Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Coming to a Neighborhood near You

I Believe we are going to see some terrible events between now and on through 2011:

To the world, Look for:

-War between Israel and Iran. (Probably US Interaction as well)

To the US, Look for:

-A California super earthquake. The Bay shall shake. As many as ten more from California to the midwest.
-The US will become more and more dominated as a true Police State.
-Social Security failure, which will cause riots in the streets.
-Watch for judgment in San Fransisco, New York, Atlanta, Washington DC, and Las Vegas.

To the Church:

Read 2 Peter 2 the whole chapter.

2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

This is what is ahead unless the church repent unto the kingdom and the nation turn back to JAH.

-Pray for Bankers and government to be corrected for their collusion against the nation through financial give aways, theft, and bad laws.
-Pray for the Unemployed.
-Pray for the over turn of Roe Vs. Wade.
-Pray for greater revelation of government corruption.
-Pray for the church to repent unto the kingdom.
-Pray for an over turn of "Free Trade".


From a Prophecy by Nita Johnson

"~Cripplers of the Children~
Whether it be:
1. Parents that are cripplers of their children through abuse, sexual, physical, or emotional.
2. Those in pornography, running child prostitutes.

3. Drug pushers, pushing drugs on children.

4. Those into some kind of occult worship that is destroying the lives of children.

5. Those involved in some form of work that was set up to help children, but in fact, are part of the mushrooming problem lending to further devastate already traumatized children.

6. Those who are instrumental in the murdering of the unborn through abortion procedures, regardless of the role they may play.

The Lord's sword of judgment is coming down. If you fit into any of the preceding categories and you do not repent, it will come down on you. "

So be it! Revolution

Looking Back, Looking Ahead:

Looking Back:

And the Lord, the God of their fathers, sent to them persistently by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place: But they kept mocking the messengers of God, and despising His words, and scoffing at His prophets, till the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, till there was no remedy or healing. (II Chron. 36:15-16 Amp.)

One of the great sins of America is that she has turned against her own young. She has aborted her babies and abused her children.

The demons Mammon and Moloch have conspired to sacrifice the young unto evil. America bows to these demons.

God is judging the Nation. He has dropped his protective wall from our shores. The assassination of John Kennedy followed quickly by Bobby and Martin, were a great wake up call. Yet, the nation slumbered on in its bewitching. 911, was another wake up call. We did not wake up! Katrina, was a prophetic storm, her name means “cleansing”. But America only used her as a reason for an increase in the Police State. Since then the US, has faltered even more. Man’s answer to Jah’s call for repentance is:

“NO! We will control the people and then things will be better.”

This nation will be cleansed!

Floods, and earthquakes, are occurring at an increased rate. (I have long called the floods God’s judgment)Storms are at the forefront of America’s judgment. Storms are increasing in occurrences and ferocity. The great evil in our government is being exposed daily. Still many continue in their diet of corporate News “pabulum”, which insures their bondage to evil, will continue.

Since the institution of the Federal Reserve Bank (1913) America has been in steady decline morally.

In California, high officials in our government attend Bohemian Grove ceremonies where they crucify their cares, so they might have no conscience to interfere with their agreement with globalist plans to bring the US into one-world evil rule. (Moloch)

In the fifties Ike warned us of military industrial complex takeover. By the sixties their assassination of Kennedy with Lyndon Johnson’s agreement had sealed the fate of this nation. Also in the sixties, (Supreme Court battle and decision 62-63) organized prayer was kicked out of Public School at the insistence of one demonized woman. Legalized abortion of our babies came just ten years later in ‘73.

Roe vs. Wade was a watershed moment. Since then , this nation has been beyond the protection of Jah, lest it repent. It did not. This evil has brought judgment. (However those who opposed Roe are still in His grace)

Since Roe, child abuse has increased to epidemic levels. The one leads to the other. We fight child porn, and we should, but the real problem is that we need to shut the door that empowers it. (Not the Internet, the globalist government and thier new laws)

The problem with the internet, is not the technology; it is they who use it.

The Internet is an instrument that is used for great good and great evil. Likewise, Nuclear power can be used to empower, or destroy. Police can be used to help and protect the citizen, or to enslave him. It is all a matter of the heart’s condition.

Looking Ahead:

We are approaching 100 years of corporate-banking-witchcraft in the US. (The Fed) Something of major proportion and judgment will happen in the year 2013 unless we have a Jonah type repentance! We can walk into it, repentant or not repentant. The heart condition of this nation will make a difference. 2011 is a key year...a year that will unlock our future!

Until Then:

There will be winds that increase!

As we see and hear the natural winds blowing at higher velocities in this nation, they will be a sign that Jah has increased both the spiritual winds of change, and the spiritual winds of judgment!

American Church: You will never have a better opportunity then now to, “Repent unto the Kingdom”!

2Ch 7:13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;
2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Forgive us Lord for our sins. They are many.

Turn this nation back to you we pray!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do You See the Call, the Vision?

You were created to overcome, not just exist. Your joy is in fulfilling Jah’s call, and in nothing else. Vision is the way to power. Fear will never bring you to power. Vision must be the dynamic force that defines your path. If fear defines your path, you will end in loss.

If you do not have a life vision you will settle for what life allows you to have. The forces in life, are not neutral, be they man, demon, or circumstance. Any force opposed to Jah's call on you, must be overcome. It is necessary for you to say no, to offers of compromise, even though they may be more then you have. If you know your purpose in Jah, you will be aware of everything offered to you, that is less.

The wisdom of God is your companion. Wisdom will protect you and bring you to power. The power of God is more to be desired than riches. Your fears, fear the power of God released in your heart. Any bondage, still in your life, is in fear of the power of God which is now being released in your life. Power resides in wisdom.

Do you see this vision? It is you, operating under the full unction of the Holy One. His Call is higher. Come up Hither!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Stolen money Return-A faith proclamation

There have been many who have stolen from Jah's prophets. These men shall die for their evil.

We proclaim that the thief has lost his power. Unless repentance come now in men who have agreed with this evil, the judgment is come.

We proclaim stolen monies be release back to the righteous, for the need of this present hour.

The thief has stolen monies and healing. It stops here!

No longer shall men in collusion with satan, be able to steal the children's bread.

From Bill Burns

The Trumpet by Bill Burns -- December 29, 2008:

"Hear My voice, My children, for I have this announcement to make to you. In the year before you I will build My house. And, you would say, "Hasn't Your house already been built?" And, I would answer, "No." For, men have tried to establish My house, but I am now sweeping away that which has been built by men. I will begin with the very foundation that I established in the beginning, and I am going to build My house with you. You are the living stones that will be placed upon the foundation. But, this you must do -- as the wall is built, you must lift your voice to heaven, and shout, "Grace, grace, unto it." As you begin to shout and live in grace, the Capstone will be put over that house. Truly I shall have a spiritual house in which My power will be demonstrated. Miracles will occur. It will be a house that guile will have no part in, and righteousness shall prevail. Victory shall be found in the hearts of My people, says the Lord. Get ready for I am about to build a house of grace where My presence will be tangible because I will demonstrate My power. "
Excellent word. Very similar to what I shared Yesterday in our Worship teaching. Same Spirit!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


It is vital to believe at this time. Everything that has come against you has been to besmirch the Lord's character by causing you to doubt His promise in your life.

He is faithful.

Now you know why they do their best to besmirch your character.

Covenant breaking has brought desolation in the land.

It is time to arise and do exploits. You hold the keys to unlock the future.... the kingdom. Your enemy cannot hold you back any longer.

Dan 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits].
Mat 5:11 Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute [you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Mat 5:12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great [is] your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Mal 2:10 Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?
Mat 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Rev 1:18 I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Phil Keaggy-The Wind and the Wheat

Like the gentle wind as it wisps through the wheat in Kansas, the Lord has begun to blow a gentle wind from the south to replace the harshness of the day. Refreshing is come to the faithful.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Becoming Intercession

You are called to become what he has ordained from the beginning. You are a priest after the highest order. You are becoming intercession.


