Friday, February 29, 2008

Your Faith will Prevail

You are stronger in your faith then you knew. I sense many of you have been in a four year battle like I have been. This battle of four years has been for your betterment. Your commitment to your faith vision has not failed. Yes though none go with you, you still see and follow.

Has your heart seemed to fail? Do you feel discouragement? Yes but do you know that God cannot fail. Father has a plan to bless you and bring you to a sure end. These things that are being revealed, are revealed so they might be dealt with.

The pressures of this life are working for your good. God is cleansing you.

Your joy is tied to your commitment. Have your words been wavering? Speak strong now.

Proclaim truth. His word is true and will not return void. Disease and poverty will not stop you. Devils oppressing will not stop you. The fleshly man will not stop you.
You are more then a conqueror.

Lord we do proclaim provision, healing, health, power, love, and a sound mind. Your faith has prevailed.

What will you create out of this trial of your faith?

God's people Must lead

The last thing an intercessor ever wants to do, is to reveal the sin of a people. I have been forced because of the lateness of this hour to do just that in my three blogs. It has not been pleasant.

I cry for the city of Marion, and the whole of the USA. We have lost the goodness of God. We need to return to Him. The church must lead the way. Those who are childlike hear this cry. We must repent, for the kingdom is at hand.

It would be rare for me to reveal anything about a non-leader. But when a person takes on a government roll I must point out any collusion against the good of the people.

Hsa 6:1 ¶ Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

Hsa 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

Hsa 6:3 Then shall we know, [if] we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter [and] former rain unto the earth.

If the church repent to unto the kingdom, it will be like the snowball that starts the avalanche of purity unto the Lord. The sins of the past covered by God's purity.

Government Built on God's Word

"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." James Madison, 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia

John Quincy Adams also wrote: “The Law given from Sinai [The Ten Commandments] was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code.” John Quincy Adams. Letters to his son. p. 61

R.C. Sproul has rightly declared: "In declaring the top priorities for Godly living, our Lord said: 'Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well' (Matthew 6:33). When Jesus said, 'Seek first,' the word first does not describe an initial step in a numerical sequence. Rather, the force of the term is to emphasize priority of importance. Our top priority is to seek God's kingdom and God's righteousness. If we want to know what righteousness looks like, we direct our attention to the law of God, as given to us in the Ten Commandments. To be sure, our Savior has redeemed us from the curse of the law. We are no longer pressed down, groaning under its burden. We are not saved by the law, but by grace. (A Free Gift). Yet we are not to throw the law of God into the trash bin as though it has no value to us. The law still serves as a perfect revelation of true righteousness."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Final Warning to Globalist, Oppressors, and Thiefs

Is. 24

We the kingdom prophets must repent in ash and sackcloth. This hour is important.

Woah is upon the U.S. We cry for mercy Lord. Let the angels save the wheat.

If we scarcely make it, the oppressor, the thief, is headed for his due.

Reversal-in your restoration, you will bring hope to the nation..

In your restoration, you will bring hope to the nation.

In the midst of a storm of Judgment: Kingdom soldiers arise.

Mat 19:30 But many [that are] first shall be last; and the last [shall be] first.

You have come through a long time of qualifying. It was a circumcism. You are marked.

You will never again be trapped in performance based religion. Rejoice, for He is worthy!

Certainly this is the day we have waited for so long. We will see the answers of our prayers soon. The reversal is upon us. There will be reversals coming by July. This is for all the kingdom prophets who have been discarded by men. (your folks I think)This will continue on into the later part of this calendar year.

Yet reversals will come against the backdrop of a failing nation. The very act of the judgment of evil in the land will be the impetus of your blessing. Your prayer and righteousness is the nation's only hope.

Specifically I see reversal in home situations, ministries, finances, work related matters, and health. Look for those who denied your work and walk, to see you in a different light. There is a growing aching in the souls of the church-religious-oppressor. This can only be quenched by repentance to the kingdom. Performance based religous activites are empty. That is the cause of the aching. Grace works.

Your commitment to love is very important now. It is a qualifier. Anger must be slain. No angry person is worthy of the honor that will be granted. Accusation against the Lord must stop.

There are always test. How you react to disappointments now will determine the degree of restoration you see.

We command fear to leave and perfected love to rise in the hearts of your prophets Lord!

Hope must arise in they who are called. This hope must be found in those whom God will use. Hope against all we see as wrong. It is not too late to save the nation.

