speak the destruction of this latest storm.

We speak peace....and destruction of the enemies lies.

As you speak, what do you see? Is it not clear to you the source of this storm is the spirit of religion, who in league with the accuser, released an attack against you because you will not march to its religious church orders?

Have you felt constricted? You are in the birth canal. You are feeling the pain of deliverance. You are about to spring onto the world as a NU ministry.

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone...gonna be a bright, bright Son shinny day.."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Kingdom is Now

Beyond the hype and the program of institutional churchanity, we can from our kingdom perspective, look back and see that we did benefit from our time within the hollow ways of religion. Even in that religious thing, we became as Abraham searching for a city we did not know, but still, we had an inkling that it existed. We knew this because of the smell that was always less then sweet. The lack of peace there, created hunger which God blessed to our benefit.

The religious church brought me to know that there was something more. In that I can be thankful for it. The something more I have found is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Spirit. It is called the kingdom. All of my life is wrapped up in the kingdom. Its king is my greatest pursuit. Its benefits can only be obtained, by those who truly bow to its king. You must come into coveant with Him.

It is this reality of kingdom that you may not know, and your search for this thing you have not seen, that has brought you to this blog. Seek out truth here, for there is path that has been laid down, a sheaf of gleanings to be gathered in this field, that will propel you to the feet of the King. The kingdom is now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hope in Christ Alone

Until you get delivered from hope in the church. You cannot come into kingdom power. Hope for the church is a God thing. Hope in it as the answer for the problems of men is missing the point of hope. We never hope in that which is temporal and changing. We hope in that which never changes.

Hope in God, His Word, His Spirit, that is the way to glory. We love God. We serve him. We receive the ministry of the kingdom Apostles that he has placed in our life. But we never hope in man. Man will fail. That is the problem with religion. It will fall and fail. Man’s goodness cannot save. God’s love will save.

Seek fellowship with men, only if they love God. Shun religion-the love of man’s works- for it is death. Hope in Christ. He never fails.

Choose Life

Deu 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

1 John 13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

You who are just now awakening, are being faced with many important choices. This is the day to choose life. This is the day to throw religion away like a menstrual rag. No matter what other choices you face, no other choice is as important as the choice for life. We His kingdom prophets, have with Jesus, a living relationship, capable of producing life in others. This choice, which is now offered, is to some a choice of repentance from dead works, and for others, a repentance unto the kingdom. It is a choice which must be made, for until it is made, it is a blockage to you and your future. The choice is simply to be His fully.

Now is the time.

This choice will effect your destiny, and that of your called spiritual children. The dead and the living have no fellowship. Separate yourself unto the living God, and receive His Prophets and thier word-thier words are life-and you will find reward. And eventually, you to, will be given as broken bread. Then communion will be established,where there has been none. You who receive the word of the prophet and believe, will experience life.

Kingdom prophet, you are life. Kingdom child, you have life. No darkness is in you.

As you are given, you become the bread of life for the lost-children, backsliders, unbelievers, and the pagan lost.

Who do you choose,Holy Spirit or Religion?

Seek out the apostles who you once rejected,who have kingdom life. Embrace them, and thier word, and honor them, and you will see that thier hearts long ago turned back toward you.

Life will explode in the earth,if you do!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Breakthrough Today, the Proclamation of Faith

We the kingdom prophets have come to a destiny moment. We must decided if we choose life or death. We must choose between bringing the whole thing down (the Jereme anointing) or giving God’s grace another chance. The power of life and death is in our tongue. You the kingdom prophet,have both the ability to lengthen the judgment on this land and to end it.

Speak life. It is the season of life.

For the house of the Lord is at a breaking point. It will repent to the kingdom- fall on the Rock-or it will have the Rock fall on it, and it will be smashed to pieces. Your voice is the key.

If you live a life where your greatest fears can be faced and defeated, then you qualify as a voice in this hour, and not just an echo. God is calling the Jereme to put off its sackcloth and proclaim life.