Storm Dream:

Last Night I dreamed:

I was walking in an opening near a school I had attended in Jr. High. A storm came up quickly behind me. The strom was not a tornado, but a straight line wind of high velocity.

In fleeing the storm, I felt if I got around the school to the far side, before the storm swept me away I would be saved. I was nearly overcome by the storm before making it around to the far side and grasping on to a small bush like tree I knew was there.

I woke up, knowing I had made it through the storm.

Beloved, There are some storms we can speak to and see disipate, and there are some storms we must endure. In the ones we must endure, Jah will give a secure place to weather the storm. This storm was also one that came without warning, and it had nothing to do with me in its making. (there can be storms of our own making)

Sometimes we can speak to a storm and it will obey. Other times it seems we must go through the storm for reasons Father knows.

When storms come, look for a safe place. Look for a tree (the Cross) to hold on to.

I realized later the tree was the tree of life.

Secure Your Hopes

There is a wind blowing from the most holy place. It is a wind of cleansing and refreshing. You must secure your hopes on the glory of My pressence.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Prophet and the Seer

Since the prophetic renewal of the seventies, the Lord has been increasing His use of dreams and visions to inform, prepare, and warn His prophets of things that are coming.

The prophetic expression is most often understood as falling out through ministries we call Prophet, and Seer. In the past, the ministry of these gifts has come in ebb and flow. Outpouring, and adjustment to the outpouring.

In this day the Lord is pouring out in a greater fashion then ever. Do embrace this anointing.

The Lord is stirring up these two gifts at this time. Be open, be aware, believe.

"God will move heaven and earth, to get you where he wants you to be, so long as you are where He wants you to be." JPJ

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dr Fizer's recent Word

"Don't abort your Path to Power by expecting terror to enter into it! Put an end to the expectation of failure. When you despise your Ability you are also despising yourself. Don't cause your Greatness to feel ill towards you because you fear the Responsibility of it's Success and Accountability!

Put an end to "placing obstacles in your own way." You don't want your Vision to deem you as it's worst enemy! Believe me, you can live this Life. You can be what the Father has already designed you to be. You, simply by being present in the earth, is confirmation that Greatness asked for you!"

Take these Words in Peace..

Chuck Pierce

Many of us have been in need of a miracle. I have a witness with Chuck Pierce's writting on his Web Page concerning this season. It is a time when Gifts will be unwrapped. (click on his name in the title to go to the article) He speaks of New songs for this season.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Anointing

The power of the age to come, is coming to us. We have the Spirit of Jah this day living in us. We have an unction, an anointing that works in and through us. It is increasing to break the enemy.

There is a specific anointing for this season. We are in an extreme time and there is upheaval that is come upon us. We must fight the good fight of faith. Kingdoms are colliding. The battle of the ages rages ever greater. You must embrace the anointing to walk on into power.

The Lord will be strong in the things that he has called you to. He is with you. Fear not.

God's creation is crying out for the manifestation of the Sons of God. There is a difference between you and others. You have the Spirit. The Spirit is your source for emotional stability . The world will display less and less stability. The Spirit is the power of God in you.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Rejoice in Him. Release worship today. The fast He desires is that you would obey. He desires you to seek Him, and separate yourself from they who do not. This is a season of impartation through the troubles of this life. Patience must have her perfect work.

The anointing shall break the yoke.

What do You See?

Look around you. What do you see. Are you troubled? It is apostacy.

You can focus on me, or on you.

Many who call themselves "Mine", promote ministries that are, "thiers".

Examine your own heart. See if it is for me that you labor.

Grass, Hay, Wood and Stubble, will be burnt away in this testing.

Ask me for a pure heart. Love Me.

Then I will show you New things that you have not known. New provisions, New people, New hope, New life , New ministry.

I am coming. That is all you need to know. I am coming to you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Psa 27:13 [I had fainted], unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

From Marsha Burns

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns -- December 15, 2008:

"I had a really quick vision of someone pulling taffy, it started with one lump and then was pulled into two lumps. The lumps were still connected but getting really thin in the middle. And, the Lord was showing me that this is how the things of the past will be separated from the future. We cannot take stuff from the past into the days ahead. Past issues will become a dim memory. We will no longer experience the pain of these events, but neither will we forget. They will simply become history. We are now in transition as we are being separated from the bitterness of our personal history that has held us in bondage, so that we can be healed and move forward."

Click on the title to go to her Web page.

A Word from Another prophet:

A word from another prophet:

" the word,,, like Esther,,, call a fast for my people and be ready for the time is right to rise up against the enemies plan,,,we will throw him down like a piece of trash that he is..

time to rise up and meet the enemy,,, gird up your loins for the battle is upon us.. ride into the midst of them and smite their ruin on the mountainside..

declare your independance against the elites and drive them back to the abyss... we do this in power and do whatever we see our Father doing... rise up and roar... we see the evidence everywhere,,

now is the time to rise up ... go out,,, lift your power sword and swing away... it is the time for good men to stand and say,,, no more.. this far and no further,, we're mad as hell and we aren't gonna take it anymore..

the breakthrough is us. we don't use Mammons weapons.. money is not the answer,,, the love of money is the problem.. the root of all this evil.. we fight with weapons that are not carnal but Spirit to the pulling down, throwing down, the rooting out, and the destruction of this lie... then we can build and plant...

Jah for all and all for Jah,,, we fight,, this day we fight,, forget about lack,, in Him there is no lack,,, we stand in the power of His might,,, and onward and upward we go,,,

We call all Jah's people with ears to hear this call today,,, "To arms, to arms.. lift your swords of the Spirit and CHARGE!!!!!" NOW we are engaged in a great mankind war for the souls of men to be loosed from the dragon... slay the beast and all will be well... come together,, all Jah's people and be one...


Mel Bullock

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ps 25:1-7

Psa 25:1 [[[A Psalm] of David.]] Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
Psa 25:2 O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
Psa 25:3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
Psa 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
Psa 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou [art] the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Psa 25:6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they [have been] ever of old.
Psa 25:7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O LORD.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

He Will Not Forget Your Labor

In Hebrews 6: We know that Jah has determined to bless us. We must continue to seek till we have what he promised.

Hbr 6:10 For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Becoming Intercession

Kingdom prophet you have ministered faithfully to Jah, and all he has put in your life, in this time of great conflagration. Now, be aware that you have some areas of your life that are not healed. In fact the processes you have been going through have brought you to a place where, you now know your own responses and lacks well.

Jah has healing for you. As you have been faithful to confess your sins and the sins of this nation, expect Jah to be faithful to arise in your life with healing in His wings. Be aware you are becoming something in this process. You shall deliver many.

Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
Dan 6:11 Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

The Other Side of This Mountain


When you see a mountain, know that the prize is not just in climbing the mountain, but in the insight that you have when you conquer it. When you get to the other side you will know the song being played.

This is how you know if you fit there.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Day is Near

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. JOEL 2:14

How long have you waited for this hour? Do you sense the urgency of this time? Yes the Lord is coming with healing in His wings. He must heal you so that you might go and be healing for others. He has not called you to the Healing Ministry. He has called you to be healing. He has not called you to intercession. He has called you to be intercession.

The day of your release is near.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Prove Everything

Be careful to know those who labor among you. Familiarity can be a door to lie, which leads unto bondage.

I have understanding that a group of prophets who have a lying spirit in their mouths are standing in the sanctuary. This is confirmation of the judgment that is upon the false in this land. These false prophets are scattered among the sheep and shepherds. I do not here, speak of old order prophets such as you would find in the denominations, but those who are in churches who have heard the call into the come up hither realm.

Be sure to take all prophetic word to the written Word as the measure.

1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
2Ch 18:22 Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.

There is a testing of the prophets which is to the purpose of bringing forth a pure word, which will set many free. There will be an exposing of the false, as Micaiah did.

I know also that there is also a Micaiah spirit dispatched. This is confirmation that Jah always has a remnant.