It is too late to advert some judgment.

God can turn the nation. Refuse less then best, for your life, and for those whom you associate with and support.

If you love Him, obey Him. This is true repentance.

In your restoration, you will bring hope to the nation.

Prophet Garry Vermilion

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Great Judgment is Released-end of Feb. 2008

We are headed toward a greater world break out of war then we have ever seen in our life. We will see food shortages across the US, and will see great numbers of deaths. Only a praying church can turn this judgment. A repentant praying church.

We will see the collapse of Great so called Christian Universities, TV networks, and radio stations.

We will see a great year of storms, lest the church turn them back in prayer.

Cataclisum will be an often heard word.

Government Upheaval. Church Upheaval.

Some of the prophets, will arise in the midsts of this judgment to a place of peace and power. The oppression that the prophets have experienced will be turned on the unprepared now.

I see a black death, a famine, and a sickness.

Without Love!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Love must be the reason for our revolution. We must walk in God's love. This is His work in us. Be in agreement with Father. If you do not live and share his love, you do not have his message. Love is revolutionary in a world of hate.

Monday, February 25, 2008

To the Light

It is a good day to seek Father for His direction. The days ahead of us will be a challenge and you must be sure you walk His path.

Any thing you hold against Father must be brought to the light.

Victory and a restoration is not that far down the road now.

The Kingdom is at Hand

On Church, Kingdom, Judgment, and Power:

We are in a day when men who do evil think they do God a favor.

Jhn 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

We have come through a time when evil men have worked evil schemes against many of the anointed of God. In the church realm we see that the message of personal prosperity has afflicted the people with an avarice never before seen. This Pride and greed has been passed on. The generation x kid’s have not been the answer the church was looking for. This was not their fault. The message they heard preached is full of bloated man ideas.

The church is Laodocian as it has grown cold to its Lord in the midst of its prosperity. Today’s pulpit messages are full of manipulation and misdirection to cause people to let go of their finances. The generation of Children who are now taking the playing field, watched this manipulation and so greed for money and gain, was ingrained in thier thinking. It shows in much of their efforts. For some, gain not godliness is all they seek.

In the not so distant past Father raised a voice in the land that would have prevented the present state of compromise which has lead to powerlessness. But God’s people drew near to themselves, preachers that would say what they wanted to hear. These itching ears now run the church. Many of the old were more guilty then the young in this. In this, the anointed who would have saved them from becoming evil, was slain.

Why did you not fear to slay the Lord’s anointed?

In 2 Samuel 1, we have the story of King David’s response to the man who slew King Saul. The man thought he had done Saul (the Lord's anointed) a favor. But David was overcome with grief that the kingly ministry of Saul had failed. In righteous judgment he had the man slain.

We have modeled before us a church that is full of its own self. Like Jerusalem it has killed the prophets (and kings). Like Laodicea, its love is cold. It is self-focused and cannot do the will of God without repentance to the kingdom.

The church is under the judgment described in Isa. Chapter 3.

The Lord has taken away the stay and the staff. The wholeness is Gone. There is little water. There is little Love, there is lack in the people both spiritually and physically. Healing is the exception not the rule. Fellowship is tainted with self positioning.

We have children as our princes ruling us. The wise are outcast from the church. The prophet is mocked. The Apostle has no people. How talented this church is. But how lost. Will talent ever replace anointing?

When the church casts out the devil by the finger of God, then you know the kingdom has come. No deliverance, no kingdom.

How long will this Psychologically based church continue in its foolishness? Babylon has been around for a long time. But Babylon is to fall in a day. Pray the day of the Lord comes. Pray this Matrix of deception be rent as a vale.

For if the church humble itself, it will be lifted up. But if it walk on in its pride, it will grow sicker and more full of evil.

If the church repents. Righteous leaders will arise from the ashes and sackcloth. Father has held them in his presence hidden from view. Many of them were outcasts. They have lived in poverty, though they possessed all things. They were sick though they carried healing. They were intercession. They carried in their bodies the dying of the Lord, so that others might live. They knew that because the body was not rightly discerned, many are sick. Without koninia, all is lacking.

It is time.

It is time for the proud to reach out and say, “We need your help.” But they would have to see their works as evil. And they would need to repent.