To the Jereme Prophet: We have survived severe tests of our faith. Now God is bringing the body to a point of breaking. He is working things for the good, but he is not going to bless the kingdom prophet through a whorish system. The church must repent to the kingdom. Speak it now, Jereme!

Have you discerned the times, and do you have the understanding necessary to bring wisdom forth into your situation? Any sudden advance in understanding or advance in stamina provokes us to say: "We had a breakthrough". A break through is experienced when we walk in a new understanding, and not always when we gain an earthly gain. Breakthrough is spiritual first, then in the natural. A breakthrough is experienced as we gain the ability or skill to walk or stand in a new dimension of glory. If you have not received the wisdom for the next level, you should not push in. Wait.

God is building a people whom the gates of hell are falling to. Hell has shut up your blessing. You must storm its gates to gain your inheritance. You are in war, with the enemy, but God is already the victor. Do not flee the enemy. Stand fast therefore, and see the deliverance of the Lord. Attack the enemy as Father leads.
Tear down the alters of baal. Listen to Father.

The battle against hell’s gates is important, but you cannot always see God’s goodness there. It is more found in the land of the living. Each battle with the enemy should cause you to return to worship of the Lord, in the fellowship of believers. If your church fellowship is not kingdom oriented, then find one that is. God has a blessing in connection. But you are the connection, if you are the prepared prophet who carries the reward. If you do not have "the goods" yet, do not move, or move to join they who do.

We proclaim the armies of the evil one must disband and leave this land. The accusations of the faithless are broken.

We seek the true and the brave. We look for Gideon's army for our next battle.

I proclaim you are already in victory. But war must be waged in wisdom. The path has been cleared to move higher in Christ. Let not the failures of the church keep you from finding a greater glory in the kingdom. Let not any fear hold you back. You are the only life most in your sphere of influence see. Seek the living who are alert to the battle to walk with you. When you find a people who recieve wisdom, you have your army.

Breakthrough today! Let God's people come from the north, south, east and west. Let the dry bones live.

We proclaim our God is arising and satan is defeated. We say the baal structure in church government is broken. We proclaim the goodness of the Lord and His mercies are following us all the days of our life.

To the church I say, to receive the prophet come in the name of Christ is to receive his reward.

Remember the lesson of the flying geese. There is a time to lead and a time to follow all the while in the same flock. New leaders are released in the blood name of Jesus.

This last word is to the set ministry in any house. "If you are going to walk forward into kingdom you must embrace the gifts God sends you. But embrace only the gift which demonstrates righteousness, peace, and joy."
Speak life....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Prayer and Worship till His Coming

For five years, we have been exiled into a wilderness where we have learned to sup from the masters hand only. In that time, almost all we have been able to do in our ministry is to worship God, and pray for this city and this nation. There has been a dying in that time. We do not exalt self.

In that time we have learned to prophesy the Word of the Lord, and give financially and in prayer, to the few kingdom ministries that we are in union with. Although these staples of the faith do not ever end, we look for the day of the brightness of His coming.

If we see no change in our land until that glorious day of the restoration of all things, we still pray and proclaim the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. The resistance of this land is no match for the Glory of our Lord.

We are not looking to get out, we are already over. We look for Him daily. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. We see our ministry moving up. Thank God!

Today's proclamation: We are moving in and up! To stay! We march forth into this land in the King's power.


Jhn 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Living Beyond the Power of "Can't!"

"You are owned by the thing that causes you to say "I can't!" Whether it be time, money, people, places, or things, if it empowers you to say "I can't," when being confronted with a Path to Greatness, then you are owned by that thing!" Dr. Undrai Fizer

We are being faced with that decision. Will we press on into the called vision? "I can't", never changed a thing. Believe, and act on that belief. Face the opposition to your ministry with faith.

God's new Path is in You-Word of Wisdom

Discern what Father is leading you to give up or change. Make the necessary adjustments in the next few weeks. This will ensure your ability to move into the NU.
(NU=the new already deposited NU)

The path is already in your heart. You must sort through the junk, and throw it out. Anything you do that does not lead to tomorrow, belongs in yesterday. Do not think you will carry it into the future.