I see the national and international prophets as being the prime target of those who have a lying spirit. If you are true you will see the false, and call it false.

Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Jud 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

One Last Chance

Kingdom Prophet, you must arise to speak to this nation, to stop the advance of evil that has overwhelmed the Luke Warm Church and taken them captive by the use of false Shepperd's speaking lies in the sanctuary. This abomination has worked desolation, but there is still an opportunity for this nation to turn and find me to be merciful.

The days are short and this window of opportunity into the heavens for this nation will close lest this nation turn back to me. I have heard the prayers of my intercessors and give America one last chance to turn.

This opportunity will quickly pass. My warnings have been severe. Awaken! Some leaders have no more chance. I speak to my people to repent lest they die in this judgment. My mercy awaits a repentant people. I would gather you like a mother hen her chicks, but the sons of perdition will die.

Mat 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!

No Longer

This economic wind which is blowing has been brought forth in judgment. America murders its babes.

How long will I tollerate this evil? No longer saith the LORD.

The sweet savor of intercession has brought forth this righteousness judgment to the land. There are two paths. Choose the holy way.

Those who have led in the destruction of my little ones are judged. I am arisen with a might sword to end thier control.

Warnings: Awake and Speak

Watch.... for the earth is speaking warning:

Each Earthquake, each Tornado, each Hurricane, each Tsunami, is speaking a warning. Many warnings have been given and many are to come.

Awaken Children of the Spirit and return to your first love Jah! Awaken Children of the earth and bow before your maker. Awaken, for this ship is being cast to and fro.

It is time for Jah's prophet to arise!

Jon 1:6 So the ship master came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.
Luk 22:46 And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.

You are to speak back truth to every lie. You are to speak back peaceful stability to every earthquake. You are to speak back calm to every storm. Warnings have come from Jah. But you reign where you step.

Warn them of thier ways. Then show them Yahweh!

In His Steps

One of the reasons Jesus was sent into this world was to die for our sins, as he was slain from the foundation of the world. But He was betrayed into that destiny by Judas who had another agenda.

If your are being betrayed, it is difficult. But once you have raised your voice and your stand against it you may still go through it. This is not abandonment by the Father, but the path that we who would walk in Christ steps traverse.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Evil Overturned

The beginning of the over turn of the evil that has plagued you has come. Incense has arisen before my throne and I have sent your deliverance. Your help is on the way. This evil shall not prevail. My throne room is full of the sweet savor of intercession.

Only trust Me.

I am working in many areas to deliver many because of the multitude of intercession that has been offered by my faithful.

Haman shall be hung on his own gallows.

Your oppressors shall morn and weep for their evil deeds shall ever be before their face until they repent and bring forth works in keeping with repentance.

Let your joy be as judgment to the faithlessness of this land.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Evil will not Prevail

There has been strong evil released against Jah's true and this nation. This evil will not prevail.

Arise from your sick bead, and rejoice that our Lord is God. No weapon forged against you will prevail if you will trust Jah, listen to His voice, and wait on His wisdom. Some of you kingdom prophets who are apostolic as well, went through this attack earlier, over the last 6 months. Now those who have been with you as your supporters and students are going through their test.

Be patient with them if they seem a bit flaky. They will steady out with Godly council. Keep to your message and truth. It will set them free. The wind of adversity that troubles them will turn and become a wind that establishes destiny.

These prophets that are being wilderness trained are the voice of salvation to this nation. Their words will be heard and will bring salvation to many in this nation. This hardship which is for a moment has been the process of the rapturing of your soul into the "Come up Hither Realm". You are the ones who have sat at the great supper and have gained strength to rule and reign with Christ in the nasty here and now.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Glory of Zion Web Page Word

"This is a time that I will kindle a fire again, stir the embers, and return the flame of My People. I will have a People who burn again. This will be a season like none other you have known. This will be a season of resetting boundaries. I AM coming into your life and sphere to set your boundaries in new ways. I will be reordering the way you have walked. Your finances will have new boundaries. Your vision will have new boundaries, and many will be positioned in new territories. The way you love and express My love will have new boundaries for in days past your trials have pulled your emotions from their abiding place in Me. Your passions must have new boundaries and your desires must be encapsulated in a new way. This will cause you to burn again. I must have a fire in My people this hour!

I must gather the embers that have been scattered, because this last season you have been scattered in many areas. I will re-gather your scattered emotions and get them into a new place within you. I must gather the embers together so I can blow on them and create a new flame. Do not resist the new boundaries. Do not resist the way I will have you doing your assignments this season. This is a time of bringing forth the fire again. I AM the fire, so give me liberty to BURN!

I will release the wind that will blow on the coals and embers that have lain dormant, smoldering within you. Today is a day of a reverberating sound within the heart of My People. What you are hearing in your heart is My sound, filled with My love, the love of the Father.

I would say to you, the wind will come gently at the beginning but by March it will be a torrent upon you. Receive the gentle wind that will begin to blow today that will push you within the boundaries I have for you. Do not resist My wind. If you resist the blowing of My wind and the boundaries that are being reformed around you, My wind will become adversarial to you. If you will receive My wind and your new boundaries, I will become an adversary against your adversaries. In March, there will be conflicting, contending winds, therefore, you must have your feet planted. Receive the gentle wind now at the beginning for My winds will increase and the enemy will also increase his winds and you will see the whirlwinds come by March. If you do not plant your feet and re-focus your vision, you will be blown outside of the fence that I have given you and you will say, “Lord, I’m wandering again. The warfare in this field and the food in this field is not what I need for my future. How did I get here?” "

For more click on title.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A House Shall Arise

Many of you have been as David who served in a wilderness setting tending sheep, while others seemed to be chosen over you. This is about to change.

Our Lord is saying: "A house is about to be built. A new fellowship of Kingdom Sons, is emerging around the true apostolic. This house shall rise."

If you have one other with you that believes, you and they and Jah, make a chord of three strands. It shall not be broken.

Zec 4:9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.
Zec 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel [with] those seven; they [are] the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

From Undrai Fizer

Seeing that you are a carrier of the Unlimited Spirit, Wisdom, and Creative Power of God and the Holy Spirit, Today is a good day to Create! Seeing that you are a carrier of the Divine Life of God, Today is a wonderful day to unleash all of the Greatness that His Son, Christ Jesus, has invested within you! Seeing that you are also a carrier of the Mind of Christ, Today is a good day to "torment those things that once tormented you" with Love, Power, and a Soundness of Mind. Torment with your fears with Faith. Torment your doubts with Belief. Torment procrastination with Unlimited Action! Today is a good day! Peace...

Sunday, November 30, 2008


It is time to take back the nation for Christ. It is time for your release. You must see this by seeing me. As you behold me I will give you strategies for your kingdom work.

You will work in rest as I release you unto your greater call. Seek first my kingdom. I have a provision for you that you have not seen.

Trust in the spirit of humility and I will lift you to a place of rule in your land.
Trust in the spirit of humility and I will send you to the nations.
Trust in Me and I will clear your path.

A Word From LD Oxford

~ L.D. Oxford

"You have entered into a new day. A new day of increased apostolic impartation, and divine release into your destiny. What the enemy has meant for harm towards you, the Lord is now turning around, to work for your good.

He has turned the tables on the enemy, once again. And because you have determined in your heart, not to allow the distractions of the enemy to hinder your walk with the Lord, and have set your face like flint to continue moving forward in obedience to His will, plans and purposes, even against all odds.

Now, you will begin to experience His increased favor and blessings, which He is now releasing upon your life and ministry, in a greater way than what you have ever known before. Double favor and blessing are yours today, by receiving His Word to you in faith.

You went through the fire and did not get burned, because He was with you in the fire, to keep you alive, and to bring you through. And not one hair of your head was singed, nor the smell of smoke found upon your garments now, or then. The things that were burned away and loosed through the fire, were the ties, bonds, and restraints that bound your hands and feet, as you were thrown in, during those fiery trials, in that purifying season.