But will the proud youth, which now lead, do so? Will the itching-eared elders in the church realize that they lack wisdom? Probably not until they realize for all their works, they do not possess peace, joy, or power. The kingdom is righteousness peace and joy, in the Spirit.

Repent, for the kingdom is at hand. This is righteous.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Making America Strong

I have been releasing on this blog a sample of music by Indiginous Americans.
Some of the music I recognize in the spirit as music I was singing serveral years ago.

That music of the spirit was a call on this people to arise and take thier place of honor in this nation. In the side bar I quote from an album by Jonathan Maracle. It says, "it is not often that a ground breaking event happens in Christian music". In my oppinion it has been a decade or more. But the call has been sent to the Indian nation to arise above the bitterness against the governmnet oppressors who have been
the enemy of thier culture.

Arise and bring your culture and uniqueness to the kingdom of Christ.

It is my belief that the nation cannot be healed until this group of peoples are restored to honor before God's people and in this nation.

If we'd stop warring with other nations and strengthen America.
If we'd stop aborting our babies.
If we'd stop oppressing the native American.
If we'd stop the globalist agenda.

If God's people would repent of supporting these things. (2 Chr. 7:14)

This country would be strong again! God would do it!

Fight the INFO War

If you are a worshippper of the one trut God, we call Jesus, this message is for you.

Fight the war with me. If you would like to stand with me againt the NWO and all government lie, and oppression, and foolishness of the church, send an e-mail. I will be glad to hear from you.


Put "War" on the title.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The word I hear for today is this: Praise and Thanksgiving!

Psa 107:8 Oh that [men] would praise the LORD [for] his goodness, and [for] his wonderful works to the children of men!

Keep praise on your lips!

Judah was to represent worship! How fitting he be brought into this known world with praise to God.

Gen 29:35 And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing.

Magnify Him!

Psa 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

Enter his presence with Thanksgiving!

Psa 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, [and] into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, [and] bless his name.

Give thanks and call upon his name!

1Ch 16:8 Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Repentance for Evil Concerning relationships with the First Nation Peoples

Repentance for Evil Concerning relationships with the First Nation Peoples

The time has come to once again repent of evil deeds done and to atone for sins of the Fathers. We know that although we are never counted guilty of the sin of others, we are called to stand in the place of intercession and if the sin was never reconciled before God, it is our place as intercessors to do so. For there is a curse on the land wherever blood was spilled in unrighteousness.

A few years back the Lord led many pastors locally in Marion, IN to meet at the Grant Co. Court House to Reconcile over sins of the past, concerning a hanging in Marion at the courthouse in 1929, and its effect on present racial relationships. This was a good thing. This kind of a movement is needed once again concerning other sins concerning our area and the nation.

There are many dynamics to restoring a land to righteousness. The main two are these, (1)confession of sins unto God, and (2)walking in the process which brings healing.

In Nehemiah, Daniel, and Exodus the precedence for this is set and described.
2 Chron. 7:14, Ex. 20:5, Jer. 14:20, Dan. 9:20.

The Lord has laid on my heart, two incidents, which stick out concerning restoration in Indiana: One perpetrated by white settlers against Native Indian, one by Native Indian against White:

It is now God’s time for the righteous of the land, to remember and repent for these sins, which were committed against the Native American, and by the Native American.

These are the Two representative incidents that are on my heart:

The Fall Creek Massacre, and Francis Slocum incident.

The Fall Creek Massacre: (From the Fall Creek Monument)

Frontier attitudes are changed by the Fall Creek Massacre of 1824… on the Monument of Indiana History:

"On March 22, 1824, two families of Seneca Indians were camped between Fall Creek and Deer Lick Creek in Madison County. Their hunt for valuable animal pelts proved so successful that a group of six white settlers hatched a plot to steal the pelts, and in the execution of their plan brutally murdered all of the Indians, including two men, three women, and four children under the age of ten.

The prevailing attitude on the frontier was that killing Indians was not a crime, but this massacre sparked a fierce moral debate. Ultimately, four of the conspirators were placed on trial and sentenced to die by hanging."

Indiana Governor James Brown Ray pardoned one of the conspirators, a nineteen year old boy, but the other three conspirators were not so lucky. On June 3, 1825 a large crowd, including many Indians, gathered to witness the executions. It was the first time that white settlers had been legally executed for killing Native Americans."

Source: "This Moment of Indiana History is a production of the Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations in association with the Indiana Historical Society. More information is available at “moment of Indiana history dot org."