One of the things I have stopped working on is my world political blog. It is not my best work for this next season. It has been put on hold until Jesus says different.

Lord give us hearts to know your way. Show us the things that are ineffective in our lives so that we might discard them.

Be true to your vision. Now is the time to seed money into your own local ministry efforts. Be aware the big ministries are sucking off much of the tax return monies from the peoples.

They wipe their mouths and say: "It is all for God. We do nothing wrong!" "You will gain if you give to us!"

It is mostly manipulation!

Let God arise and re-distribute monies into the hands of the true and the faithful. Let the ministry leaches who oppose the truth of the kingdom, fall!

Sow only into kingdom. Give only to that which your kingdom heart is at rest with!
God is sending your proceeding word, and instruction. Do you perceive it?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Speaking the Word of Faith

The word of God is powerful. When you read it, it stores in your heart, and drives out doubts. When you speak it, it releases power. When you speak it and the anointing flows forth from the Holy Spirit within you, you release a weapon that the devil has no defense against.

Make your proclamation once again concerning your destiny. Your destiny is assured and faith is arising to lay hold of it.

The money for the advancement of ministry is released, we receive it. The healing you need is coming, with the power to heal others. Opportunity is released. Call it to you. Obstacles are breaking as you move through them.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"The Maturity you desire to achieve in the Father can only be accomplished by making a Decision that you have been afraid to make for quite some time now. Great Change is a direct result of fearless decision making!"

-Dr.Undrai Fizer

Yes it is time to make that decision, that you will no longer run from the agents of evil that hound you. You must now stand and fight. There is no reason to fear them.

The Lord Jesus is the Victor! You stand in His armor against the forces of hell and flesh that presently try to abort the coming birth of the ministry of power. Truth is greater than lie. Love is greater than hate. Faith is greater than fear.

There is no fear in perfected love, for it casts out all fear. You are becoming what you are believing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


You have been through many things which have exposed the opposition to my called vision in your life. You could not have known the hearts of those around you unless you had gone through these things. If you listen to the doubts of others they will drown out the hope I give you in your vision. The vision is true. But you have need of letting patience have her perfect work. It is time, but there is still process to go through to reach the high call.

You must know your own heart.

Use the weapons you possess now, and believe, and as you believe, I will add to your arsenal a great weapon called, "virtue". You cannot wield this weapon until your battle leads you to a place in the spirit where you possess it. You will know you possess virtue, when justice, courage, wisdom, and moderation are increased greatly in your heart.

Are you Beginning to Believe?

It is no accident that you have ended up here. This is a place where truth is welcome. The truth is, that most of what you see in the natural world is nothing more then a matrix of lie. You have been programmed to believe lie.

Jesus Christ is truth. He has been calling you out of the matrix of deception for a long time. This is what you have searched for. You have gone to church, but you know that it is just activity. The people are not mainly bad or good, they are more, blind. The father of lies is good at giving men a lie they can believe that makes them feel good. It is a drug.

He will let you do for God, if doing keeps you from pressing in and seeing what really is true. We often call this seducing drug, "our ministry".

To see this world is a mighty gift of God. But to see truth is a heavenly thing. Are you beginning to see that there are “little men” running around, bound in their little minds, proclaiming programmed facts, which have been supplied to keep the illusion of sanity going? Or do you believe church and government are righteous in this land? The accusers main voices mount pulpits, school houses, courthouses, city buildings, statehouses, and Washington power platforms.

This world is not sane. It is insane. It does not operate in a reasonable way. The Church is as insane as the world. They both believe the same lies.

Where have you come from? Did you find your way to this place after searching in education, church, prophetic movements, philosophy, and yet still no answer. Those entities are controlled to keep the illusion going.

The question I must pose to you is: “Do you really want to know the truth?”

If you do, just ahead lies the greatest adventure of your life. If you are not ready for total upheaval of your thinking, then you’d best move on now, and read no more.

Just ahead is the realization that all things can be done through Christ who strengthens you. And you can know everything that Father desires you to know. And when you know the truth, you will be free from every lie that the enemy uses to keep you under his control.

Do you believe you can fly?