So now rejoice, for this is a new day of favor, fulfilled promises, and blessings that are now coming your way from every direction. Those who have scorned you and have spoken evil of you, when you were only seeking to please the Lord, have now lost their ability to interfere any longer. Since the fear of the Lord has been on the increase, where are they now? Nowhere to be found.

And those whom the Lord is now raising up to stand by our sides, are those who have clean hands, pure hearts, and right motives in serving Him. These are those who will love Him, not just with lip-service, but with their words, deeds, and actions.

The Lord has separated you from the past, and has moved you into a new dimension of His spirit, where you will be able to accomplish His will with greater faith, clarity, and vision. So, rejoice in Him today, for it is the Fathers great pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

As for you, you meant evil against me, {but} God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. - Genesis 50:20

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.- Romans 8:28

”For I know the plans that I have for you” declares the LORD, ”plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”- Jeremiah 29:11

For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. - Isaiah 50:7

For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you. "I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. - 2 Cr 6:2

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4, He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5, He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. - Psalms 24:3-5

FROM: DAN. CHAPTER 3:25-27, He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. 26, Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, [and] spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come [hither].

Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the midst of the fire. 27, And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure, to give you the kingdom. - Luke 12:32"

L.D. Oxford

Jah's Kingdom

Jah's Kingdom is within you. Do not think it is the church system of this day or any day is Jah's Kingdom.

Jah's kingdom is His righteous rule. Do not think that the US is a Godly nation.

Satan is corrupting the nations, and they are drinking of his provision.

Repent, His kingdom is at hand.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Come up Hither

Does it seem that those brothers who up to now, have walked with you, are sliding away and back? Yes?

No...It is really you who are advancing into the come up hither realm of the Spirit.

Do not be deceived you are reaping kingdom reality from sowing righteousness, peace, and joy. They are reaping churchanity, from worshipping in performance based mentality. You have entered into the realm of the voice of the trumpet, the revelation of what must come, the throne room of the most High. This place in the Spirit is above and beyond the candlestick realm where they dwell.

You must press on...for you have seen the the enthroned Jeshua.

Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Rev 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
Rev 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.
Rev 4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

Some of you have stopped in your progress. You must be willing to leave all.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am Convinced

Rom 8:34 Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Rom 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Rom 8:36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

Rom 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Rom 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Rom 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

His love to you is a done deal. Rejoice this day!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prepare to be Released

Years ago in the Philippines Brother Lester Sunrall was called upon to deliver a woman in a prison possessed of a devil. That nation experienced many years of revival following.

Be prepared to hear your call to go and be a deliverer. The Nation is at stake. He has ordered these steps. Put all compromise with evil, out of your life.

The Good Land

Deu 8:7 For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;
Deu 8:8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey;
Deu 8:9 A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any [thing] in it; a land whose stones [are] iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.
Deu 8:10 When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.

Kingdom Prophet, you have waited long for the Lord's path to be made clear. It is now before you. He is bringing you into a good land. It has many benefits. Be sure to thank Him today for this promise. Then go forth and take the land.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It is time for change. This for Jah’s people. He is going before us. It is good to wait on Him even though nothing may have worked for a while. There will always be change until Jah's will is established in the land.

Wait on Him, do not move in presumption.

The world has stolen the message of change. Change for the sake of change is not Good. They have elected their instrument of Change. For sure it had to happen because Jah's will was not being done.

Father is true. His path leads to good things not bad. Do not think they who walk the broad path are to be envied. They may say "Change", and win favor with the populous, but Jah will not stop his work of breaking, until this nation turn back to Him. For that to happen the church must repent unto the kingdom. (if my people will repent 2 Chrn. 7:14)

Trust Father. Kingdom change is life. Change for the sake of change is just the manifestation of fear. Repentance unto the kingdom is real change.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fall on the Rock

Luk 20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

Have you repented and embraced the new revelation, that our Lord is giving? The truth you embrace and receive is the truth that will set you free.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jah's Sheep Led

Feelings are deceptive. Trust Jah. We are truth seekers, not experience seekers. We will have many supernatural experiences, but they are not what we seek. We seek the Spirit of Jah called Truth.

Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

The leader that has arisen, to lead this nation, is evil. He will take this nation full into the NWO. The "purpose driven life", is not your path. The "Spirit led life" is the only place of peace. Jah's servants are led not driven. You must break with the emerging evil consciousness, and seek Jah's truth.

Feeling good is not a goal. Being righteous is. Do the works of Him who saved you. Reject the religious acceptance of those who are accusing you of being "spiritually off".

This leader is controlled by Jezebel.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Provision

We call forth provision for the prophets of the kingdom. We break Mammon's hold on Jah's people. We speak a new flow and source for the faithful. We call for divine connection to the wise hearted.

Exd 28:3 And thou shalt speak unto all [that are] wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kingdom Prophet

This morning Jah gave two seperate words concerning this day. They are as follows:

First witness:
All the negative that you have been experiencing and that has screamed: "Failure" to you, is lie.

The enemy has released a multifaceted attack against you. These attacks are in the areas of finances, support, people, and honor.

Jesus is breaking these attacks and they who rise up against your truth.

Jezebel's attacks are confirmation that you are passing from the church order to the "Come up Hither realm". You are becoming a kingdom prophet.

The kingdom is real. The Spirit's call is true. The attack has been to tire you so that you might be seduced into believing that the Lord has failed. God is in charge so long as you are yielded to Him.

As an arrow is pulled away from its target by the archer, you should not be surprised if the Master Archer releases you as an arrow, in the opposite direction which you have been pulled, and back into the things you were in before.

This arrow has been equipped for this battle, at this time.

Zec 9:14 And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.

Refreshing is coming from the south.

Act 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Second witness of Word:

Have you been in great conflagration? What you have been experiencing, was released by the enemy to stop your spiritual progress. They are fiery darts to confuse and bind. You will find that the fiery trials this attacks bring, are working to burn the binding ropes from off your hands and feet. You will experience more freedom in the days ahead because of this present battle.

When a child is born, it is through the birthing process. Do not fear, for ahead is a whole great dimension that you have not seen up to this day.

It is the come up hither realm. This is not Heaven, but very heavenly. Jah is re-ordering your life.

As the south wind of restoration comes, you will see the great strength you have obtained by following Jesus through the desert of temptation, through the garden of prayer, and on to the cross, and now the resurrection.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Humility before Advancement

Jam 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Lord has Sent me to You

About five years ago I gave up my ministry building to others, and moved my ministry into my home. I have awaited this day, the day of restoration. The day has finally come!

Zec 4:9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.
Zec 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel [with] those seven; they [are] the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

The Lord’s Word for Me today:

In these days of conflagration, the chaff of doubt has been burnt from your life. The foundation of your faith has been restored in your heart. As you have repented unto the kingdom you, have been laid as stone in your place in the kingdom. Now others must be attached to you for the house of the Lord to be established.

They will rejoice when they see the plummet in your hand.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where the Lord is Leading

Mar 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Literally, come and follow (and continue to follow) and I will make you fishers of men.

The Lord never intended for us to be stuck in a dead church. He called us to follow him. We are called to arise and shine for the light has come.

When we embrace truth, we begin to arise. What is it you fear, about where the Lord is leading?

To trust the Lord is not a risk.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Read Again

For today's entry I ask you to look at Friday's entry from the Glory of Zion web page. It is worth re-reading.

We are entering a NU season.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jezebel thrown on a Bed of Affliction

We are in a day when Jah is turning the tables. Jezebel is beginning to reap what she has sown. She is being thrown on a bed of affliction.
Rev 2:

18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass;
19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last [to be] more than the first.
20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.
25 But that which ye have [already] hold fast till I come.
26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.
29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Further Revelation on Bobby Conner's Dream

Kingdom Prophet, you are the one Jah has called to restore the pin into the lock. If the key is love it must be restored to the lock by the prophetic voice which Bobby represented in his dream.

Church leadership has lost this truth, which is key.