Francis Slocum: Sins of Indian and Settler:

This may be Indians reacting to the presence of the White settlers in their land area. But it does not justify the action.

Francis Slocum: From the Frances Slocum Monument:

"SIDE 1: Frances Slocum. A child of English descent, was born in Warwick, Rhode Island, March 1773, was carried into captivity from her father's house at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1778, by Delaware Indians soon after the Wyoming Massacre. Her brothers gave persistent search but did not find her until September 21, 1837.

SIDE 2: When inclined by a published letter describing an aged white woman in the Miami Indian village, her two brothers and a sister visited this place and identified her. She lived near here about 32 years with the Indian name "Ma-Con-A-Quah." She died on this ridge March 9, 1847, and was given a Christian burial.

SIDE 3: Frances Slocum became a stranger to her mother tongue. She became a stranger to her brethren and an alien to her mother's children, through her captivity. (See Psalms LXIX, 8) This monument was erected by Slocums and others who deemed it a pleasure to contribute, and was unveiled by them with public ceremonies May 17, 1900."

The Actual Process of restoration of righteousness:

1. Identify the national/ regional sin

2. Confess the sin

3. Apply Christ's blood

4. Walk in obedience and repair the damage.

Beyond Indiana and On the National Level:

The Wounded Knee Incident: “On the morning of December 29, 1890, the Sioux chief Big Foot and some 350 of his followers camped on the banks of Wounded Knee creek. Surrounding their camp was a force of U.S. troops charged with the responsibility of arresting Big Foot and disarming his warriors. The scene was tense. Trouble had been brewing for months.”

“A desperate Indian Agent at Pine Ridge wired his superiors in Washington, "Indians are dancing in the snow and are wild and crazy....We need protection and we need it now. The leaders should be arrested and confined at some military post until the matter is quieted, and this should be done now." The order went out to arrest Chief Sitting Bull at the Standing Rock Reservation. Sitting Bull was killed in the attempt on December 15. Chief Big Foot was next on the list. “

“When he heard of Sitting Bull's death, Big Foot led his people south to seek protection at the Pine Ridge Reservation. The army intercepted the band on December 28 and brought them to the edge of the Wounded Knee to camp. The next morning the chief, racked with pneumonia and dying, sat among his warriors and powwowed with the army officers. Suddenly the sound of a shot pierced the early morning gloom. Within seconds the charged atmosphere erupted as Indian braves scurried to retrieve their discarded rifles and troopers fired volley after volley into the Sioux camp. From the heights above, the army's Hotchkiss guns raked the Indian teepees with grapeshot. Clouds of gun smoke filled the air as men, women and children scrambled for their lives. Many ran for a ravine next to the camp only to be cut down in a withering cross fire.

When the smoke cleared and the shooting stopped, approximately 300 Sioux were dead, Big Foot among them. Twenty-five soldiers lost their lives. As the remaining troopers began the grim task of removing the dead, a blizzard swept in from the North.”

Quote From: Eye witness to History .com

The Wyoming Massacre: “Late in June 1778 Colonel Denison was informed by scouts that a force of approximately seven hundred Tories, Rangers and Indians under the command of Major John Butler and Chief Sayenqueraghta of the Seneca were gathering near Pittston at Fort Wintermute. With this news the alarm was sounded. Appeals for help were sent to General Washington, who sent troops, and to John Franklin in Huntington. The families quickly moved to the forts. The twenty-fourth Regiment gathered in Forty Fort and there decided to meet the enemy as far from the fort as possible in order to save their homes and crops. According to the inscription on the Wyoming Monument this group is described as being "chiefly the undisciplined, the youthful, and the aged". Many of these so called soldiers were farmers. Their only interest was in driving off the savages so they could return to their farming. "The urge, of peaceful necessities, overcame the danger of precipitate action, in the minds of these simple men."”


After the battle about 1,000 homes and all of the forts in the area were burned.
Recommended Viewing: I Left my Heart a Wounded Knee

The process for repentance is the same. It is always good if there can be representatives of both sides of an offense.

We have for many years repented for abortion sin. We have made efforts in white/black
repentance as well. It is time to repent in the area of the sin of the Settlers vs. the First Nation Peoples.