Our love and patience has been an effective weapon against the lies of satan. Look for a change to come. The season is changing. The victory is already ours. We shall see the manifestation of the sons of Jah.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let Jah Arise!

Jezebel has released a great flood of accusation against the true believer. We see the obvious in the political arena, but there has been a wider spread collusion between evil forces that has come to a head. The attack has been across many realms, including home, church, politics, schools, and the work place. This flood must be reversed.

The Word of the Lord is still: "Repent, for the kingdom is at hand."

Deliverance begins when you fall on the Rock. Jezebel's activities are to keep religious men bound in their false beliefs. Some are at a crossroad. If repentance is not embraced, there may be no other chance given.

There has been a great seduction released against the young and young leaders. Pride has so engulfed the leaders, that they are literally the blind leading the blind.

Prophetic intercessors must arise and break the bewitching of this hour. You hold the key, to the deliverance of many in your wisdom and prayer. We must overcome or be overcome.

We proclaim freedom come to our young, Lord Jah. Arise and shatter Your enemies! We proclaim Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth.

Psa 82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
Mat 21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Repent unto the Kingdom

A Proclamation:

We confirm your Word Jah, and call forth repentance unto the kingdom of God. We call the church to repent unto your kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We speak your order to come into the lives of they that seek first your kingdom.

Mat 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Jah has placed opportunity in each life. The only hope this nation has is, if they who have been given opportunity, walk into the possibilities it affords.

This nation needs a total overhaul of its government. There are few places in this nation that still have freedom. The Constitution has been raped under the Bush presidency.

Kingdom prophet, you must help the nation. The church's rejection has given you liberty to move as a voice of change in the governmental and business realms. If you see a Jah opportunity to move into a position that can change things for this society, do it.

Lord open our eyes that we might recognize opportunity.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

His Habitation

Jah is raising up in this very hour, prepared vessels, kingdom sons, who will lead those who believe, into the powerful present manifestation of the Kingdom.

You will not find these men, in religious activities.

They carry a mark of the anointed one. They have been prepared by much tribulation to reveal Jah's entrance way into His Habitation.

By their love ye shall know them.

These men carry the keys of the kingdom. They have garnered them from the church. They are the Lynch pin missing from the lock.

(Review Bobby Conners dream on this blog sat. July 12)

Looking Over that Dream

"At this point I am not giving interpretation just some things to think about. The first point to ponder is the Lord's desire to satisfy the hunger of the huge crowd. Note that they were sitting in a very dim, almost dark, place – waiting. It is sad to say but this is a real accurate description of many in the Body of Christ today. However this is about to swiftly change. The glory of God is going to be released on a new level.

The second point – the leadership continued to attempt the same thing expecting a different result. Talking about the locked door would not get it opened.

The third point – present failure can keep us from expecting and experiencing future victories. We can not allow the failures of the past to keep us from experiencing the victories that are at hand.

The combination is: 17 meaning order and spiritual government, 88 meaning new beginnings and 55 meaning double grace.

Combination…bringing the nations…together combine nation. Speaking of unity and oneness of purpose.

The fourth point – that it is time to hear the Lord and follow His directions. God will grant us the grace we so desperately need if we seek Him.

The fifth point – something very important, even key, has fallen through the cracks.

Could it be that true Christ centered love has fallen in the cracks. It is time to restore first love. See Revelation 2:4

The results of restoring what has been lost will release the glory of God. Joel 2:25 I will restore.

The great host of robins speaks of change of seasons. Reminding us that the cold winter is coming to an end and spring-time is at hand. New life spring up.

It is my prayer that you will prayer over this dream asking the Spirit of Truth to reveal the meaning to your heart. Draw courage God is going to restore and the much needed wisdom to open the door to behold the Lord's glory is at hand see Isaiah 60:1-5 ""

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Word: From Glory of Zion Web Page

“There is a highway that I am forming. I am inviting the fools and sinners of the past season to get on this highway in this season. If they will receive my invitation I can set a course for them that will prevent them from straying again.

Ask Me for the road signs to be made plain to you for the season ahead. Ask Me for the captives that were held from walking with Me in the past season. Ask Me to unlock all that was captured and held from your past season that needs to come into your path this season. Ask Me for the keys to unlock storehouses that have been captured by the enemy. Do not look at the loss of today, but ask Me for the keys to unlock the storehouses that I am holding up for you. Withstand the sight of loss and ask Me for the keys to unlock the storehouses. Ask Me to let you see your highway and the rest stops on your highway ahead. Ask Me to let you see the signs that point you off of the highway to a place to gather supply from storehouses that I have for you. There are new, creative ideas that I am going to give you and new places that I have already prepared to unlock. Ask Me for the marketplaces that I am going to cause to blossom. Ask Me now. Don’t talk so much about what has been lost but ask Me for the marketplaces that will be unlocked.”

The Spirit of God also said, “I AM the movement that causes you to move. My movement in the heavenly realms causes your spirit to be moved and to rise up in the earth realm. I have created a people that I am seeking who are longing to move with Me. I AM longing for a people that will move forward. I AM searching for a People that will cry out what I am speaking from My throne. I am the One who is seeking a people that will follow Me through and into the new. My sheep hear My voice and know how to follow Me through the doors that I will blow open with My Spirit. They don’t come around in the back door, but wait for the wind to blow, and then follow the wind even if they must come from behind. Many of you will be ushered in by a new way. Don’t look at the doors that I have been closing. Watch the movement of My wind that is opening doors for your future.”

Then I saw a fish pond where fish come to spawn. “This is a time when the eggs are being laid for hatching out your future. Redo your thought process. I say to investors whom I have made stewards of multiplication, ‘Look at what I long to invest in. Watch carefully. Do not move too quickly.’” The Lord then showed me that starting within 7 days He would begin to show us patterns of stewardship and investment. “You will begin to hear ways to prosper where you have not known how to prosper. Do not fall to the world’s trap. I am rearranging Babylon’s system, for I have a Kingdom that rules in that system. Hear My wind of prosperity, for you will be able to hear when the world will be deafened by its greed, fear and control.”

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Fear of the Lord and Restoration

The government of the US, has crossed a line in taking monies from the nation to bail out bankers. This is a slippery economic slope. There is no return from it in the natural.

This nation needs jobs, not bailouts. This government has betrayed its citizens. It stands weighed in the balance and wanting.

For this nation to be blessed the church must first, turn toward the kingdom. Until the people who are called by Jah's name, repent unto His kingdom, the nation will not repent. The nation must be swept clean with a spirit of repentance.

When it does, it will repeal abortion on demand.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Our prayer this day is that the fear of the Lord would return to this nation. This nation is literally being brought to its knees. This judgment is unto repentance.

The fear of the Lord must come upon the church before it comes to the nation.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Psa 111:10 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for ever.
Pro 1:7 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Pro 9:10 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy [is] understanding.

Look for another earthquake to come to the midwest. These midwest earthquakes are signs and a call to this repentance. I am hearing 8.4. I submit that for judgment as I really am more of a seer. I see bridges collapse and hear "death".

Monday, October 20, 2008

What did you Say?

Your Words:

This Year we planted our first garden in many years. The Lord spoke much through that garden process.

Gained wisdom: The things you are speaking you attract to you. If you are speaking of the lack, you are attracting more lack. The thing you fear, you attract. To change the power of your faithless words against you, speak God’s truth. This is repentance unto the kingdom. Sew the word of God, and choke out the thorns.

I see the Lord saying:

"Did you not see what I have planted from of old, of trees and crops, were plentiful in this year? Did you not see, what you planted was limited? I showed you this to reveal the mixture of the seed in your confession. A pure seed shall bring forth a bounty. A seed weakened by double-mindedness shall bring forth confusion. What I plant is plentiful. What you plant can be plentiful. Only the mixture must be cast out. A pure word, a pure seed. My Word, My seed."

What I am Doing

Spirit of God is saying,

What I am doing is a thing that has never been seen in the earth. Though all you have seen up to now, is only what has been done before, but now I shall do a truly new thing. Long my prophets have called, "a new thing, a new thing," but now you shall know it.

I will give unusual signs and wonders. You shall see the heart of the Fathers turn to the sons and the sons return to the Fathers.

The pain of the last five years shall be changed into the anointing of this day. As the olive is crushed to find the oil so have ye been. Though you seem insignificant now, you shall go forth with new power. The mantle shall be taken from the father and the power shall be picked up for a new generation.

You have been in a time of mourning, but now you shall find mirth where sadness and disappointment has reigned.

America I am bringing forth the double portion. The fallen mantle of those who have betrayed you, yet not at my leading, you shall gather and walk out and fulfill of that anointing, the others call as well as your own. This is the double, what I gave you, and what others lost.

They have said: "Where is that prophet? Has he fallen? Where is his help, is it dried up? God has forsaken him for his sin. But they shall see you and say, "I have never before seen anything like this in the earth."

There are two events taking place. One is being brought forth, while others are being
left behind. The religious system is falling. I am giving Bethlehem a big voice. I call forth from the lambing place, a voice to the nations.

America shall not be utterly destroyed but shall produce again after her first works.
The true shall be seen and arise in rebuke to the old. You shall see the miracle in the place where you have not been before. You shall do a new thing, a new thing. You shall find My help in doing something new in me.

There are two manifestations released. There shall be a new sign, and a new wonder, in the earth. There are two witnesses being resurrected from the dead.

You shall see the heavens opened and the earth shall rejoice. My wisdom is from above. There is a vail being rent, an opening into power. The heavenly has come down to man. My kingdom is come, my will shall be done. Where before you waited for the waters to be troubled to find healing, now there is a well of healing in your inheritance that shall be found, and you shall dig it out, and waters shall be plentiful.

Something old still lives, but something new is alive too, in you. The pain of the past brings forth a child. Rooted in the past righteousness, born of the new outpouring. Rooted of past intimacy, born out of labor. Yes, Out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Your Heart, His Word, Thier Response

When a prophet gives a word that is from God, or that he completely believes is from God, he will often take a backlash that is sent by the enemy to stop the word of correction.

The Prophet’s word may be given in love, but the backlash will be in retaliation.

Jesus warned those who were to carry His message of these things:

Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Prophetic brother, you are only obliged to listen to they who are showing fruits in keeping with repentance. An ungodly voice may speak true things to you, but they never carry truth. Truth is the Spirit of God. His revelation and instruction is what we seek.

Amo 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Tts 2:10 Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
Tts 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
Tts 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
Tts 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Tts 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Tts 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:

You are responsible to speak God's truth in love. The hearer will respond according to their own heart. Remember, if they hate you, they hated Him first. You must also discern between evil reports and reports of evil, this concerning others and yourself.

Proclamation: Lord bring us into your perfection. So be it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ending the Feast

Today we end our informal Feast of Tabernacles celebration. In our ministry we have reflected on days over the last seven years where we pretty much have lived in tents compared to the great ministry buildings (and helpers) we formerly held.

We are thankful today, for what we've had, what He has taken, and what we have learned and received in the process.

May the peace of Jah dwell mightily in your midst kingdom prophet.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is it You?

Isa 66:2 For all those [things] hath mine hand made, and all those [things] have been, saith the LORD: but to this [man] will I look, [even] to [him that is] poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

The Lord is looking for someone. Is it you? This one, He has been seeking since their inception in this life. This one He knew from the womb and before. He placed a call on this one from the womb.

He is looking for a man who trembles at His word. Is it you? He is seeking for one who has come to the end of His schemes, and plans. He is seeking they who seek Him first and His righteousness.

Is it you?

Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

When the Lord made you he had a purpose for your life. Have you aligned yourself with His purpose? He is looking for they who will join with others, who have been called to be witnesses to the evil which binds this generation. We must proclaim the manifold wisdom of God.

Will you join me?

Eph 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Those who Fear

Once again this week you did your duty. You went to the church house and put in your time. Oh it was Ok, not too bad. But you know there is something missing. Maybe you taught a class, sang in a worship team, or maybe you plopped another check in the plate.

You maybe can't put you finger on what was missing, but you know it was missing. What is missing?

That is why this blog is here. To guide you into freedom from performance based religion. To guide you to know the one true God. His name is Jah. His name is Jesus, He is Lord. He is not pleased by duty and performance. He is looking for they who fear Him.

Those who fear Him, obey.

Just ahead you face a confrontation with Jah. He is coming to rule.

Seek Him this day. You will be glad you did.

Monday, October 13, 2008

From Marsha Burns from 2006

September 25, 2006: The world is about to experience its greatest turmoil in the history of man, and you can expect to see extreme volatility with regard to all natural and human resources. But herein lies a great mystery of My kingdom. There is a division and widening chasm between My kingdom and the kingdoms of the world. Those who put their trust in the political and economic systems will find themselves on a roller-coaster ride with many ups and downs, and many will be ruined beyond recovery on this wild ride. But, even in the midst of wars and rumors of terrorism, you will find more peace than you have ever known as you draw near to Me and abide in Me, says the Lord. You will find your stability and hope in Me and will not be afraid. Many will be tempted to go back to old, familiar and comfortable places and seek worldly comfort instead of moving forward in the Kingdom of God.
Isaiah 31:Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but who do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!

Repent Unto the Kingdom...

The church in the US, has become bewitched by the national Media. The answer is to repent unto the kingdom. You are in delusion and you are hiding behind structural lies.

Let Jah arise.

Repent Unto the Kingdom

A Word of caution to Prophet Kim Clement:

Comment on a release by Kim Clement from:

"This Resurrection that is Coming to My People will Bring Great Outpourings in Every State"

From the Elijah List posting:

My response:

Kim seems to be saying Palin will be in the White House bringing alter shaking prayer back to that place. He believes George Bush prays.


His word carries the misconception that George Bush is praying. Praying to what or whom? Moloch?

Bush in not a righteous man. He is a proven drunken globalist.

I must conclude that Kim has fallen into the great globalist deception that has fallen on this land. The bewitching of the “Right” and the "left" is widespread. Even Dutch Sheets has bought into the phony right/left paradigm, and my honored friend Church Pierce, seems to have gone along with it.

The government in Washington is mostly globalist. This means they work against the sovereignty yeah, the Constitution of the US, which therefore must bow to “World Government”.

The Bush Battle with the “Prince of Babylon”, was not Righteous. It was evil. The war is about oil not Godly government. That oil needs not be in the hands of the US, since this nation is totally evil in that it murders its babies.


One of the schemes of the NWO is to wine and dine people who speak to large groups of people, and win them over. To get them to drop their guard. This has happened to many National leaders in the Christian community. Pastors have been trained in NWO thinking. Prophets have been manipulated. These are they who are leading their flocks awry.

I do agree that Jah desires to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. There is nothing new about that.

Respectfully, Prophet Garry.

Pro 23:1 When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what [is] before thee:
Pro 23:2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou [be] a man given to appetitePro 23:3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they [are] deceitful meat.

Mat 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

(word submitted to Kim by Email)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jesus Christ is Truth

To Churchman: When you begin to come out of religion, you will see that you have been controlled and manipulated into believing lies. Religion is bondage. Churches backslide continually. Tradition keeps men from believing truth.

Jesus Christ came to set you free! He is Truth!

You have now begun on a journey out of Religion. He will be with you. Seek kingdom men. They will show the way. You can know them by their love. Not love of church, but of God and His truth seekers.

Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
Mar 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

A prophetic trumpet is sounding, calling you out!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another Trumpet

Around this time of year, in 2003 I was at a bible conference. During a worship time a horn was blown that penetrated an untapped spiritual realm. I knew something had changed dimensionally at that time. When I returned to my ministry work it quickly dried up and I was separated from those people.

After a short time I realized that this horn had opened up a new realm in the Holy Spirit. I had entered a new realm. They had not.

This last five years have not been easy. This realm has been one of total dependence on Jah for provision and help.

Just yesterday in my study I read a passage from the Word that quickened my Spirit man.