Native American Indigenous Music

Three Keys for Prospering in God

Job 22:22 Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart.
Job 22:23 If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.
Job 22:24 Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the [gold] of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.
Job 22:25 Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence, and thou shalt have plenty of silver.
Job 22:26 For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.

1) Lay up his word in your heart.
2) Return to him, be at peace, look upon him. (repent)
3) Embrace his prophetic word.

He will:
1) Build you up and be your defence.
2) Give you wealth.
3) Cause you to joy in Him.

Two Evils

Jer 2:11 Hath a nation changed [their] gods, which [are] yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for [that which] doth not profit.

Jer 2:12 Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD.

Jer 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, [and] hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

We will in the third quarter of this year, be coming to a very important day of atonement (Oct 9) for the sins of this nation. This is a day when we are to reflect on our sins as a nation. This will be immediately before the Nation's election of president. In the blog on Repentance (above)I will outline areas of repentance that the Lord has laid on this Prophets heart, for the Nation, this state and the city in which I live.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Was Wrong

In the confession of Jim Bakker, were many accounts concerning PTL apostacy. One of the things "PTL", which he refuted in the Book, "I Was Wrong", was the whole prosperity message that he had been tied to. For many years now that warning has been available for the Tele-evangelists, and Mega Church pastors to heed. But they have not for the most part.

Even after being hit by a Hurricane, some of them still flaunt thier prosperity with a pride that would make Elitist like Bush, and Clinton, blush.

Babylon is fallen. They will fall in the shaking, for thier roots are in Babylon.

Jim has become a paradox of God, for when he said, "I Was Wrong", He was right!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Samuel Company-Raising up Kings

The Lord is raising up prophetic voices in this hour to speak against the slide of this nation into the abyss of one- worldism. This group of Samuel prophets will be used to be the last warning to this nation concerning its disregard for, national sovereignty, human kindness, and honor of God. (Remember Samuel's last Addressed Isreal and said if they would obey God and follow Him they would be saved. This is what the Samuel annointing is for in this hour.)

If the nation repent, it will be saved. If it does not repent, it will continue in its present slide into the control of Demoinized Elitist fascists.

A few years back we were hearing the message of, "winds of change blowing". They have been blowing for some time now, and we must know the new knowledge Father has given is for present action. The time is at hand to begin to proclaim his kingdom gospel.

We have seen over the past seven years the passing of many national "old school church" leaders. Dr. Sumrall, Derek Prince, and Bill Bright. (and lessers as well) When Billy Grahamn and Oral Roberts pass we will know the change is complete, the NU is upon us. For sure Dr. Sumrall and Billy Graham leave sons in ministry. Although good men all, sadly they do not carry a double annointing of thier father's ministry grace. Oral Roberts' son Richard recently resigned from ORU, due to, "misshandling of money" charges. Raised in privalege his spending on himself eventually undid him.

There has not been a passing of the double portion to family sons. Lester Sumrall passed over his sons, to give his sword of ministry to spiritual son Rod Parsley.

Like Lester, I do not see "what it takes", in the sons of national ministry fathers. Systems do not produce sons. Father's sire sons. So I see God being the one who will release the Samuel Company. Like Lester Sumrall he will pass over the natural sons who were promoted for their father's greatness alone, and find a better prepared man to lead. A man who is made in "Image and after the Likeness" of His father. This will be the fullness of the release of grace for this generation of Kingdom Apostles. These NU vessals will then have words of which, none will fall to the ground.

Also of note is aging father Dave Wilkerson's full abandoment of hope for America:

Dave Wilkerson:

"America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America -- and this nation will be no more."

I do not see judgment in that form, for a long time. But there will be smaller incedents before the great day of the Lord. I do believe America is on its last chance for salvation unto the kingdom. Truly the fire of globalism has engulfed America and she is already fallen.

Concerning "The Samuel Company", they will be a group of apostolic prophet/kings, who annoint the arising "kingdom kings" in apostolic authority, and release them for service to rule in the nations. "Kingdom Kings" may attend your church but they will have the focus of the nations and nation rule in thier eyes and heart. The Samuel Company are here and now. They are prepared and awaiting opprotunity.

If you are called to greatness, align yourself with someone who is presently greater.

You may find that you are the one God calls to be a king. Don't look for church leadership to confirm you as should be the case. They are mostly like Eli. But God will connect you with a Samuel, if you are called to be king.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Day of Reversal

The Day of Reversal, A Great Shaking: The Arising of the Samuel Spirit

We have lived strongly and for at least four years, under domination by globalist forces of oppression in this nation. We have also seen an evil that has often prevailed in the church. The day of the Lord has come. This is a day when the evil in the church, and in the nation, are being judged. In 1 Samuel 3 Hannah prophetically prayed and prophesied of a day when a deliverer would come. The Spirit of Samuel is now released to speak clearly to the church and this world. This world is called to repent now.

The church is in rebellion to God and His kingdom. It has long been called to repent.

There has been in the church a false wisdom: This is the working of the Baal spirit. It is being broken. You Baal worshippers will be taken down in a Mt. Carmel type judgment.

There has been released against this land, a false wisdom, represented by the Owl to they who are on the inside of this evil. This day of gnosticism and illumination is breaking now. The Boho’s and the illumined will be broken in this land. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. There has been great bondage released through Moloch, and Mammon worship. These spirits are being dislodged.

1 Samuel 2:1-4

1Sa 2:1 And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation
1Sa 2:2 [There is] none holy as the LORD: for [there is] none beside thee: neither [is there] any rock like our God
1Sa 2:3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let [not] arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD [is] a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
1Sa 2:4 The bows of the mighty men [are] broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.
1Sa 2:5 [They that were] full have hired out themselves for bread; and [they that were] hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble
1Sa 2:6 The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
1Sa 2:7 The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
1Sa 2:8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, [and] lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set [them] among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth [are] the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.
1Sa 2:9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.
1Sa 2:10 The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.

We have come to the day when the world will begin to see that their leaders have no answers. Some who have seen this have turned to the occult. But it is a day when the wise of God, the true, will be called forward to rebuke the systems and lies of evil men who for self, have brought this nation under great judgment. The evil man’s bow is being broken. They will not be able to hunt. They shall stumble. They shall be broken and ruled by those who have been thought to be their servants.

The pride of the arrogant has led to their fall. This is a great shaking in both the church realm and politically. Many who are last will be first and many, whom are first, will be last. This is your day of reversal kingdom prophet.

The Church-to repent to the kingdom.
The Nation-to turn to God.
The World- to see the brightness of His coming.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Government Repentance.

The elitist US Government has overestimated America's ability to sustain this war in Iraq and Afghanistan. This war is financially breaking the USA. We will see collapse in our finances by the end of this year if the policies of George Bush and Congress are not repented of.

We face a growing recession, stagflation, and depression.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Keys

Mar 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment.

Mar 12:31 And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Embracing the Kingdom

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. (1 Corinthians 4:20)

Monday, February 4, 2008

America is Judged

America is at the door of its destruction. Political leaders wield power against the people's well being. We have leaders giving us, after our own corporate evil heart. America is a nation that has turned against itself. Our presidential candidates are mostly sold out devils looking for a people to subjugate.

I hold little hope for America. It will fall. But I do not believe it will be completely destroyed.

This nation is in for a very hard fall. We will see nuclear war. We will see a breakdown of government. This is without remedy. Abortion has sealed America's fate.
Homosexuality is bad. God cannot tolerate this mess. There is no universal salvation as some preach. Don't believe the TV preachers either. They are out of touch.

National ministries and that which seems strong will shake under the weight of their own avarice.

America is Judged. We are murdering women and children in Iraq. America is judged, our leaders have led us down a path of destruction and rebellion against God.

Stop the war. Stop abortion. Stop lying to the people. Stop emploding buildings and calling it terrorism. Turn to God.

America is Judged.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

God's Preparation and Manifestation

"God is preparing in you a seed with the power to rejuvenate spiritual life
in a holy city. The erroneous comments of others and their misdeeds
toward you ought to generate compassion since they are so easily taken
captive by darkness as you also once were. You and others are the
answer to the prayer of multitudes who ask God for “revival”, for purpose
and for divine manifestation. It is not that God has not answered but
that some have not received His answer – He came unto His own and His
own received Him not." Mark Hanby

You are about to be given unto your purpose and ministry. Forget the opinion of others. Especially those who stayed in the old. Press into the NU. Forgive they who despitefully used you.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Chamber of Love

This is the hour to come apart unto me, says the Lord. It is the hour of union with me. I desire intimacy with you. Chase me till you find me in my chamber of love.
The troubles of this world have been overwhelming to you. You need not fear. Come unto me all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.