The Lord said to Moses, "Make two silver trumpets; of hammered work you shall make them; and you shall use them for summoning the congregation, and for breaking camp." (Numbers 10:1-2 RSV)

Indeed I had broken camp after that horn blew.

I knew yesterday that the two horns were significant. The Lord has either commanded or is about to command the second horn to sound. This means a dimensional shift again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Wise

Pro 9:9 Give [instruction] to a wise [man], and he will be yet wiser: teach a just [man], and he will increase in learning.
Pro 17:10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.
Pro 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

The Stage is Set

The Stage is Set:

Years ago I wrote a song entitled: “Proclaim the manifold wisdom of God.” Years ago there was a vision of a stage that it was full of music instruments but the musician/minstrels had been removed.

We are coming into a day when the Jah is about to release His end time Sons upon the world. Garry

Recent Prophecy: From J. Preston Eby’s web page:

“The stage is now set for the release of kingdom sons who have passed through Christ’s vale, who have seen His glory, who are now coming out to proclaim the manifold wisdom of God. “ Joyce Morris

“Some time ago Joyce Morris sent out a message which bore a deep witness within my spirit. She said, "About two weeks ago we heard the Lord say very clearly, ‘THE STAGE IS SET!’ I said, ‘Father, what do you mean, the stage is set?’ God said, ‘I have a stage. And my stage is set. I’m getting ready to put my performers on that stage. Just as I appointed my first Son...I appointed my Son to come forth in a particular day, at a particular time. When that time came, I announced before man that This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. I am about to announce again - the many-membered corporate son. I am about to announce again, not just my first Son, but that my first Son is the Captain over these sons, in whom I am well pleased. Those who have been faithful unto the counsel of the Lord, and are walking in the obedience of Christ.’

"Again, the stage is being set! When Jesus came forth at that time, no one had ever seen a ministry like that. Man had never beheld such power, or miracles. It confounded religion, it confounded man; it confounded the governments, and it confounded everything that stood around Him. They couldn’t figure it out! They said, ‘What is this? We haven’t seen anything like this before!’ Why? Because God had set the stage! Jesus had to go through a time of preparation. And when it was appointed by the Father, God gave Him the Spirit without measure! And God is getting ready to give His sons the Spirit without measure - to fulfill His purpose. This time is upon us. THE STAGE IS SET!” Eby

Kingdom Sons it is time to release the Manifold Wisdom!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Greater Power

As the Kingdom of God emerges through us, we will find fellowship and even greater power. For the fullness is in fellowship.


The day of greater power and provision is at hand!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Kingdom People:

We are the temple of God. We do not seek the visitation of God. We are to become the habitation. The old church paradigm of “going to a meeting- house” is past. We are the “church building”, and He will always be with us. We are the habitation of God.

He will not dwell in a rebuilt temple on the Dome of the Rock. He is building a new temple in your heart. As the church repents unto the kingdom this will be seen. God does not want a new building. He desires a New People, a Kingdom People who will carry the full weight of His glory. This will be a people called out of “the former”-the religious church. I am not just talking about the Protestant Church, nor the Catholic, but from every people group which has worshipped Him in some limited form, be they son’s of Isaac or sons of Ishmael.

Satan has an alternate plan for these peoples. But God’s plan will prevail because He said, “the victory was finished at the cross”. The terrorism we face, be it sponsored by our government or an ethnic group, will be healed in the kingdom generation, which now is arising.

God is presently coming to a people, is in a people, is flowing through a people, and this glory will cover the earth. His glory has come upon you Kingdom child. Young man arise with power in the vision, and old men see the dream we call eternity with God!

Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Fear God

You are moving into a new day. The day of the King. God will always judge and abandon the Old Order before he moves into the new. Since the kingdom applies to the church and the World, He is bringing great upheaval in the world, in the tearing down of old order.

He began this upheaval in the church. The church has been very slow, in repenting unto the kingdom. But every knee will bow.

Do not fear the things you see. Fear God.

Luk 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Friday, October 3, 2008

This Cup

The rejection you have been experiencing has been necessary. The pain of loss of many who once loved you, is prerequisite for kingdom living. Their love was carnal. It did not pass through the test.

They did not see. They betrayed you. But the betrayal is unto your destiny. They chose evil. Take heart for, had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Now you look, and see nothing in the way of direction and promise. You have been a great seer in the past, but now nothing. What?

Did you think that you’d find destiny without making the kingdom and its righteousness your priority? What you love dearest you must lay on the alter of sacrifice. He is requiring your Isaac.

Remember the testimonies you gave, explaining that you would do whatever Jah wants? This is your test. Are you willing to drink of this cup?

Yet in Isaac, is your seed and the promise. The cup of rejection and betrayal is bitter. The bread of adversity is hard. Yet this do, in remembrance of Jah. Eat His flesh. Drink His blood.

Gen 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Psa 105:40 [The people] asked, and he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.
Jhn 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Great Salvation

Beware pride. Beware self-promotion. Jah's promotion is what you have long awaited. You investigate many things. He confirms His Word and His path. Trust the Lord. Your words betray your hearts condition. Faith says, "This is the day of Great Salvation." This is the Day of breaking through.

Bless Jah!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your Day in God's Glory

Our Nation will suffer greatly in this year. As we look at the presidential candidates we know that neither is a good choice for this nation. In the midst of a suffering Nation, the kingdom prophet will arise with truth. It is your day!

You have answers kingdom prophet for your sphere of influence. If those whom Father has given you to deliver will receive your word, they will be delivered.

This nation is taken by a spirit of fear. Their money god, mammon is falling. Your Holy God JAH, is on the rise. The kingdom is advancing and the Baal structure is coming down.

Men who have been used greatly in the past are being left behind. They would not repent unto the kingdom. Honor is coming to you, who have suffered for the sake of the kingdom.


Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Answer

Many are reeling from the melt down of the American economy. This trouble is God. This nation will not recover, lest it repent unto the kingdom. Abortion must fall. Roe Vs. Wade must be struck down.

Those who have been in comfort will face the trials the kingdom prophet has endured this last seven years. This is reversal.

You will now begin to see how the things you have suffered will fall out for the betterment of others. Be prepared to give answer for the hope you have! Do not be suprised that in this day men will come to you for your answers. They will begin to see that you stood against evil, in the very day, they thought you were evil.

Repent unto the kingdom is your answer to them.

Rom 5:4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
Rom 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Rom 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
Hbr 6:19 Which [hope] we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

Phl 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things [which happened] unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;

Possessing the Kingdom

You will not have the kingdom and keep control of your life. You will not possess the power, and do your own thing. The kingdom is the rule of God by His Spirit. If you go your own way, you lose His power. For the power is only manifest in obedience.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Turn into the Wind

The wind that blows in this hour is separating the wheat from the chaff. The separation of the just and true, from the unjust will continue. Many divorces have come, many churches have split, many family members have separated. This is the result of choice. One chooses Jah, one Mammon.

The enemy has come with full attack on relationships. But few know that Jah will use all for His glory. It is being revealed what you are. Demonic presences cannot hide for the Spirit of God has come to cast them out.

The Lord desires to liberate His people. Turn your face into this wind and let it work its work.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Final Warning to the Nation

Isaiah 30:1-33(NIV)

1 "Woe to the obstinate children," declares the LORD, "to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin; 2 who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh's protection, to Egypt's shade for refuge. 3 But Pharaoh's protection will be to your shame, Egypt's shade will bring you disgrace. 4 Though they have officials in Zoan and their envoys have arrived in Hanes, 5 everyone will be put to shame because of a people useless to them, who bring neither help nor advantage, but only shame and disgrace." 6 An oracle concerning the animals of the Negev: Through a land of hardship and distress, of lions and lionesses, of adders and darting snakes, the envoys carry their riches on donkeys' backs, their treasures on the humps of camels, to that unprofitable nation, 7 to Egypt, whose help is utterly useless. Therefore I call her Rahab the Do-Nothing. 8 Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness. 9 These are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD's instruction. 10 They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. 11 Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel!" 12 Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel says: "Because you have rejected this message, relied on oppression and depended on deceit, 13 this sin will become for you like a high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant. 14 It will break in pieces like pottery, shattered so mercilessly that among its pieces not a fragment will be found for taking coals from a hearth or scooping water out of a cistern." 15 This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. 16 You said, 'No, we will flee on horses.' Therefore you will flee! You said, 'We will ride off on swift horses.' Therefore your pursuers will be swift! 17 A thousand will flee at the threat of one; at the threat of five you will all flee away, till you are left like a flagstaff on a mountaintop, like a banner on a hill." 18 Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! 19 O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. 20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." 22 Then you will defile your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!" 23 He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows. 24 The oxen and donkeys that work the soil will eat fodder and mash, spread out with fork and shovel. 25 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill. 26 The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted. 27 See, the Name of the LORD comes from afar, with burning anger and dense clouds of smoke; his lips are full of wrath, and his tongue is a consuming fire. 28 His breath is like a rushing torrent, rising up to the neck. He shakes the nations in the sieve of destruction; he places in the jaws of the peoples a bit that leads them astray. 29 And you will sing as on the night you celebrate a holy festival; your hearts will rejoice as when people go up with flutes to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel. 30 The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. 31 The voice of the LORD will shatter Assyria; with his scepter he will strike them down. 32 Every stroke the LORD lays on them with his punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm. 33 Topheth has long been prepared; it has been made ready for the king. Its fire pit has been made deep and wide, with an abundance of fire and wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of burning sulfur, sets it ablaze. (NIV)

This warning is serious. Those who hear must repent, and do works in keeping with repentance. Tell anyone who will listen. Write your representatives. Pray. God still wants this Nation to return to him. Tell your pastors that keep on saying things are going well: "This nation has fallen!" God will restore a repentant people.

A Word to the US Church and the Prophet

I know your works, how you try to please me with your labors. Yet, you build for your own glory. You live in deception. You have believed lie. Your church leaders have believed lies and have been deceived by your government. The News you watch nightly is lie.

You have become part of the group of the oppressors of the people. My love for you is great. But there shall be no more winking at your sin. I shall break the yoke of oppression off of my people. You must no longer be involved with the whore Babylon, the place where you please yourself. You have been seduced by the spirit of Baal, and Mammon. You tolerate Jezebel, and Athaliah. You teach fantasy as truth. You must overcome the enemy. Repentance is the first weapon to employ. Just ahead, Cain, Balaam, and Korah must be overcome. These are spots in your love feast. They like cancer still grow almost unimpeded. I have come this day to show you this battle. Prepare yourself for battle.

Repent therefore and seek truth. Seek first My kingdom. Come out of her and touch not the unclean thing.

You have been cutting wood with a dull ax. The ax was dulled by the traditions of men. I have a sharp sword, a word for you to wield against these enemies. Only you must come out of the harlot and traffic no longer in her. She is lie. She keeps you bound through her perfumed bed. You laugh, you shout, you drink your fill. You talk of fire, but the fire you wield is strange.

"Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand" Embrace Truth, for He is me. I have a flaming sword for you. It shall cause you to be a thrashing machine for the harvest. Therefore repent from your harlotry.

Kingdom prophet, I shall send wisdom, to overcome Mammon's attack of your finances. Only repent unto my kingdom. I will give you a secure place of kingdom wisdom, to release your tithe unto. For your shame you shall have double. I will expose your government's sin. I will expose the sin of Babylon. I will break the oppression off my servants the prophets. In one day I will release the breaking of this oppression. Yet there will be days of restructuring, that will seem hard. Yet my yoke shall be found easy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Word to the Minstrels

Few understand the power of the prophetic praise that Father has released in this day. We should be able to know how important it is just by seeing how the clones (denominations, river music, etc.) have copied everything the Holy Spirit has done in the last thirty years in music and worship. Every time the Lord leads the prophetic worshipper into something new, the spiritless church copies it. As they copy, they also take the power out of powerful songs of praise. This by using the unsanctified-those who posses no anointing-to sing and play them. The power is not in the music, but the Spirit who inspires it. The Spirit releases in a wave, His new song and music. This is done in a time of release, and is for a specific time. For everything there is a season and a time for everything under heaven.

There is a time of embracing, and a time of power use. This may be a long time in the hands of the anointed. But there comes a time when the songs do not carry the same anointing as they once did. This is usually where the more progressive institutional Churches tend to begin to use the Spirit songs for their purpose. The songs became popular. In fact the popularity of a song seems to be its entrance into the realm of weakness.

I saw this very clearly about seven years ago when I attended a Francis Frangipane City-Wide meeting in Noblesville, Indiana. One night the music worship time was powerful praise led by an anointed man, the next it was disjointed strife, led by a boy who thought he was good, yet lacked anointing. They both used similar songs. Led by one of wisdom, it was anointed, by another of pride, it brought demonic oppression and confusion.

I believe this next wave of music that Father is releasing, is a music that will be offensive enough to traditional church that it will not even want nor be able to copy it, as it will bring conviction to their hearts just to play it. The only way to receive this wave will be to repent unto the kingdom. It will not carry a Message of primarily, "salvation". It will proclaim Repent for the kingdom is at Hand!"

David was a king, prophet, and priest. He brought forth praise in such a way that he offended even his own wife. She became barren for her rejection of His word in praise. David was the type of the post Apostolic Kingdom man. The fivefold ministry gifting is given for a time, until the church come to maturity. At that time, we will all rule and be kings and priests. The new music will establish the kingdom in Men's hearts.

The manifest kingdom is what is at stake in our praise. Anytime any one faults new music and says we should stick with the old, you hear the voice of Religion. The kingdom is the death message to religion. At that time, you must refute that religious devil with even stronger songs of praise and worship. Indeed few churches every enter worship. The carnal can praise the Lord. Only the sanctified worship. Indeed worshp sanctifies.

Not all new music will be anointed, nor will it glorify God. Satan always has a counterfeit. The bad will be quickly sorted out and cast aside like a menstrual rag, by the prophetic kingdom worshippers. The new they embrace will bring life and truth.

Go for it prophetic kingdom minstrel! Try all things, and hold fast to the true. Judah leads into victory! As you embrace the new you become part of the End-times witnesses for Jehovah.

A warning: In the early seventies some of the best Rock music ever was released. This was a music that the church had rejected and the pop musicians, from the Eagles, to Kansas, to heavier groups adopted. If the prophetic minstrel does not embrace the music Jah has for this day, the music once again will be given to the world to pick up. For sure Pop music is at an all time low in quality presently!

A note for balance: Father can use what ever song He wants whenever He wants. He is God. I speak here of the breakthrough music, and of those who are called to release it. It is that music which establishes the kingdom. I have also seen Father re-anoint Old Songs for a season. He can do as He wishes. This is a word to encourage those called to breakthrough music, that hear a new sound.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Coming Humiliation of the Enemy

Jehovah is soon to reveal great evil, and those who have done it.

The Children must be protected. Their innocence must be protected. This society has turned on the children to do them evil, like never before. There is a myth that to vote Republican will position a president that will put a pro-lifer on the Supreme Court. I have no hope in the political system in this nation. It is sold-out to the One World Agenda. Our government is demonically criminal!

Children are being abused and sacrificed to evil world-wide. It is more than epidemic, it is a demonic frenzy. The Moloch spirit that many of our government leaders worship, is the demon that the ancients sacrificed children unto.

We must pray that Jezebel and her sorceries be exposed and that the righteousness of Jah be lifted up. We pray that Moloch be unseated and the Elitists that worship him be exposed and humiliated. Let Your kingdom come Lord Jah!

Monday, September 22, 2008

This Day

We are in a day when Father is beginning to join together a people called for a kingdom purpose. This coming together is in preparation for joining as strategic warfare units. This joining is to be between unlike peoples with similar preparations.

Father will bring forth an army fit for his kingdom purpose in this day.